Hybrid System Models

Lynch, Segala, Vaandrager and Weinberg have extended the Lynch-Vaandrager timed automaton model so that it is capable of describing continuous behavior in addition to discrete behavior. The result is a "hybrid I/O automaton" model that includes discrete and continuous transitions, and includes communication among components using both shared variables and shared actions.

We have defined hybrid automata, a parallel composition operation for hybrid automata, and simulation relations between hybrid automata. We have also defined a "receptivity" condition for hybrid automata that guarantees that an automaton allows time to pass without bound. The receptivity property is preserved by the composition operation.

This work was presented in the 1995 DIMACS Workshop on Hybrid Systems. A writeup has appeared in the workshop Proceedings.

The model is being used to model various hybrid system benchmarks. The overview of hybrid system research conducted by the the Theory of Distributed Research group contains a description of the group's project on hybrid systems and a list of the various benchmark problems that have been tackled in this research area.

A later version of the paper by Lynch, Segala, Vaandrager appears in:
Maria Domenica Di Benedetto and Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, editors Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control. Fourth International Workshop HSCC'01, Rome, Italy, March 2001, volume 2034 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 403-417, 2001. Springer-Verlag.
Long version is Technical Report MIT/LCS/TR-827, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, September 2001.

A **NEW, comprehensive paper on the HIOA model has been prepared and will appear in Information Computation. Technical Report MIT-LCS-TR-827d, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, Cambridge, MA 02139, January 13, 2003.

Last modified: Mon Feb 27, 11:17am 2002