Computer-Aided Verification
Many of the algorithm and system correctness proofs that have been
produced by the TDS Group
have been partially automated. Most of this work uses
theorem-proving, primarily using the Larch
Prover; some current work also involves model-checking. Among the
projects are:
The development of a
programming language
for I/O automata
which allows simple abstract descriptions of distributed systems,
in order to aid in system development, testing, and verification.
Jensen and
have been examining and developing techniques for the integration of
model-checking and theorem-proving methods for the
verification of concurrent systems.
Specifically, they have been studying the feasibility
of abstracting from an infinite state system
to a finite state system.
They have developed a property-preserving abstraction theorem
for the I/O automaton framework,
and are currently examining uses of this theorem
in the verification of concurrent read/write
and mutual exclusion algorithms.
- The development, by Jensen, of a verification
strategy in the Input/Output Automaton framework, that combines theorem
proving and model checking methods by the use of abstraction techniques.
General theorems stating conditions for property-preservation have been
developed and used in the verification of safety properties for important
distributed algorithms.
A verification, by Sogaard-Andersen, Garland,
Lynch, and Pogosyants,
of the equivalence of two specifications of fault-tolerant
at-most-once message communication services.
Both specifications are formalized as I/O automata.
One direction of the equivalence involves a forward simulation, and
the other a backward simulation.
Both directions are completely verified using the Larch Prover.
This work was presented at CAV93.
A S.M. thesis
by Mandana
Vaziri on the verification of protocols for Redundant Arrays of
Inexpensive Disk (RAID) systems.
A M. Eng. thesis by Ekrem Soylemez [4], giving a complete verification,
using the Larch Prover, of a time bound for a simple counter system.
The proof is based on a forward simulation.
This is interesting because the theorem-proving techniques are used to
prove a timing property.
The methods used are based on those presented by Lynch and Attiya in
A M.S. thesis by Victor Luchangco, continuing the work by Soylemez
by using forward simulations to analyze some more complex algorithms.
These algorithms include the Fischer timing-based mutual exclusion
algorithm and the LeLann-Chang-Roberts leader election protocol.
The proof of the Fischer algorithm, including both the mutual
exclusion and time bound properties, has been automated using the
Larch Prover. Also, see FORTE94
A partial verification, using PVS, of the Generalized Railroad
Crossing implementation described by Heitmeyer and
This partial verification was carried out by Archer.
A partial verification, using Larch Prover, of the Randomized Digning
Philosophers Algorithm. This work is presented in a
paper PODC95
by Pogosyants and Segala.
A formal representation and machine-checked proof using the Larch Prover
for the Bounded Concurrent Timestamp (BCTS) algorithm of Dolev and
Shavit [1]. It is modified in Gawlick's M.S. thesis [2],
Gawlick-Lynch-Shavit [3] to take advantage of the power of atomic
snapshot shared memory.
This work was presented in a
by Petrov, Pogosyants, Garland, Luchangco, and Lynch.
[1] Danny Dolev and Nir Shavit. Bounded Concurrent Time-stamp Systems
are Constructible. In Proceedings of the Twenty-first Annual ACM
Symposium on Theory of Computing, pages 454--466, Seattle, Washington,
May 1989. To appear in SIAM Journal on Computing.
[2] Rainer Gawlick. Bounded Concurrent Time-stamping Made Simple.
Master's thesis, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, June 1992.
[3] Rainer Gawlick, Nancy Lynch, and Nir Shavit. Councurrent
Time-stamping Made Simple. Full version submitted for
journal publication. Earlier version appears in Proceedings of the
First Israel Symposium on the Theory of Computing and Systems,
Springer-Verlag, pages 171-185, May 1992.
[4] Ekrem Soylemez. Automatic verification of the timing properties of
MMT automata. Master's thesis, Department of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, February 1994.