Academic sees IT as industry key


South China Morning Post
Page 3
(Copyright 1997)

An academic who headed one of the research teams investigating Hong Kong's manufacturing base for the recent Made By Hong Kong report believes the IT sector will be important not only as an industry itself but as a strategic support for other sectors.

Professor Victor Zue , who led the IT research team on behalf of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) business performance centre, will return to the territory this month for a seminar to mark the 50th anniversary of Dah Sing Bank.

Prof Zue and Professor Michael Dertouzos, who recently published a book What Will Be: How the New World of Information Will Change our Lives, will headline the seminar presented by seven technology professors from MIT's laboratory for computer science.

The list of speakers includes Jean-Francois Abramatic, chairman of the International World-Wide Web Consortium (W3C), who will address the seminar on direction of the Web.

"Hong Kong is in many ways well suited to further IT development," Prof Zue said. "I have spoken to {Dah Sing Bank chairman} David Wong, who is an MIT alumnus and a friend of Prof Dertouzos and mine, about this and he thought it might be a good thing to raise the awareness in Hong Kong of the importance and future of IT."

Although Prof Zue's team spent more than 60 working days in Hong Kong investigating aspects of the Hong Kong industry, he said the seminar on May 29 would not deal with contents of the Made by Hong Kong report.

"The purpose of the seminar is to share with key executives and decision makers our view of IT, where it is and where we are heading, in a number of areas," he said. "It is not our intent to track the relevant recommendations made in the report."