JForge is an Eclipse plug-in for bounded verification of Java programs using Forge. It assists in writing specifications in JForge Specification Language (JFSL) and verifies code against these specifications within bounds specified by the user. In short, JFSL evolved from our understanding of shortcomings of Java Modeling Language in bounded code verification and realization that Alloy-like expression syntax is very efficient in specifying program behavior.


The following is an annotated implementation of a red-black tree with integer keys: see code.

package edu.mit.csail.sdg.annotations.test; import edu.mit.csail.sdg.annotations.Case; import edu.mit.csail.sdg.annotations.Effects; import edu.mit.csail.sdg.annotations.Ensures; import edu.mit.csail.sdg.annotations.Helper; import edu.mit.csail.sdg.annotations.Invariant; import edu.mit.csail.sdg.annotations.Modifies; import edu.mit.csail.sdg.annotations.Nullable; import edu.mit.csail.sdg.annotations.Pure; import edu.mit.csail.sdg.annotations.Requires; import edu.mit.csail.sdg.annotations.Returns; import edu.mit.csail.sdg.annotations.SpecField; import edu.mit.csail.sdg.annotations.Specification; import edu.mit.csail.sdg.annotations.Throws; import edu.mit.csail.sdg.annotations.Case.Type; /** * Case study of Red-Black trees with integer keys. * Stripped down and simplified. * * @author Kuat Yessenov */ /** * A tree with integer keys. * * @author Emina Torlak */ @SpecField("nodes : set Node from this.root, this.nodes.left, this.nodes.right, this.nodes.parent, this.nodes.color" + "| this.nodes = this.root.*(left+right) - null") public final class IntTree { private static final boolean BLACK = true; private static final boolean RED = false; @Invariant( { /* root */ "this.root.parent in null", /* distinct */ "all x : IntTree - this | no (x.nodes & this.nodes)"}) private @Nullable Node root; /** * Creates an empty IntTree. */ @Ensures("no this.nodes") @Modifies("this.nodes") public IntTree() { root = null; } /** * Discards all elements from this tree. */ @Ensures("no this.nodes") @Modifies("this.nodes") public final void clear() { root = null; } /** * Returns the node with the given key, or null no such node exists. return */ @Ensures("return - null = (this.nodes & (Node@key.k))") final @Pure public Node search(int k) { Node node = root; while (node != null) { if (node.key == k) break; else if (node.key > k) node = node.left; else node = node.right; } return node; } /** * Returns the node whose key is the ceiling of k in this tree, or * null if no such node exists. */ @Ensures("return - null =" + "{n : this.nodes | n.key >= k && (no m in this.nodes | m.key >= k && m.key < n.key)}") public final @Pure Node searchGTE(int k) { if (root == null) return null; Node c = root; while (true) { if (c.key == k) { return c; } else if (c.key > k) { if (c.left != null) c = c.left; else return c; } else { if (c.right != null) c = c.right; else return successor(c); } } } /** * Returns the node whose key is the floor of k in this tree, or * null if no such node exists. return {n: this.nodes | n.key <= k && no n': * this.nodes - n | n'.key <= k && n'.key > n.key } */ @Ensures( { "(some node in this.nodes | node.key <= k) => return != null", "return != null => return.key <= k", "return != null => (no node in this.nodes | node.key <= k && node.key > return.key)", "return in this.nodes + null" }) public final @Pure Node searchLTE(int k) { if (root == null) return null; Node f = root; while (true) { if (f.key == k) return f; else if (f.key > k) { if (f.left != null) f = f.left; else return predecessor(f); } else { if (f.right != null) f = f.right; else return f; } } } /** * Implementation of the tree-predecessor algorithm from CLR. Returns the * given node's predecessor, if it exists. Otherwise returns null. return * the given node's predecessor throws NullPointerException - node = null */ @Specification( { @Case(requires = { "(some x:this.nodes | x.key < node.key)", "node in this.nodes" }, ensures = { "return in {x in this.nodes | x.key < node.key}", "no {x : this.nodes | x.key < node.key && x.key > return.key}" }), @Case(requires = { "no x in this.nodes | x.key < node.key", "node in this.nodes" }, ensures = "return = null"), @Case(requires = "node = null", ensures = "throw in NullPointerException", type = Type.EXCEPTIONAL) }) public final @Pure Node predecessor(Node node) { if (node.left != null) { return max(node.left); } else { Node n = node; Node ancestor = n.parent; while (ancestor != null && n == ancestor.left) { n = ancestor; ancestor = ancestor.parent; } return ancestor; } } /** * Implementation of the tree-successor algorithm from CLR. Returns the * given node's successor, if it exists. Otherwise returns null. */ @Requires("node in this.nodes") @Ensures( { "(some x:this.nodes | x.key > node.key) => return != null", "return != null => return.key > node.key && (no x:this.nodes | x.key > node.key && x.key < return.key)", "return in this.nodes + null" }) @Throws("NullPointerException : node = null") public final @Pure Node successor(Node node) { if (node.right != null) { return min(node.right); } else { Node n = node; Node ancestor = n.parent; while (ancestor != null && n == ancestor.right) { n = ancestor; ancestor = ancestor.parent; } return ancestor; } } /** * Returns the node with the smallest key. return key.(min(this.nodes.key)) */ @Returns("some this.nodes ? {x in this.nodes | no y in this.nodes | y.key < x.key} : null") public final @Pure Node minAll() { Node start = root; if (start != null) { while (start.left != null) { start = start.left; } } return start; } /** * Returns the node with the largest key. return key.(max(this.nodes.key)) */ @Returns("some this.nodes ? {x in this.nodes | no y in this.nodes | y.key > x.key} : null") public final @Pure Node maxAll() { // XXX: added a case for root = null since max() behaviour is unspecified for null values of root return this.root == null ? null : max(root); } /** * Returns the leftmost node in the subtree rooted at start. The behavior of * this method is unspecified if the given node is not in this tree. * requires node in this.nodes return {n: start.*left | no n.left } */ @Requires("start in this.nodes") @Returns("{n : start.^left + start | n.left = null}") @Ensures("no x in start.^(left + right) + start - null | x.key < return.key") private @Pure final Node min(Node start) { if (start != null) { while (start.left != null) { start = start.left; } } return start; } /** * Returns the rightmost in the subtree rooted at start. The behavior of * this method is unspecified if the given node is not in this tree. * requires node in this.nodes return {n: start.*left | no n.right } */ @Requires("start in this.nodes") @Returns("{n : start.^right + start | n.right = null}") @Ensures("no x in start.^(left + right) + start - null | x.key > return.key") private @Pure final Node max(Node start) { if (start != null) { while (start.right != null) { start = start.right; } } return start; } /** * Replaces the old node, o, with the given new node, n, in this tree. * */ @Helper private final void replace(Node o, Node n) { n.color = o.color; n.parent = o.parent; n.left = o.left; n.right = o.right; if (o.left != null) { o.left.parent = n; } if (o.right != null) { o.right.parent = n; } if (o.parent == null) { root = n; } else if (o == o.parent.left) { o.parent.left = n; } else { o.parent.right = n; } o.parent = o.left = o.right = null; } /** * Implementation of the CLR insertion algorithm. * */ @Requires( {"z.key !in this.nodes.key", "z.(parent + left + right) = null", "no root.z" }) @Ensures("this.nodes = @old(this.nodes + z)") @Modifies("this.nodes, z.*") public final void insert(Node z) { Node yy = null; for (Node x = root; x != null;) { yy = x; if (x.key > z.key) x = x.left; else x = x.right; } z.parent = yy; z.left = z.right = null; if (yy == null) { root = z; } else { z.color = RED; if (yy.key > z.key) { yy.left = z; } else { yy.right = z; } // insert fix up while (z != null && z != root && z.parent.color == RED) { Node n = (z == null ? null : z.parent); Node n5 = (n == null ? null : n.parent); if ((z == null ? null : z.parent) == (n5 == null ? null : n5.left)) { Node n1 = (z == null ? null : z.parent); Node n6 = (n1 == null ? null : n1.parent); Node y = (n6 == null ? null : n6.right); if ((y == null ? BLACK : y.color) == RED) { Node n4 = (z == null ? null : z.parent); if (n4 != null) n4.color = BLACK; if (y != null) y.color = BLACK; Node n2 = (z == null ? null : z.parent); Node n7 = (n2 == null ? null : n2.parent); if (n7 != null) n7.color = RED; Node n3 = (z == null ? null : z.parent); z = n3 == null ? null : n3.parent; } else { Node n7 = (z == null ? null : z.parent); if (z == (n7 == null ? null : n7.right)) { z = z == null ? null : z.parent; rotateLeft(z); } Node n8 = (z == null ? null : z.parent); if (n8 != null) n8.color = BLACK; Node n2 = (z == null ? null : z.parent); Node n9 = (n2 == null ? null : n2.parent); if (n9 != null) n9.color = RED; Node n3 = (z == null ? null : z.parent); if ((n3 == null ? null : n3.parent) != null) { Node n4 = (z == null ? null : z.parent); rotateRight((n4 == null ? null : n4.parent)); } } } else { Node n1 = (z == null ? null : z.parent); Node n6 = (n1 == null ? null : n1.parent); Node y = (n6 == null ? null : n6.left); if ((y == null ? BLACK : y.color) == RED) { Node n4 = (z == null ? null : z.parent); if (n4 != null) n4.color = BLACK; if (y != null) y.color = BLACK; Node n2 = (z == null ? null : z.parent); Node n7 = (n2 == null ? null : n2.parent); if (n7 != null) n7.color = RED; Node n3 = (z == null ? null : z.parent); z = n3 == null ? null : n3.parent; } else { Node n7 = (z == null ? null : z.parent); if (z == (n7 == null ? null : n7.left)) { z = z == null ? null : z.parent; rotateRight(z); } Node n8 = (z == null ? null : z.parent); if (n8 != null) n8.color = BLACK; Node n2 = (z == null ? null : z.parent); Node n9 = (n2 == null ? null : n2.parent); if (n9 != null) n9.color = RED; Node n3 = (z == null ? null : z.parent); if ((n3 == null ? null : n3.parent) != null) { Node n4 = (z == null ? null : z.parent); rotateLeft((n4 == null ? null : n4.parent)); } } } } root.color = BLACK; } } /** * A slightly modified implementation of the CLR deletion algorithm. * requires z in this.nodes effects this.nodes' = this.nodes - z */ @Requires("z in this.nodes") @Effects("this.nodes = @old(this.nodes - z)") @Modifies("this.nodes") public final void delete(Node z) { Node y = (z.left == null || z.right == null ? z : successor(z)); Node x = (y.left != null ? y.left : y.right); Node yparent = y.parent; Node n = y.parent; final boolean yleft = (y == (n == null ? null : n.left)); final boolean ycolor = y.color; if (x != null) { x.parent = yparent; } if (yparent == null) { root = x; } else if (yleft) { yparent.left = x; } else { yparent.right = x; } if (y != z) { replace(z, y); } if (ycolor == BLACK) { if (x != null) { deleteFixUp(x); } else if (yparent != null) { // z is not the only node if (z == yparent) yparent = y; // y, z's successor, is z's right child z.color = BLACK; z.left = z.right = null; z.parent = yparent; if (yleft) { yparent.left = z; } else { yparent.right = z; } deleteFixUp(z); if (z == z.parent.left) { z.parent.left = null; } else { z.parent.right = null; } } } z.left = z.right = z.parent = null; // cut z out of the tree by nulling // out its pointers } /** * From CLR. */ @Helper private void deleteFixUp(Node x) { while (x != root && (x == null ? BLACK : x.color) == BLACK) { Node n = (x == null ? null : x.parent); if (x == (n == null ? null : n.left)) { Node n1 = (x == null ? null : x.parent); Node sib = (n1 == null ? null : n1.right); if ((sib == null ? BLACK : sib.color) == RED) { if (sib != null) sib.color = BLACK; Node n5 = (x == null ? null : x.parent); if (n5 != null) n5.color = RED; rotateLeft((x == null ? null : x.parent)); Node n2 = (x == null ? null : x.parent); sib = n2 == null ? null : n2.right; } Node n3 = (sib == null ? null : sib.left); Node n4 = (sib == null ? null : sib.right); if ((n3 == null ? BLACK : n3.color) == BLACK && (n4 == null ? BLACK : n4.color) == BLACK) { if (sib != null) sib.color = RED; x = x == null ? null : x.parent; } else { Node n5 = (sib == null ? null : sib.right); if ((n5 == null ? BLACK : n5.color) == BLACK) { Node n6 = (sib == null ? null : sib.left); if (n6 != null) n6.color = BLACK; if (sib != null) sib.color = RED; rotateRight(sib); Node n2 = (x == null ? null : x.parent); sib = n2 == null ? null : n2.right; } Node n2 = (x == null ? null : x.parent); if (sib != null) sib.color = (n2 == null ? BLACK : n2.color); Node n6 = (x == null ? null : x.parent); if (n6 != null) n6.color = BLACK; Node n7 = (sib == null ? null : sib.right); if (n7 != null) n7.color = BLACK; rotateLeft((x == null ? null : x.parent)); x = root; } } else { // symmetric Node n1 = (x == null ? null : x.parent); Node sib = (n1 == null ? null : n1.left); if ((sib == null ? BLACK : sib.color) == RED) { if (sib != null) sib.color = BLACK; Node n5 = (x == null ? null : x.parent); if (n5 != null) n5.color = RED; rotateRight((x == null ? null : x.parent)); Node n2 = (x == null ? null : x.parent); sib = n2 == null ? null : n2.left; } Node n3 = (sib == null ? null : sib.right); Node n4 = (sib == null ? null : sib.left); if ((n3 == null ? BLACK : n3.color) == BLACK && (n4 == null ? BLACK : n4.color) == BLACK) { if (sib != null) sib.color = RED; x = x == null ? null : x.parent; } else { Node n5 = (sib == null ? null : sib.left); if ((n5 == null ? BLACK : n5.color) == BLACK) { Node n6 = (sib == null ? null : sib.right); if (n6 != null) n6.color = BLACK; if (sib != null) sib.color = RED; rotateLeft(sib); Node n2 = (x == null ? null : x.parent); sib = n2 == null ? null : n2.left; } Node n2 = (x == null ? null : x.parent); if (sib != null) sib.color = (n2 == null ? BLACK : n2.color); Node n6 = (x == null ? null : x.parent); if (n6 != null) n6.color = BLACK; Node n7 = (sib == null ? null : sib.left); if (n7 != null) n7.color = BLACK; rotateRight((x == null ? null : x.parent)); x = root; } } } if (x != null) x.color = BLACK; } @Helper private void rotateLeft(Node x) { Node y = x.right; x.right = y.left; if (y.left != null) y.left.parent = x; y.parent = x.parent; if (x.parent == null) root = y; else if (x.parent.left == x) x.parent.left = y; else x.parent.right = y; y.left = x; x.parent = y; } @Helper private void rotateRight(Node x) { Node y = x.left; x.left = y.right; if (y.right != null) y.right.parent = x; y.parent = x.parent; if (x.parent == null) root = y; else if (x.parent.right == x) x.parent.right = y; else x.parent.left = y; y.right = x; x.parent = y; } @Invariant( { /* parent left */"this.left != null => this.left.parent = this", /* parent right */"this.right != null => this.right.parent = this", /* parent */"this.parent != null => this in this.parent.(left + right)", /* form a tree */"this !in this.^parent", /* left sorted */"all x : this.left.^(left + right) + this.left - null | x.key < this.key", /* right sorted */"all x : this.right.^(left + right) + this.right - null | x.key > this.key", /* no red node has a red parent */" this.color = false && this.parent != null => this.parent.color = true"}) public static class Node { public @Nullable Node parent, left, right; public boolean color; protected int key; public Node(int key) { this.parent = this.left = this.right = null; this.color = BLACK; this.key = key; } } }

hide code.


System requirements

  1. Eclipse version 3.3 or above
  2. JRE 1.5 or above
  3. JUnit 4 bundle for Eclipse
  4. Graphical Editing Framework (GEF) (specifically, its org.eclipse.draw2d component)


Eclipse provides a mechanism to install new features by entering the update site URL. It will automatically download all the necessary dependencies. The URL for JForge feature is: http://sdg.csail.mit.edu/forge

On Eclipse 3.5 you may need to uncheck Group items by category. Ignore all the warnings about unsigned content.

Once the plug-in is installed, you can activate it by selecting Add/remove JForge library in the context menu of a Java project. Toggling JForge nature modifies the build path of the project by adding annotations.jar that contains annotation classes. Toggling twice restores the original build path.

To see the plug-in in action, open any annotated Java class such as the example above. In the outline view, right-click on any method and select JForge analysis → Check and simulate. In a few seconds, JForge reports its findings in a new view titled JForge. The results are organized in a succession of result items, which indicate success, a counter example, or an error. You can see details for an item by double clicking on it. You may want to consult Forge site for more information about translation to verification conditions expressed in Kodkod logic.


The reference manual for the specification language is included in this thesis. Please contact Kuat Yessenov if you have any further questions.


Is the source code available?
Yes, the links to the source code of JForge plug-in are on the main page. The code is structured in such a way that you can use its headless back-end independently of Eclipse infrastructure.

How do I use MiniSat and other SAT libraries instead of default SAT4J?
First, you need to download the native libraries from Kodkod site. Follow instructions on the site to extract the contents of the archive. Then start Eclipse with the following command:

$ ./eclipse -vmargs -Djava.library.path=PATH_TO_LIBRARIES_DIRECTORY

How do I specify a frame condition for an array?
You should use expression a.elems in the @Modifies clause. elems is a special field of arrays that evaluates to a binary relation from the integer domain to the base type of the array.

What is the ClientFailure?
This is a special (virtual) throwable class that indicates a failure to satisfy the pre-condition of a called method.

What are the translation strategies in Forge (inline, constraint, and hybrid)?
These are explained in detail in Greg's thesis. "Hybrid" strategy produces the best average performance from our experience. Depending on the strategy, you may obtain different coverage information as well.

What do I do if I find a bug?
Please report. We also welcome any contributors that find the idea of using SAT for finding bugs in Java code with modular full functional specs plausible. The tool has rough corners in handling all real-world code. It can also benefit a lot from heuristics and low-level optimizations to SAT translation.


Preferences UI

Preferences for a finer analysis, such as integer bit width, custom instance bounds, number of loop unrollings, translation strategy, and choice of SAT library. These are accessible via Options toolbar button in JForge report view or in the global Eclipse preferences dialog.


Trace view Annotations Basic view CFG Sample trace Preferences Specification

Trace evaluator

The trace tab also provides an evaluator of specification expressions in the counter example heap. The expression language is the same as of JFSL. This is a fast and convenient way to navigate in the trace heap.

Root cause

Root cause of specification violation is the sub-expression of the specification that causes it to be false. Usually, this analysis helps to pinpoint a single violated clause in the specification.

JFG format

JFG files contain specifications for binary code for which source code is either not accessible or is not easily modifiable. Examples are supplied with the plug-in.


Added support for pure method calls in specifications.
Change in semantics of specification fields. User should now provide a frame in declaration of a constrained specification field. See examples.
@Helper annotation is correctly interpreted now.
Java switch statement support. Invariants are added to pre- and post-states. Various bug fixes. Unconstrained specification fields for collections. Remainder operator support.
Java 5 compatibility. Please reset the options for the new instance domain bounds preference to work.
Bug fixes. JFG specification format.

Last modified: 12/1/2009 by kuat