CDM Seminar Series 2003-04


On Proteomics
David Sarracino, PhD
Director, Proteomics Facility
Harvard Partners Center for Genetics and Genomics
Thursday, Oct. 30th

Proteomics, the study of the expressed genetic code, is one of the
hottest emerging fields in the biotech community. Progress in
proteomics has been driven by emergent enabling technology in the fields
of separation science with improved chromatography and gel
electrophoresis methodology, and mass spectrometry with ultra-fast
ion-traps that can sequence several peptides per second. The coupling
of the output from these technologies with increased diversity and
completion of genomic and proteomic databases allows more robust
annotation and mapping of proteins and peptide sequences to their
identities. Although many advances have greatly increased our data
acquisition rates, researchers are still faced with several challenges
in the field of proteomics. In this talk I plan to outline some of the
key areas and strategies that the HP-CRL/HPCGG collaboration is working
on, as well as projecting future areas of interest for
bioinformatics/computational development.


CDM Abstract Archive