Medicine is a complex, safety-critical and highly interactive system. Despite
efforts to provide safe, effective care, adverse events still occur clinicians
make diagnostic and therapeutic errors, system constraints impact the coordination
and delivery of care and patients suffer unexpected complications and injuries.
Ideally, we strive to learn from past errors and events and develop operational
improvements by reviewing cases reports derived from a number of sources:
Incident reports filed by staff when the event occurs
Departmental or divisional Quality Assurance (QA) Audits
Investigation of a ‘sentinel’ event (e.g.: death or suicide)
Root Cause Analysis required by the Joint Commission on Accreditation Hospital
Patient-authored complaints to the patient advocacy department
Malpractice Claims pending or completed
Despite the rich source of data from these reports, they have not been as
useful as we had hoped in identifying common factors or trends, developing
causal models or hypotheses or providing feedback to hospitals and practitioners
so that they can reduce the incidence or severity of future events. The following
factors may contribute to underutilization of these data:
Poor methodological support during the report construction and/or analysis
Analyst subjectivity
Poor support for error prediction
Focus on accidents and not incidents or near misses
Individual operator/system focus
Difficulty reaching consensus on the contextual sources of latent failures
To address these issues, Aziz Boxwala and Meghan Dierks, working with the Harvard Risk Management Foundation, are developing an ontology to classify and analyze heterogeneous sources of data on medical adverse events. They are using a compositional formalism based on the GALEN medical language model to develop a subsumption hierarchy and sanctioning statements to represent logical relationships between events and contributing factors. Early results and application to claims, incident reports and Root Cause Analysis reports will be presented.