Draft Planning Ontology - Oct. 1995

Contact: Jon Doyle (doyle@mit.edu)
MIT Laboratory for Computer Science

The initial (see the disclaimer below) draft planning ontology published by the ARPA/Rome Laboratory Planning Initiative (ARPI) Planning Ontology Construction Group (POCG) consists of the following documents:

Disclaimer and Solicitation

The ontology represented by these documents is under construction---not correct, complete, or consistent---an intermediate result of a series of activies that will ultimately result in an ACP ontology for the ARPI and perhaps some derivative ontologies. It is being revised substantially by the POCG, which solicits comments, compliments, constructive complaints from ARPI participants and other interested parties (send comments to doyle@mit.edu.

Additional Information

  1. The ACP ontology was constructed at ISI by Kevin Knight and Bill Swartout by using SENSUS to merge several general and specific ontologies, and then extracting the ACP-relevant portion. The general ontologies included college-level dictionary definitions, while the specific ontologies included organizational activity and ACP-specific vocabularies. The ACP-specific ontology given here contains some 1600 terms, far less than the 70,000 terms present in the full SENSUS ontology.
  2. The plans and activities ontology was constructed by the POCG plans subgroup under the leadership of Austin Tate.
  3. Some past drafts of planning ontologies are also available.
  4. The POCG intends that revisions of the ontology will improve on the present documents in several ways. Specifically, revisions will
  5. The POCG also intends to demonstrate the use and value of the ontology by working with one or more ARPI Technology Integration Experiments; to participate in such a joint venture, please contact Lou Hoebel.

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    Last update by doyle on 13 November 1995.