KR Mailing List

Register yourself on the KR mailing list!

KR, Inc. has set up an automated mailing list facility to distribute official and other announcements about the KR conferences and workshops.

To subscribe to this list, simply send a message to KR-Majordomo@KR.ORG with a line in the body of the message reading

    subscribe kr

if you want the email address from which you are sending the message to be added to the list, or

    subscribe kr <desired email address>

if you want a different email address for yourself added to the list. Include a line reading


to receive more information about how to use the mailing list facility.

You will receive acknowledgement and welcome messages in response to your request. Please do not be concerned if some KR-Majordomo messages come from the host instead of KR.ORG. These two domain names are aliased at present, but will likely be separated in the future. Accordingly, please always use the KR.ORG address in communications.

Last modified: Thu Nov 20 15:26:52 EST 1997
Jon Doyle <>