Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR&R) is a vibrant and exciting field of human endeavour. KR&R techniques are key drivers of innovation in computer science, and they have lead to significant advances in practical applications in a wide range of areas from Artificial Intelligence to Software Engineering.
Explicit representations of knowledge manipulated by reasoning engines are an integral and crucial component of intelligent systems. Semantic Web technologies and the design of software agents, in particular, provide significant challenges for KR&R.
We intend KR2002 to be a place for the exchange of news, issues, and results among the community of researchers in the principles and practices of KR&R systems. We encourage papers that present substantial new results in the principles of KR&R systems while clearly showing the applicability of those results to implemented or implementable systems. We also encourage "reports from the field'' of applications, experiments, developments, and tests. Such papers should be explicitly identified as reports from the field by the authors, to ensure appropriate reviewing.
KR2002 will colocate with the Sixth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Planning and Scheduling Systems (AIPS2002), with one day in common. We strongly encourage papers which would be of interest to both communities.
The Program Committee will review extended abstracts rather than complete papers. Submissions must be at most twelve (12) pages, excluding the bibliography, with a maximum of 38 lines per page and an average of 75 characters per line (corresponding to the LaTeX article-style, 12pt). If you have a separate title page containing at most the title, author information, keywords and abstract, this will not be counted in the twelve page limit. Overlength submissions will be rejected without review.
The deadline for submissions is 11:59pm, Hawaii Time, November 1, 2001. Acknowledgement of extended abstracts will be made by email no later than November 12, 2001. Acceptance or rejection information will be sent by December 21, 2001.
Authors of accepted papers will be expected to submit substantially longer full papers for the conference proceedings. Final camera-ready copies of the full papers will be due February 8, 2002.
Authors must submit an online title page and an electronic version of their paper in pdf format only, using the process described below. Authors completely unable to submit their papers using this electronic submission process must contact the program chairs no later than October 15, 2001 to arrange an alternative submission process. Electronic papers not in pdf format will be rejected without review. Papers cannot be submitted by email or FAX!
To submit your online title page and paper use a World Wide Web (WWW) browser such as Netscape to connect to Papers will be given a unique identification number, and the abstract should be less than 300 words.
After the author has submitted their online title page, an acknowledgement will be displayed (and simultaneously emailed to the contact author). At the bottom of the acknowledgement page will be a link to "Upload Paper" where authors will be requested to divulge the name of the pdf file to be uploaded. Note: When a online title page is submitted directions on how to upload the electronic paper in pdf format will also will be emailed to the contact author. Authors should note their tracking number, and only upload their pdf file once!
Franz Baader, RWTH Aachen Fahiem Bacchus, University of Toronto Lawrence W. Barsalou, Emory University Salem Benferhat, Université Paul Sabatier Brandon Bennett, University of Leeds Gerhard Brewka, University of Leipzig Marco Cadoli, Universita' di Roma Marie-Odile Cordier, Université Rennes Adnan Darwiche, University of California Ernest Davis, New York University Rina Dechter, University of California Stefan Decker, Stanford University Luis Farinas del Cerro, Université Paul Sabatier Patrick Doherty, Linköping University Didier Dubois, Université Paul Sabatier Thomas Eiter, Vienna University of Technology Helene Fargier, Université Paul Sabatier Richard Fikes, Stanford University Tim Finin, University of Maryland Antony Galton, University of Exeter Hector Geffner, Universitat Pompeu Fabra Enrico Giunchiglia, Universitŕ di Genova Carole Goble, University of Manchester Asunción Gómez-Pérez, Univ. Poli. de Madrid Georg Gottlob, University of Vienna Nicola Guarino, LADSEB-CNR Joseph Halpern, Cornell University Frank van Harmelen, Vrije Univ. Amsterdam Pat Hayes, University of West Florida Ian Horrocks, University of Manchester Anthony Hunter, University College London Henry Kautz, University of Washington Mark Keane, University College Dublin Jana Koehler, IBM, Zurich Hector Levesque, University of Toronto Paolo Liberatore, Universita di Roma Vladimir Lifschitz, University of Texas at Austin Fangzhen Lin, Hong Kong Univ. Sci. & Tech |
David Makinson, Kings College David McAllester, AT&T John McCarthy, Stanford University Sheila McIlraith, Stanford University Robert A. Meersman, Vrije Universiteit Brussel Leora Morgenstern, IBM Hawthorne John-Jules Charles Meyer, Utrecht University Ryszard Michalski, George Mason University John-Jules Meyer, Utrecht University Daniele Nardi, Universita' di Roma Ilkka Niemela, Helsinki University of Technology Lin Padgham, RMIT Simon Parsons, University of Liverpool Pavlos Peppas, Patras University Ramon Pino Perez, Universidad de Los Andes David Poole, University of British Columbia Gregory Provan, Rockwell Scientific Henri Prade, Université Paul Sabatier David Randell, Imperial College Stuart Russell, University of California, Berkeley Marco Schaerf, Univ. Roma A. Th. Schreiber, University of Amsterdam Bart Selman, Cornell University Stuart C. Shapiro, SUNY Buffalo Yoav Shoham, Stanford University Liz Sonenberg, University of Melbourne John F. Sowa Rudi Studer, University of Karlsruhe Michael Thielscher, Dresden Univ. of Technology Rich Thomason, University of Michigan Pietro Torasso, Universita' di Torino Mirek Truszczynski, University of Kentucky Toby Walsh, The University of York Christopher A. Welty, Vassar College Brian Williams, MIT Frank Wolter, University of Leipzig Mike Wooldridge, University of Liverpool |