Planning for BioInformatics at HST

This is a nascent Web site for information on bioinformatics activities at Harvard and MIT, with the purpose of knitting together the interests of faculty and students to create a coherent program of research and education, probably through the auspices of HST.

An initial meeting of interested parties took place on August 2, 1999. Minutes of that meeting describe the rationale for undertaking this activity and the consensus that we share.

The mailing list has been established to stimulate and continue discussion toward our common goals. I especially solicit descriptions of existing educational programs and opportunities in bioinformatics, as well as research group and project descriptions, pointers to relevant Web sites, etc.

Those invited to the July meeting are automatically on the mailing list. The list is managed by majordomo, an automated mailing list manager. You may get more information about it by sending an email message whose body contains just the line help to To leave the list, send email (to the same address) whose body contains the line unsubscribe bioinformatics. The list is currently unmoderated, so anything mailed to it will go automatically to subscribers.

Useful Information:

Site maintained by Peter Szolovits. Last modified August 11, 1999.