ANTS Project Documents
- Jon Doyle
Objective and positional preferences in rational negotiation
In preparation, 2001
- Jon Doyle
Dynamic negotiation: preferences, policies, and plans
In preparation, 2001
- This article describes an approach to time-limited,
heterogeneous, and concurrent negotiation.
- Jon Doyle and Michael McGeachie
Exercising qualitative control
in autonomous adaptive survivable systems
Submitted for publication, February 28, 2001
- Gabor Karsai, George Bloor, and Jon Doyle
Automating human-based negotiation processes
for autonomic logistics
Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE Aerospace Conference,
Nashville: Tennessee (2000), Vol. 6, pp. 147-153.
- Jon Doyle and Richmond Thomason
Background to qualitative decision theory
AI Magazine, Vol. 20, No. 2 (Summer 1999), pp. 55-68.
Technical Notes
- Jon Doyle and Chris van Buskirk
ANTS Spring 2000 demonstration meeting report
MIT LCS, April 14, 2000
- This note describes means for demonstrating aspects of
time-limited, heterogeneous, and concurrent negotiation.
- Jon Doyle
Negotiation Strategies and Plans
MIT LCS, April 4, 2000
- Jon Doyle
Comments on the MICANTS maintenance scheduling scenario
MIT LCS, April 4, 2000
- Jon Doyle
Justifications for negotiation
MIT LCS, June 3, 1999
Last modified: Tue May 1 11:06:34 EDT 2001
Jon Doyle