

page hill road, holland vt (red on the map below)

this is eli's farmhouse.
he was born and raised here, and we have acquired it in october 2004.


the previous owners had their share of problems and so they didn't maitain the property very well; as a result it's now upon us to fix it up and bring it back to what it was like when eli lived there.
it sits on 28 acres of beautiful north vermont country including a brook, fields and woods; the hills visible beyond the valley behind the house are in canada.


up the long winding driveway sits a hangar-shaped barn built by eli's parents a long time ago when the original barn collapsed.
the house dates back to some of the early settlers of the town, sometime in the mid-1800's. i'll pay a visit to the town clerk this spring to find out exactly when it was built and by whom.
we will start renovations in spring 2005 and with some luck we'll have it ready by the end of summer.
maybe we'll even get married up there on the hill.


eli, the vermont lumberjack version :)
another vt favorite: wood stoves


from sheffield heights

and nothing tops waking up in the morning and walking out into this.  barton, vt.


... ... ...


previously, this was our 'place' up in vermont:

hut outside view hut inside view inside door view

some called it a shack, some called it camp, we called it the hut.
it sat on our friend lincoln's land and it is where we stayed for a couple years when we went north - we worked on this 'project' during summers of 2002-2003 and left it with electricity hookup and a gas stove for heat..
it's quite cozy, and there's a top double bunk for guests. actually, over those two summers we had a lot of guests stay there with us.
the hut has since passed from us onto someone else who needs it more.



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