Developing Medical Decision Support Tools with Logistic Regression


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Developing Medical Decision Support Tools with Logistic Regression


Machine Learning Methods

Linear regression

“least squares” method

Logistic Regression

Sigmoid Activation Function

CHD Versus Age: Sigmoid Distribution

Logistic Regression Formula

Maximum Likelihood Estimation

PPT Slide

Univariate Ranges

One Dimensional Decision Problem

Use of the ROC Curve to Optimize Threshold

Dichotomous Data

A Linear (2D) Decision Boundary

Curved Decision Surfaces

Curved Decision Boundary

An Over-fitted Model

Likelihood Ratios: Edinburgh Data

Likelihood Ratios : Sheffield Data

Optimizing Performance on Unseen Data

Validation Set

Jack Knifing

Example Models: Chest Pain

Comparison of Different Model Types

ROC Areas for Small and Large LR Models

Performance of Small and Large LR Models Sheffield Test

Chest Pain Data: Model Comparisons

Neural Net, Edinburgh Data (700 training, 553 test)

Low Blood Pressure Prediction, Pfizer Data

Benefit of Simple Models: Predicting WHF with ECG Data

Linear and Non-Linear Models (Predicting Low BP)

Stepwise LR: Low BP Medications

Low BP Meds: Results

LR Benefits for Developing Prediction Models

Advantages of Multi-layer Neural Network Programs

Suggested Model Building Strategy

Further Reading

Author: Hamish Fraser


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