Works of Jon Doyle
Chrological list
Last modified: Tue Jun 12 12:52:25 EDT 2001
This list of works includes both published and unpublished works, some
of which have been widely circulated. Generally DVI files are
available as well as 600-dpi postscript versions, with some PDF
versions. Time permitting, PDF versions of more of these papers will
be prepared.
The papers fall into five categories:
- Papers 1988 to the present date from my second period at MIT,
and were all set directly in LaTeX.
- Papers 1981-1988 date from my CMU years. Some are reset in
LaTeX from an archaic TeX precursor, but the last few were set
directly in LaTeX.
- Papers 1980-1981 date from my time at Stanford, and when available
are LaTeX resettings of Scribe or archaic TeX documents.
- Papers 1975-1980 date from my MIT graduate student days, and when
available are generally LaTeX resettings of papers originally typeset
in TJ6 or R.
- Works from before 1975 represent holographs or typewritten
Not all unpublished works yet appear in this list.
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Symmetries in physics
Jon Doyle
Unpublished. Department of Physics, University of
Houston, December 1974.
Computational investigations of non-repetitive sequences
Jon Doyle
Senior Honors Thesis, Department of Mathematics, University of
Houston, December 1974.
Symmetries in physics
Jon Doyle
Revised version.
Non-repetitive binary sequences
Jon Doyle
Referee recommended but scooped for J. Combinatorial Theory A.
My theorems 1 and 2 paraphrase theorems 1 and 2 of F. M. Dekking, On
repetitions of blocks in binary sequences, J. C. T. A 20
(1976), 292-299.
Non-repetitive binary sequences
Jon Doyle
Notices of the AMS, Oct.
1975, A-660, #727-A5.
Analysis by propagation of constraints in elementary geometry
problem solving
Jon Doyle
MIT AI Lab WP-108 (1976).
The use of dependency relationships in the control of
Jon Doyle
MIT AI Lab WP-133 (1976).
Linear expected time of a simple union-find algorithm
Jon Doyle and Ronald L. Rivest
Information Processing Letters 5 (1976)
Truth maintenance systems for problem solving
Jon Doyle
Thesis, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, May 1977.
Truth maintenance systems for problem solving
Jon Doyle
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
Cambridge, Massachusetts (1977).
Hierarchy in knowledge representations
Jon Doyle
MIT AI Lab WP-159 (1977).
AMORD: explicit control of reasoning
Johan de Kleer, Jon Doyle, Guy L. Steele Jr., and
Gerald Jay Sussman
MIT AI Lab Memo 427 (1977).
AMORD: explicit control of reasoning
Johan de Kleer, Jon Doyle, Guy L. Steele Jr., and
Gerald Jay Sussman
ACM Conference on AI and
Programming Languages, Rochester, New York (1977).
Truth maintenance systems for problem solving
Jon Doyle
MIT AI Lab TR-419 (1978).
AMORD: a deductive procedure system
J. de Kleer, Jon Doyle, C.
Rich, G. L. Steele, and G. J. Sussman
MIT AI Lab Memo 435 (1978).
Non-monotonic logic I
Drew V. McDermott and Jon Doyle
MIT AI Lab Memo 468 (1978).
A glimpse of truth maintenance
Jon Doyle
MIT AI Lab Memo 461 (1978).
Reflexive interpreters
Jon Doyle
Ph.D. thesis proposal submitted June 8, 1978 to the MIT Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science Department.
A truth maintenance system
Jon Doyle
MIT AI Lab Memo 521 (1979).
A truth maintenance system
Jon Doyle
Artificial Intelligence 12 (1979), 231-272.
A glimpse of truth maintenance
Jon Doyle
Fourth Workshop on
Automated Deduction, Austin, Texas (1979).
Non-monotonic logic I (extended abstract)
Drew V. McDermott and Jon Doyle
Fourth Workshop on Automated Deduction, Austin,
Texas (1979).
A glimpse of truth maintenance
Jon Doyle
Sixth International Joint
Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Tokyo, Japan (1979).
An introduction to non-monotonic logic
Drew V. McDermott and Jon Doyle
Sixth International Joint Conference on
Artificial Intelligence, Tokyo, Japan (1979).
A glimpse of truth maintenance
Jon Doyle
Artificial Intelligence:
An MIT Perspective (P. H. Winston and R. H. Brown, eds.),
Cambridge: MIT Press (1979).
Non-monotonic logic I
Drew V. McDermott and Jon Doyle
Notices of
the AMS, V. 26, No. 1 (1979), #79T-E4, A-16.
AMORD: Explicit control of reasoning
J. de Kleer, Jon Doyle, G. L.
Steele and G. J. Sussman
Artificial Intelligence: An MIT
Perspective (P. H. Winston and R. H. Brown, eds.), Cambridge: MIT
Press (1979).
Historical annotations and humble databases
Jon Doyle
Unpublished, November 15, 1979.
A model for deliberation, action, and introspection
Jon Doyle
Dissertation, Artificial Intelligence, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, May 1980.
A model for deliberation, action, and introspection
Jon Doyle
MIT AI Lab TR-581 (1980).
Non-monotonic logic I
Drew V. McDermott and Jon Doyle
Artificial Intelligence 13 (1980), 41-72.
Special issue on non-monotonic logic.
A selected descriptor-indexed bibliography to the literature on
belief revision
Jon Doyle and Philip London
MIT AI Lab Memo 568 (1980).
A selected descriptor-indexed bibliography to the literature on
belief revision
Jon Doyle and Philip London
SIGART Newsletter, No. 71 (1980), 7-23.
Why I don't play the piano
Jon Doyle
SIGART Newsletter, No. 79 (February 1980), p. 41.
Special knowledge representation survey issue.
A Theory of Memory
Jon Doyle
Unpublished, October, 1980
Making difficult decisions
Jon Doyle
Stanford Computer Forum,
Stanford University, Stanford, California (1981).
Three short essays on decisions, reasons, and logics
Jon Doyle
Stanford CSD, Report 81-864 (1981).
A truth maintenance system
Jon Doyle
Readings in Artificial
Intelligence (B. L. Webber and N. J. Nilsson, eds.), Palo Alto:
Tioga (1981).
Reprinting of the Artificial Intelligence journal version.
Controlling Reasoning by Interpreting Self-Descriptions
or, Explicit Control of Reasoning Revisited
Johan de Kleer and Jon Doyle
Unpublished, November, 1980, June 1981.
The paper ``Explicit Control of Reasoning'' was accepted by the
journal Cognitive Science. This revised and elaborated
version of that paper was prepared for publication there, but was
never finished.
Non-monotonic logic and system G
Jon Doyle
Unpublished, September 25, 1981.
A Mathematical Basis for Psychology
Jon Doyle
Unpublished, October-December 1981
Some Mathematical Problems in Artificial Intelligence
Jon Doyle
Unpublished, October 24, 1981
Two Dogmas of Artificial Intelligence
Jon Doyle
Unpublished, October-December 1981
Non-deductive reasoning and non-monotonic logic
Jon Doyle
of Artificial Intelligence V. III (P. R. Cohen and E. A.
Feigenbaum, eds.), Los Altos: Wm. Kaufmann (1982).
Dependencies and assumptions
J. de Kleer and Jon Doyle
of Artificial Intelligence V. II (A. Barr and E. A. Feigenbaum,
eds.), Los Altos: Wm. Kaufmann (1982).
The foundations of psychology: a logico-computational inquiry
into the concept of mind
Jon Doyle
CMU CSD, Report 82-149 (1982).
Boolean-valued machines
Jon Doyle
Unpublished, Thanksgiving Day
1981-St. Valentine's Day 1982, March 10, 1982
Anti-intellectualism in artificial intelligence
Jon Doyle
Unpublished, January 30, 1982
Continuity, reflection, and adaptation: an essay in rational
Jon Doyle
Unpublished, June 1982, August 17, 1982
What is Church's thesis? an outline
Jon Doyle
Unpublished, September 19, 1982
I circulated this paper to interested parties for some years as
an expression of my doubts about Church's thesis.
Conservatism and catastrophe in computation and psychology
Jon Doyle
Unpublished, February 15, 1983
Reasoned decisions and deliberation: lessons from expert systems
Jon Doyle
Unpublished, April 14, 1983
Admissible state semantics for representational systems
Jon Doyle
CMU CSD Report 83-124 (1983).
Rationality in the will to believe
Jon Doyle
Colloquium on
Practical Reasoning, University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio (1983).
Some theories of reasoned assumptions: an essay in rational
Jon Doyle
CMU CSD Report 83-125 (1983).
The essentially complete version of December 1982 was circulated
for some months before publication in this version with only light
editing. It was accepted for publication in Computational
Intelligence, but I was unwilling to shorten the work as
requested by the editors.
The ins and outs of reason maintenance
Jon Doyle
CMU CSD Report 83-126 (1983).
A society of mind: multiple perspectives, reasoned
assumptions, and virtual copies
Jon Doyle
CMU CSD Report 83-127 (1983).
The ins and outs of reason maintenance
Jon Doyle
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
A society of mind: multiple perspectives, reasoned
assumptions, and virtual copies
Jon Doyle
Eighth International
Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (1983).
What should AI want from the supercomputers?
Jon Doyle
CMU CSD Report 83-160 (1983).
What should AI want from the supercomputers?
Jon Doyle
AI Magazine, V. 4, No. 4, 33-35, 31 (1983).
What is rational psychology? Toward a modern mental
Jon Doyle
CMU CSD Report 83-106 (1983).
Unabridged version.
What is rational psychology? Toward a modern mental
Jon Doyle
AI Magazine, V. 4, No. 3 (1983), 50-53.
This version was abridged from the original, mainly leaving out the
Methodological simplicity in expert system construction:
the case of judgments and reasoned assumptions
Jon Doyle
CMU CSD Report 83-114 (1983).
Methodological simplicity in expert system construction:
the case of judgments and reasoned assumptions
Jon Doyle
AI Magazine, V. 4, No. 2 (1983), 39-43.
Reasoning about reasoning
R. Davis, Jon Doyle, M. Genesereth, I.
Goldstein, D. Lenat, and H. Shrobe
Building Expert
Systems (D. Waterman, R. Hayes-Roth, and D. Lenat, eds.),
Reading: Addison-Wesley (1983), 219-239.
Admissible state semantics for representational systems
Jon Doyle
IEEE Computer, V. 16, No. 10, 119-123 (1983).
Special issue on knowledge representation.
A Model of Parallelism for Artificial Intelligence
Jon Doyle
Unpublished, September 14, 1983
Review of Automation of Reasoning by Siekmann and
Jon Doyle
American Scientist, V. 72, No. 3, 303 (1984).
Circumscription and implicit definability
Jon Doyle
CMU CSD Report 84-154.
Circumscription and implicit definability
Jon Doyle
AAAI Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning, (1984).
Expert systems without computers, or theory and trust in
artificial intelligence
Jon Doyle
CMU CSD Report 84-116 (1984).
Expert systems without computers, or theory and trust in
artificial intelligence
Jon Doyle
AI Magazine, V. 5, No. 2, 59-63
This version was mangled by copyeditors and published without my
review or consent.
Errata to Expert systems without computers, or theory and
trust in artificial intelligence
Jon Doyle
AI Magazine, V. 5, No. 4, 78 (1984).
Reasoned assumptions and Pareto optimality
Jon Doyle
Workshop on Planning and Practical Reasoning, Stanford
University, Stanford, California (1984).
Design for a Mind:
Review of a Model for Deliberation, Action, and Introspection,
Jon Doyle
Unpublished, March 1, 1985
Circumscription and implicit definability
Jon Doyle
Journal of
Automated Reasoning, 1 (1985), 391-405.
Reasoned assumptions and Pareto optimality
Jon Doyle
CMU CSD Report 85-121 (1985).
Reasoned assumptions and Pareto optimality
Jon Doyle
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (1985).
AMORD: Explicit control of reasoning
J. de Kleer, Jon Doyle
G. L. Steele and G. J. Sussman
Readings in Knowledge
Representation (R. Brachman and H. Levesque, eds.), Los
Altos: Morgan Kaufmann (1985).
Expert systems and the ``myth'' of symbolic reasoning
Jon Doyle
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. SE-11, No. 11
(November 1985), 1386-1390.
Common Sense and Expert Systems
Jon Doyle
Unpublished, May 23, 1985
Reasoned Assumptions and Rational Psychology: Selected Essays
Jon Doyle
Unpublished, November 1, 1985
On Considered Actions and Attitudes: A framework for
deliberate action and reflection
Jon Doyle
Unpublished, November 22, 1985
Problem solving by TMS
Jon Doyle
Foundations of Cognitive Science (Yutaka Saeki, ed.), Tokyo: Sangyo
Japanese translation by M. Nakagawa
from Truth Maintenance Systems for Problem Solving
How to frame it: Modern applied logic from the top down
Jon Doyle
Unpublished, CMU CSD, (October 22, 1986).
I circulated these notes frequently after presenting lectures on
them in the introductory graduate AI class at CMU.
Massive Parallelism and Artificial Intelligence
Jon Doyle and Doug Tygar
Unpublished, December 17, 1986
The Aims and Methods of Rational Psychology
Jon Doyle
Unpublished, January 16, 1987
Logic, rationality, and rational psychology
Jon Doyle
Computational Intelligence, Vol. 3, No. 3 (August 1987) 175-176.
Review of Critique of Pure Reason by D. McDermott.
Admissible state semantics for representational systems
Jon Doyle
The Knowledge Frontier: Essays in the Representation of
Knowledge (N. Cercone and G. McCalla, eds.), New York:
Springer-Verlag (1987), 174-186.
Big problems for artificial intelligence
Jon Doyle
AI Magazine, Vol. 9, No. 1, 19-22 (1988).
Guest editorial.
A Formal Theory of Mental Constitutions
Jon Doyle
Unpublished, April 18, 1988
Knowledge, representation, and rational self-government
(extended abstract)
Jon Doyle
Second Conference on Theoretical Aspects
of Reasoning about Knowledge (M. Y. Vardi, ed.), (1988).
On universal theories of defaults
Jon Doyle
CMU CSD Report CMU-CS-88-111 (1988).
Artificial intelligence and rational self-government
Jon Doyle
CMU CSD Report CMU-CS-88-124 (1988).
The draft of this monograph was circulated widely for a year prior to
publication of this lightly edited version.
On rationality and learning
Jon Doyle
CMU CSD Report CMU-CS-88-122 (1988).
Similarity, conservatism, and rationality
Jon Doyle
CMU CSD Report CMU-CS-88-123 (1988).
Implicit knowledge and rational representation
Jon Doyle
CMU CSD Report CMU-CS-88-134 (1988).
Non-monotonic logic I
Drew V. McDermott and Jon Doyle
Readings in
Nonmontonic Reasoning (M. Ginsberg, ed.), Los Altos: Morgan
Kaufmann (1988), 111-126.
A truth maintenance system
Jon Doyle
Readings in Nonmontonic
Reasoning (M. Ginsberg, ed.), Los Altos: Morgan Kaufmann (1988).
Expert systems without computers, or theory and trust in
artificial intelligence
Jon Doyle
Readings from the AI Magazine (R.
Engelmore, ed.), Menlo Park, CA: American Association for Artificial
Intelligence (1988), 167-171.
What should AI want from the supercomputers?
Jon Doyle
from the AI Magazine (R. Engelmore, ed.), Menlo Park, CA: American
Association for Artificial Intelligence (1988), 29-32.
What is rational psychology? Toward a modern mental
Jon Doyle
Readings from the AI Magazine (R. Engelmore, ed.),
Menlo Park, CA: American Association for Artificial Intelligence
(1988), 251-254.
Methodological simplicity in expert system construction: the
case of judgments and reasoned assumptions
Jon Doyle
Readings from the
AI Magazine (R. Engelmore, ed.), Menlo Park, CA: American
Association for Artificial Intelligence (1988), 162-166.
Big Problems for Artificial Intelligence: Progress and Prospects
Jon Doyle
Unpublished, May 22, 1989
This expanded version of the AI Magazine editorial was
never completed.
Mental Constitutions and Limited Rationality
Jon Doyle
March 17, 1989
Constructive belief and rational representation
Jon Doyle
Computational Intelligence, Vol. 5, No. 1 (February 1989), pp. 1-11.
Mental constitutions and limited rationality
Jon Doyle
AAAI Symposium on AI and Limited Rationality, Palo Alto (1989).
Some impossibility results
Jon Doyle
AAAI Workshop on Defeasible
Reasoning with Specificity and Multiple Inheritance, St. Louis,
Missouri (1989).
Language restrictions, taxonomic classification, and the
utility of representation services
Jon Doyle and Ramesh Patil
MIT/LCS/TM-387 (1989).
Impediments to universal preference-based default theories
Jon Doyle and Michael P. Wellman
First International Conference on
Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Toronto,
Impediments to universal preference-based default theories
Jon Doyle and Michael P. Wellman
MIT/LCS/TM-416 (1989).
Stochastic analysis of qualitative dynamics
Jon Doyle and Elisha P. Sacks
MIT/LCS/TM-418 (1989).
Stochastic analysis of qualitative dynamics
Jon Doyle and Elisha P. Sacks
Eleventh International Joint Conference on Artificial
Intelligence, (N. S. Sridharan, ed.), pp. 1187-1192, San Mateo:
Morgan Kaufmann, 1989.
Two dogmas of knowledge representation: language restrictions,
taxonomic classification, and the utility of representation services
Jon Doyle and Ramesh Patil
MIT/LCS/TM-387b (1989).
Rational control of reasoning in artificial intelligence
Jon Doyle
Conference on the Dynamics of Knowledge and Belief, Lund, Sweden
Reasoning, representation, and rational self-government
Jon Doyle
Methodologies for Intelligent Systems, 4 (Z. W. Ras, ed.), New
York: North-Holland (1989), pp. 367-380.
On Vivid Representation
Jon Doyle and Ramesh S. Patil
Unpublished, February 15, 1990
Rational belief revision (preliminary report)
Jon Doyle
International Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning, California:
Stanford Sierra Camp, (1990).
Rational self-government and universal default logics
Jon Doyle
Second Conference on Economics and Artificial Intelligence, Paris
The roles of rationality in reasoning (extended abstract)
Jon Doyle
AAAI Eighth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
Boston, Massachusetts (1990).
Rational control of reasoning in artificial intelligence
Jon Doyle
The Logic of Theory Change (A. Fuhrmann and M. Morreau, eds.),
Berlin: Springer-Verlag (1990), 19-48.
Methodological simplicity in expert system construction: the
case of judgments and reasoned assumptions
Jon Doyle
Readings in
Uncertain Reasoning (G. Shafer and J. Pearl, eds.), San Mateo, CA:
Morgan Kaufmann (1990), 689-693.
Rational distributed reason maintenance for planning and
replanning of large-scale activities
Jon Doyle and Michael P. Wellman
DARPA Workshop on Innovative Approaches to Planning, Scheduling, and
Control, San Diego (1990).
Perceptive questions about computation and cognition
Jon Doyle
Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Vol. 13, No. 4 (December 1990), p.
Review of The Emperor's New Mind by R. Penrose.
Reasoning and Rationality: Economic Foundations for
Mental Self-Government
Jon Doyle
Unpublished, September 18, 1990
This is a book in progress, currently at about 400 pages in length.
Pragmatism in Knowledge Representation
Ramesh S. Patil and Jon Doyle
Unpublished, January 10, 1991
Addendum to ``Two Theses of Knowledge Representation''
Jon Doyle and Ramesh S. Patil
Unpublished, January 31, 1991
Panel on causality - questions to panelists
Jon Doyle, moderator
Unpublished, 1991
Goals, Preferences, and Utilities: A Reconciliation
Jon Doyle, Michael Wellman, and Thomas Dean
Unpublished, 1991
What is a hard problem?
Jon Doyle and Bernhard Nebel
Unpublished, August 1991
Review of Philosophical Logic and Artificial
Intelligence edited by Richmond H. Thomason
Jon Doyle
Bulletin, Vol. 2, No. 1 (January 1991), 77-78.
The foundations of psychology: a logico-computational inquiry
into the concept of mind
Jon Doyle
Philosophy and AI: Essays at the
Interface (R. Cummins and J. Pollock, eds.), Cambridge: MIT Press
(1991), 39-77.
Markov analysis of qualitative dynamics
Jon Doyle and Elisha P. Sacks
Computational Intelligence, Vol. 7, No. 1 (February 1991), pp.
Prolegomena to any future qualitative physics
Elisha P. Sacks and Jon Doyle
Princeton University Department of Computer Science
CS-TR-314-91 (1991).
Rational belief revision (preliminary report)
Jon Doyle
International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation
and Reasoning, Boston, (1991).
Rational self-government and universal default logics
Jon Doyle and
Michael P. Wellman
Economics and Artificial Intelligence (P.
Bourgine and B. Walliser, eds.), London: Pergamon (1991), pp. 5-13.
Two theses of knowledge representation: language restrictions,
taxonomic classification, and the utility of representation services
Jon Doyle and Ramesh S. Patil
Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 48, No. 3
(April 1991), pp. 261-297.
Impediments to universal preference-based default theories
Jon Doyle and Michael P. Wellman
Intelligence, Vol. 49, Nos. 1-3 (May 1991), pp. 97-128.
Expanded version.
Preferential semantics for goals
Michael P. Wellman and Jon Doyle
AAAI Ninth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
Anaheim, California (1991).
A logic of relative desire (preliminary report)
Jon Doyle, Yoav Shoham, and Michael P. Wellman
Methodologies for Intelligent
Systems 6 (Z. W. Ras and M. Zemankova, eds.), Berlin:
Springer-Verlag (1991), pp. 16-31.
Planning Ontology and Problem Description
Jon Doyle
Unpublished, 1992
Rational belief revision and reason maintenance
Jon Doyle
Revision (P. Gärdenfors, ed.), Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press (1992), pp. 29-51.
Prolegomena to any future qualitative physics
Elisha P. Sacks and Jon Doyle
Computational Intelligence, Vo. 8, No. 2 (May 1992),
pp. 187-209.
A ``Taking Issue'' article published with commentaries.
Elisha P. Sacks and Jon Doyle
Computational Intelligence, Vo. 8, No. 2 (May 1992), pp. 326-335.
Epilog to the Prolegomena.
The roles of rationality in reasoning
Jon Doyle
Intelligence, Vol. 8, No. 2 (May 1992), 376-409.
Full version of AAAI-90 invited address.
Modular utility representation for decision-theoretic planning
Michael P. Wellman and Jon Doyle
First International Conference on AI
Planning Systems, College Park: Maryland (1992)
Some Super-Classics of Artificial Intelligence?
Jon Doyle
Unpublished, June 14, 1993
Guardian Angel: Patient-Centered Health Information Systems
P. Szolovits, Jon Doyle, W. J. Long, I. Kohane, and S. G. Pauker
MIT/LCS/TR-604 (May 1994).
Inference and acceptance: comment on Kyburg's ``Believing
on the basis of the evidence''
Jon Doyle
Intelligence, Vol. 10, No. 1, 46-48, (February 1994).
A reasoning economy for planning and replanning
Jon Doyle
Papers of the ARPA Planning Initiative Workshop, Tucson: Arizona
Representing preferences as ceteris paribus comparatives
Jon Doyle and Michael P. Wellman
AAAI Symposium on Decision-Theoretic
Planning, Stanford: California (1994).
A point of leverage for artificial intelligence
Jon Doyle
Unpublished position statement prepared for AAAI workshop on a report
to NSF on information infrastructure technology and applications.
Written July 6, 1994, completed September 27, 1994.
Reasoned assumptions and rational psychology
Jon Doyle
Informaticae, Vol. 20, No. 1 (Spring 1994).
[Intro only PS]
[Intro only DVI]
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Proceedings of the
Fourth International Conference
Jon Doyle, E. J. Sandewall, and
P. Torasso, editors
San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann (1994).
Final report on rational distributed reason maintenance for planning
and replanning of large-scale activities
Jon Doyle
Final report submitted to Rome Laboratory on October 27, 1994.
Symposium on Artificial Intelligence
Jon Doyle, editor
ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 27 (September 1995).
A truth maintenance system
Jon Doyle
In Computational
Intelligence (G. F. Luger, ed.), Menlo Park, California: AAAI
Press, 1995, pp. 529-554.
Toward rational planning and replanning: rational reason
maintenance, reasoning economies, and qualitative preferences
Jon Doyle
In Advanced Planning Technology: Technological Achievements of the
ARPA/Rome Laboratory Planning Initiative (Austin Tate, editor), Menlo
Park, California: AAAI Press, 1996, pp. 130-135.
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Proceedings of the
Fifth International Conference
L. Carlucci Aiello, Jon Doyle, and S. C. Shapiro, editors
San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann (1996).
Strategic Directions in Computing Research
Peter Wegner and Jon Doyle
ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 28 (December 1996), 565-574,
Strategic directions in artificial intelligence
Jon Doyle and Thomas Dean, editors
ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 28 (December 1996), 653-670,
Cleaving (unto) artificial intelligence
Jon Doyle
ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 28A (December 1996),
High-Performance Knowledge Base Support for
Monitoring, Analysis, and Interpretation Tasks
Jon Doyle, Isaac Kohane,
William Long, and Peter Szolovits
Unpublished, December 4, 1996.
Proposal submitted to and funded by DARPA.
Adaptive Knowledge-Based Monitoring for Information Assurance
Jon Doyle, Isaac Kohane, William J. Long, and Peter Szolovits
Unpublished, October 30, 1998.
Proposal submitted to and funded by DARPA.
Rational decision making
Jon Doyle
MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive
Sciences, Cambridge: MIT Press, 1999 (to appear).
Originally written in August, 1996.
Bounded rationality
Jon Doyle
MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive
Sciences, Cambridge: MIT Press, 1999 (to appear).
Originally written in July, 1997.
Background to qualitative decision theory
Jon Doyle and Richmond H. Thomason
AI Magazine, Vol. 20, No. 2 (Summer 1999), pp. 55-68.
The Architecture of MAITA:
A Tool For Monitoring, Analysis, and Interpretation
Jon Doyle, Isaac Kohane, William Long, and
Peter Szolovits
Unpublished draft, September 21, 1999
Some Representational Limitations of the Common Intrusion Specification Language
Jon Doyle
Unpublished draft, November 5, 1999
Active Trust Management for Autonomous Adaptive Survivable Systems
Howard Shrobe, Jon Doyle, and Peter Szolovits
Proposal to DARPA, January 15, 2000
Automating human-based negotiation processes for autonomic logistics
Gabor Karsai, George Bloor, and Jon Doyle
Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Nashville:
Tennessee (2000), Vol. 6, pp. 147-153.
Toward a common attack recognition language
Jon Doyle, Isaac Kohane, William Long, Howard Shrobe, and Peter Szolovits
Unpublished draft, June 5, 2000
On widening the scope of attack recognition languages
Jon Doyle, Howard Shrobe, and Peter Szolovits
Unpublished note, July 13, 2000
Matter, Mind and Mechanics: New models for dynamogenesis and rationality
Jon Doyle
Unpublished draft, October 26, 2000
Active Trust Management for Autonomous Adaptive Survivable Systems
Howard Shrobe and Jon Doyle
Self-Adaptive Software, P. Robertson, H. Shrobe, and
R. Laddaga, editors, Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2001, pp. 40-49.
Revised papers from the First International Workshop on
Self-Adaptive Software (IWSAS 2000).
Agile Monitoring for Cyber Defense
Jon Doyle, Isaac Kohane, William Long, Howard
Shrobe, and Peter Szolovits
To appear, Second DARPA Information Survivability Conference and
Exposition (DISCEX-II), Anaheim, California, June 12-14, 2001.
Event Recognition Beyond Signature and Anomaly
Jon Doyle, Isaac Kohane, William Long, Howard
Shrobe, and Peter Szolovits
Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE Workshop on Information Assurance and
Security, United States Military Academy, West Point, New
York, June 5-6, 2001, pp. 17-23.
Exercising Qualitative Control in Autonomous Adaptive Survivable Systems
Jon Doyle and Michael McGeachie
Submitted for publication, February 28, 2001
Jon Doyle