Medical Image Analysis
Michael Leventon.
"Statistical Models for Medical Image Analysis"
MIT Ph.D Thesis, 2000.
(postscript file is 47M, and pdf file is 4M.)
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Michael Leventon, Eric Grimson, Olivier Faugeras.
"Statistical Shape Influence in Geodesic Active Contours"
Comp. Vision and Patt. Recon. (CVPR), 2000.
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Michael Leventon, Olivier Faugeras, Eric Grimson, William Wells.
"Level Set Based Segmentation with Intensity and
Curvature Priors"
Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis. (MMBIA), 2000. | |  |  |
Eric Grimson, Michael Leventon, Liana Lorigo, Tina Kapur,
Olivier Faugeras, Ron Kikinis, Renaud Keriven, Arya Nabavi,
Carl-Fredrik Westin.
"Image Guided Surgery"
To appear in Workshop on Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics (WAFR), 2000. | | | |
Michael Leventon
Sarah Gibson.
"Model Generation from Multiple Volumes using Constrained
Elastic SurfaceNets" In Inf. Proc. and Med. Imaging (IPMI), 1999.
© Springer-Verlag |  |  |  |
Michael Leventon
Eric Grimson.
"Multi-Modal Volume Registration Using Joint Intensity
Distributions" In Medical Image Computing and
Comp-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), 1998.
© Springer-Verlag |
Eric Grimson,
Michael Leventon,
G.J. Ettinger,
Alexandra Chabrerie,
Fatma Ozlen,
Shin Nakajima,
Hideki Atsumi,
Ron Kikinis,
and Peter McL. Black.
"Clinical Experience with a High Precision Image-guided
Neurosurgery System" In MICCAI, 1998.
© Springer-Verlag |
Alexandra Chabrerie,
Fatma Ozlen,
Shin Nakajima,
Michael Leventon,
Hideki Atsumi,
Eric Grimson,
Erwin Keeve,
Sandra Helmers,
James Riviello Jr.,
Gregory Holmes,
Frank Duffy,
Ferenc Jolesz,
Ron Kikinis,
and Peter McL. Black.
"Three-Dimensional Reconstruction and Surgical Navigation
In Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery." In MICCAI, 1998.
© Springer-Verlag |
G. Potts, L. Gugino,
Michael Leventon,
Eric Grimson,
Ron Kikinis,
W. Cote,
J. Anderson
G.J. Ettinger,
L. Aglio, and
M. Shenton.
"Visual Hemifield Mapping Using Transcranial Magnetic
Stimulation Coregistered with Cortical Surfaces Derived from Magnetic Resonance Icons" J Clin Neurophysiology, 15(4):344-350, 1998. |
 | | |
Michael Leventon.
"A Registration, Tracking, and Visualization System for
Image Guided Surgery." MIT Master's Thesis, May, 1997. |
J.W. Berger,
N. Hata,
W.M. Wells III,
R. Kikinis.
"Design Considerations for a Computer-Vision-Enabled
Ophthalmic Augmented Reality Environment." In
CVRMED/MRCAS, Grenoble, France, 1997. |
G.J. Ettinger,
W.E.L. Grimson,
R. Kikinis,
V. Gugino,
W. Cote,
L. Sprung,
L. Aglio,
M. Shenton,
G. Potts,
"Experimentation with a Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
System for Functional Brain Mapping." In
CVRMED/MRCAS, Grenoble, France, 1997. |
W.E.L. Grimson,
G.J. Ettinger,
T. Kapur,
W.M. Wells III,
R. Kikinis.
"Utilizing Segmented MRI Data in Image-Guided Surgery."
In IJPRAI, 1996. |
G.J. Ettinger,
W.E.L. Grimson,
R. Kikinis,
V. Gugino,
W. Cote,
M. Karapelou,
L. Aglio,
M. Shenton,
G. Potts,
"Non-invasive Functional Brain Mapping Using Registered
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation." IEEWorkshop on
Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis, San
Francisco, CA, 1996.
Fatma Ozlen,
Shin Nakajima,
Alexandra Chabrerie,
Michael Leventon,
Eric Grimson,
Ron Kikinis,
Ferenc Jolesz,
and Peter McL. Black.
"The excision of cortical dysplasia in the language
area with a surgical navigator." Epilepsia (in Press). |
Alexandra Chabrerie,
Fatma Ozlen,
Shin Nakajima,
Michael Leventon,
Hideki Atsumi,
Eric Grimson,
Ferenc Jolesz,
Ron Kikinis,
and Peter McL. Black.
"Three-dimensional image reconstruction for low-grade glioma
surgery." Neurosurg Focus 4 (4):Article 7 (1998).
SPL Technical Report #71, April 1998. |
Computer Vision
N.R. Howe,
W.T. Freeman.
"Bayesian Reconstruction of 3D Human Motion from Single-Camera Video"
In Neural Information Processing Systems, 1999. |
W.M. Wells III,
W.E.L. Grimson.
"Multiple View 2D-3D Mutual Information Registration"
In Image Understanding Workshop, 1997. |
D. P. Huttenlocher, M. Leventon,
W. J. Rucklidge.
"Visually-Guided Navigation by Comparing Two-Dimensional Edge Icons."
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1994.