Discrete, Amorphous Physical Models

Erik Rauch

How minimal can a discrete model be?

Here are some animations showing a new kind of discrete physical model. It is similar in spirit to cellular automata, but doesn't require a universal grid or a universal clock to synchronize all the states.

Transcript (with slides) of invited talk given at the NSF Digital Perspectives on Physics workshop, July 25, 2001

Discrete, Amorphous Physical Models - paper from International Journal of Theoretical Physics (also in pdf format)


One-dimensional wave

Two-dimensional wave on a torus

Two-dimensional wave, edges fixed at 0

Two-dimensional wave, initial pulse travelling right, 'parabolic mirror' (fixed parabola-shaped boundary) at right

"Refraction" (dense region in center with same average number of neighbors

An example of an irregular lattice:

q (amplitude) is displayed for each site. Colors used:

Two-dimensional wave, edges fixed at 0 [1.6 MB MPEG animation] [GIF animation]

5000 processors, 6.6 neighbors per site on average

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Two-dimensional wave, toroidal boundary conditions [1.6 MB MPEG animation][GIF animation]

Same initial conditions

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"Parabolic mirror" (parabola-shaped fixed boundary at right) [MPEG animation]

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"Refraction" (dense region in center with same average number of neighbors) [1.7 MB MPEG animation]

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One-dimensional wave [600K MPEG animation][GIF animation]

Equally-spaced processors; q is plotted as height

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