Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Committee on Undergraduate Women Enrollment
Survey Form--Spring 1994
The EECS Department is investigating the various factors that lead MIT man and women to major in Course 6. We would greatly appreciate your taking the time to answer the questions in this survey. Please return this form to the Course 6 Undergraduate Office, 38-476. Thank you.
We interviewed 32 women who initially indicated interest in course 6 and are not now enrolled in course 6 (responses labeled "IN"), and we interviewed 27 women who originally indicated interest in an area other than course 6 and are now majoring in course (responses labeled "OUT").
In the tabulation of percentages, the percentages have been rounded so that they sum to 100%. Note that not all people answered all the questions. The percentage listed in each case is the ratio of the number of students who gave that response to the number of students who responded to that particular question.
In the surveys, questions for which the responses of the two groups show statistically significant differences are marked with stars: ***************.
1. Year 1 2 3 4 G Number of responses O Year 1: 0 2: 6 3: 14 4: 12 G: 1 IN: Year 1: 0 2: 7 3: 10 4: 9 G 1 2. Male / Female All respondents were female 3. Course Course Number und 1 1 3 2 5.5 3 1 3B 2 4 3 5 1 7 2 7A 1 8 2 10 3 14 1 15 1.5 18 2 18C 1.5 (with 6-1) 21 1 22 1 IN: Course Number 6-1 8 6-2 2 6-3 15 6-? 24. When did you decide upon your current major? (Check one)
Numbers shown are percentage of the group responding in each category:
Before attending MIT OUT 3% IN: 12% Fall term freshman year OUT 13% IN: 12% Spring term freshman year OUT 19% IN: 42% After freshman year OUT 9% IN: 7% During sophomore year (as an undeclared sophomore) OUT 13% IN: 0 During sophomore year (as major in another department OUT 31% IN: 20% After sophomore year OUT 13% IN: 7%5. Do any of the following apply? (Check one)
Considered Course 6 but never declared OUT 60% Declared Course 6 but then transferred OUT 40%6. Does either of your parents have a Masters or a Ph.D in science or engineering?
Mother OUT: 19% yes 81% no IN: 15% yes 85% no Father OUT: 45% yes 55% no IN: 44% yes 56% no7. Have you held a UROP? Yes: 69% No: 31%
Smattering of departments. 4 UROPS in course 6;
4 in course 2; assorted others
IN: Yes 74% No 26%
Almost all are course 6 related. The 22 placements mentioned included 6 in LCS, 4 at the Media Lab, 3 at HST, 1 at LIDS, 1 at RLE, 1 at AI, 1 at CECI
8. Did you take any computer classes before entering MIT? OUT: Yes: 77% No: 23% IN: Yes: 78% No: 22% 9. Did you take the AP Computer Science Test? OUT: Yes: 22% No: 78% IN: Yes: 11% No: 89% 10. Did you study Calculus before attending MIT? OUT: Yes: 94% No: 6% IN: Yes: 93% No: 7% 11. Did you take the Calculus AP exam (either AB or BC)? OUT: Yes: 66% No: 34% IN: Yes: 63% No: 37% 11. Did you spend much time playing computer games in high school? OUT: Yes: 19% No: 81% IN: Yes: 22% No: 78%
1= "much less so than other majors"
2 = "less so than other majors"
3 = "about the same as other majors"
4 = "more so than other majors"
5 = "much more so than other majors"
In the second column, assume the statement is true and evaluate the
importance the trait has to your choice of a major:
1="Very unfavorable",
3 = "No influence, Does not matter"
5= "Very Favorable"
Course 6 Validity Importance 1. is very competitive 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV OUT:0 0 16% 44% 40% 4.3 OUT: 3% 53% 28% 16% 0 2.6 IN: 0 0 15% 37% 48% 4.3 IN: 7% 33% 33% 20% 7% 2.9 2. has dedicated faculty 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV *************(validity only) OUT: 3% 13% 68% 16% 0 3 OUT: 3% 0 22% 52% 25% 4 IN: 0 0 37% 41% 22% 4 IN: 4% 0 8% 46% 42% 4.2 3. has dedicated TAs 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV OUT: 3% 3% 56% 34% 3% 3.3 OUT: 3% 3% 23% 39% 32% 3.9 IN: 0 4% 36% 46% 14% 3.7 IN: 4% 0 12% 27% 57% 4.3 4. is full of nerds 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV OUT: 0 3% 22% 56% 19% 3.9 OUT: 0 31% 69% 0 0 2.7 IN: 4% 0 23% 27% 46% 4.1 IN: 11% 11% 70% 8% 0 2.9 5. has accessible faculty 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV ************* OUT: 0 38% 41% 21% 0 2.8 OUT: 3% 9% 23% 48% 16% 3.6 (inportance only) IN: 8% 8% 56% 24% 4% 3 IN: 0 0 10% 50% 40% 4.3 6. has a flexible program 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV ************* OUT: 3% 31% 45% 16% 0 2.8 OUT: 0 3% 26% 45% 26% 3.7 (validity only) IN: 0 19% 33% 33% 15% 3.9 IN: 0 0 18% 63% 19% 4 7. is challenging 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV OUT: 0 3% 10% 55% 32% 3.2 OUT: 3% 12% 28% 44% 13% 3.5 IN: 0 0 4% 35% 61% 4.6 IN: 0 0 19% 50% 31% 4.1 8. has faculty who encourage 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV women students OUT: 14% 18% 54% 14% 0 2.7 OUT: 0 3% 39% 45% 26% 3.9 IN: 0 32% 54% 14% 0 2.8 IN: 0 4% 41% 33% 22% 3.7 9. has good career 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV opportunities OUT: 0 0 6% 47% 47% 4.4 OUT: 0 3% 9% 41% 47% 4.3 IN: 0 0 4% 55% 41% 4.4 IN: 0 0 4% 26% 70% 4.7 10. has good career 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV opportunities for women in OUT: 0 14% 34% 45% 7% 3.4 OUT: 0 3% 29% 48% 19% 3.8 particular IN: 0 0 40% 44% 16% 3.8 IN: 0 0 31% 19% 50% 4.2 11. was favored by my 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV parents OUT:16% 6% 29% 26% 23% 3.3 OUT: 10% 3% 68% 19% 0 3.0 IN: 8% 11% 55% 15% 11% 3.1 IN: 0 11% 69% 8% 12% 3.2 12. has friendly students 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV OUT: 3% 19% 68% 10% 0 2.8 OUT: 7% 0 38% 48% 7% 3.5 IN: 4% 34% 54% 0 8% 2.7 IN: 0 11% 30% 37% 22% 3.7 13. has a good reputation in 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV industry OUT: 0 0 3% 71% 26% 4.2 OUT: 0 0 7% 71% 23% 4.2 IN: 0 0 4% 43% 53% 4.5 IN: 0 0 7% 45% 48% 4.4 14. requires more work than 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV other majors OUT: 0 0 22% 53% 25% 4.0 OUT: 9% 28% 56% 6% 0 2.6 IN: 0 0 8% 48% 44% 4.4 IN: 0 35% 42% 19% 4% 2.9 15. has many more men than 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV women students OUT: 0 0 19% 38% 43% 3.3 OUT: 0 34% 66% 0 0 2.6 IN: 0 0 0 39% 61% 4.6 IN: 0 19% 69% 4% 8% 3 16. is a good major for 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV people interested in law OUT: 0 43% 46% 11% 0 2.7 OUT: 3% 3% 80% 11% 3% 3.1 IN: 12% 17% 54% 13% 4% 2.8 IN: 0 4% 92% 0 4% 3.0 17. is a good major for 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV people interested in medicine OUT: 3% 48% 39% 7% 3% 2.6 OUT: 0 6% 69% 22% 3% 3.2 IN: 0 30% 48% 22% 0 2.9 IN: 0 4% 59% 30% 7% 3.4 18. is graded harshly 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV OUT: 0 7% 48% 28% 17% 3.6 OUT: 14% 34% 45% 7% 0 2.4 IN: 0 0 36% 36% 28% 3.9 IN: 11% 58% 27% 0 4% 2.3 Course 6 careers... 19. are very creative 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV ************* OUT: 3% 4% 41% 19% 3% 2.8 OUT: 3% 12% 22% 47% 16% 3.6 IN: 0 8% 40% 28% 24% 3.7 IN: 4% 4% 4% 32% 56% 4.3 20. have high income 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV ************* OUT: 3% 0 19% 66% 12% 3.8 OUT: 3% 3% 38% 53% 3% 3.5 (importance only) IN: 0 4% 33% 44% 19% 4.1 IN: 0 0 22% 48% 30% 4.1 21. offer good career 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV placement OUT: 0 0 15% 63% 22% 4.1 OUT: 0 0 6% 78% 16% 4.1 IN: 0 4% 7% 52% 37% 4.2 IN: 0 0 10% 43% 47% 4.4 22. offer managerial 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV responsibility OUT: 0 14% 48% 31% 7% 3.3 OUT: 0 3% 53% 37% 7% 3.5 IN: 0 0 56% 40% 4% 3.5 IN: 0 4% 11% 26% 59% 3.5 23. are exciting 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV ************** OUT: 10% 40% 40% 10% 0 2.5 OUT: 0 13% 13% 57% 17% 3.8 IN: 4% 7% 37% 26% 26% 3.6 IN: 0 4% 11% 26% 59% 4.4 24. allow independence 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV ************ OUT: 0 19% 51% 30% 0 3.1 OUT: 0 7% 19% 52% 22% 3.9 (validity only) IN: 0 8% 32% 35% 35% 3.8 IN: 0 0 12% 42% 46% 4.3 25. allow an opportunity to 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV use your skills and talents OUT: 0 13% 45% 32% 10% 3.4 OUT: 0 3% 19% 52% 26% 4 ********* (importance only) IN: 4% 4% 31% 27% 34% 3.8 IN: 4% 0 8% 19% 69% 4.5 26. have good opportunities 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV for women ********* OUT: 0 33% 37% 27% 3% 3 OUT: 0 10% 29% 51% 10% 3.6 (validity only) IN: 0 4% 42% 42% 12% 3.6 IN: 0 0 32% 36% 32% 4
What are/were your most important concerns in choosing a major?
OUT Responses:
Make use of strengths; can get me into a position/career that I enjoy and will be good at.
A job, good pay, growth & doing something you really like to do. Undecided about major at first; declared 6, took 6.001 & then changed my mind based on that experience. The environment was too competitive. Switched to course 1 - open houses and small classes were appealing & liked the environmental area of civil eng.
To do something I was really interested in doing.
What I am good at. Career opportunities afterward. Happiness in Dept (ie classes, peers, support, etc)
I want to do something I like. Biomed interests me, MechE offers this area (along w/ EE). The smaller size of MechE is more appealing
To choose a major of great interest w/ a comfortable working environment that will lead to a practical career.
Something I might possibly enjoy doing for the rest of my life.
Where talents lie and being able to express it. Does not want to be stuck in an office, want to be a vet. Influenced by extracurricular activities (in High school but not at MIT)
To do something that I can excel
The subjects I found interesting and courses I wanted to take.
I was interested in a dept where I felt comfortable. Nuc Eng was small & the open house convinced me 22 was for me.
To do something I enjoy and to be able to use my major after I graduate.
To do something I like in an environment that is not overly intense; interested in MedSchool.
Work in the future; like it; reasonable pay.
Should like what you're doing; Switched from course 6 not because I disliked 6 but likes Bio better!
Interest, not hindered in major; faculty and how they teach courses.
I wanted a major w/ challenge and w/out stress - good job opportunities.
Less personal attention in my interest.
Interested in material; wanted academia = wanted a major where I would be interested in material even if I didn't get good grades. I'm interested in academic and believe interest is all that matters
What I wanted to do later in life and wanted a flexible career.
To major in what you like to do the best; what you're truly interested in doing.
I wanted to do something I really enjoyed. MechE has better hands-on type subjects - more variety.
Still not sure what I want to do as a career so chose Course 2 as a default, since it is the broadest, covering many majors, & I can narrow it down in Grad school.
Creativity; self-expression; mixture of creative and technical; wanted something I would stick to for rest of life, not train for and then go on to something else; work as part of a team.
Career opportunities; interest in major.
IN Responses:
1. Interest in subject material. 2. Job opportunity
To do something I like and be able to make a good salary when I graduate. I like the challenge of course 6; to see if I can do it.
Job opportunities that are interesting.
Interested in pre-med; liked both math and engineering.
To do something interesting; career opportunities.
Freshman advisor (course 6 person) suggested 6.001 . Took 6.001 1st terms freshman year and 6.002 and 6.170 second term. Taking 3 course 6 subjects freshman year determined one of my majors. (Course 18 is second major.)
1. Get a good job. 2. Enjoy the material. 3. Solid engineering background.
To do something I like and can do with good job opportunities.
1. Interesting subjects. 2. Career opportunities.
A department that offers tools for the future.
Intellectually challenging. Job aspects.
1. Interest. 2. Career opportunities.
Do something I enjoy. Viable career.
Chose EECS by process of elimination. Didn't like physics, saw no future in biology without graduate degree.
Something fun -- cool.
Quality of faculty. Job opportunities. Interest in subject.
To do something I liked. My friends (guys) were taking subjects in 6 so I joined them and really liked it. So I decided to major in 6.
A department with good career opportunities and a good reputation. VI-A and M.Eng. seem very attractive.
Like math and science and decided to major in EE because there are good job opportunities. Thought computer experience would be good.
Interest in subject material. Support of faculty. Great recitation instructors. great TAs.
Wanted to major in something I was interested in learning and studying. Liked computers even though intimidated by them.
Majoring in something I was good at: CS.
Concentrate on your strengths.
Something interesting. Good jobs available. Superb faculty.
Subject material. Interesting courses.
Have always been interested in EECS even though had very little CS experience.
Career opportunities.
1 = "completely false"
2 = "somewhat false"
3 = "do not know "
4 = "somewhat true",
5 = "very true"
1. Course 6 has become less attractive to me 1 2 3 4 5 AV since arriving at MIT. ************* OUT: 3% 3% 0 38% 56% 4.4 IN: 33% 26% 11% 19% 11% 2.5 2. Another major has become more attractive to 1 2 3 4 5 AV me since arriving at MIT ************** OUT: 0 3% 0 25% 72% 4.6 IN: 30% 30% 3% 26% 11% 2.6 3. I never gave much thought to Course 6. 1 2 3 4 5 AV OUT: 59% 28% 0 10% 3% 1.7 IN: 67% 15% 0 18% 0 1.7 4. It is difficult to succeed in Course 6 1 2 3 4 5 AV without having had previous EE or CS experience. OUT: 9% 18 18% 38% 17% 3.3 IN: 18% 30% 11% 30% 11% 2.9 5. My aptitude for Course 6 work is below 1 2 3 4 5 AV average for MIT. OUT: 10% 29% 16% 22% 23% 3.2 IN: 27% 23% 12% 34% 4% 2.6 6. My freshmen advisor encouraged me to major 1 2 3 4 5 AV in Course 6. OUT: 41% 22% 22% 9% 6% 2.2 IN: 44% 11% 30% 11% 4% 2.2 7. My Course 6 advisor is/was very supportive. 1 2 3 4 5 AV OUT: ------NA------- IN: 11% 22% 15% 22% 30% 3.4 8. My friends are supportive of my major in 1 2 3 4 5 AV Course 6. OUT: ------NA------- IN: 7% 11% 26% 34% 22% 3.5 9. My performance in Course 6 is below average. 1 2 3 4 5 AV OUT: ------NA------- IN: 26% 11% 7% 37% 19% 3.1 10. My parents are supportive of me majoring in 1 2 3 4 5 AV Course 6. OUT: ------NA------- IN: 0 4% 15% 35% 46% 4.2 11. I had less prior computer experience 1 2 3 4 5 AV compared to other MIT students. OUT:11% 11% 15% 41% 22% 3.5 IN: 4% 18% 4% 33 41% 4.2 12. I had less prior EE experience compared 1 2 3 4 5 AV to other students at MIT. OUT: 0 10% 29% 29% 32% 3.8 IN: 0 4% 17% 43% 36% 4.1 13. My math background is strong compared to 1 2 3 4 5 AV peers. OUT: 9% 9% 34% 39% 9% 3.2 IN: 7% 22% 23% 22% 26% 3.3 14. Access to bibles helped me in my classes. 1 2 3 4 5 AV OUT:19% 31% 16% 28% 6% 2.7 IN: 33% 0 11% 44% 19% 3 15. UROPS in Course 6 were/are available to me 1 2 3 4 5 AV if I want them. OUT:13% 18% 39% 23% 7% 2.9 IN: 4% 22% 11% 44% 19% 3.5 16. Tutoring offered by course 6 is very 1 2 3 4 5 AV helpful. OUT: 3% 23% 47% 24% 3% 3 IN: 0 4% 70% 22% 4% 3.3 17. I prefer to work alone. 1 2 3 4 5 AV OUT:20% 33% 0 30% 17% 2.9 IN: 8% 33% 0 37% 22% 3.3 18. I have had female role models in EE or CS. 1 2 3 4 5 AV OUT:34% 25% 19% 16% 6% 2.3 IN: 48% 15% 4% 26% 7% 2.3 19. I do not know where to go for extra help 1 2 3 4 5 AV in Course 6 classes. OUT:19% 39% 16% 16% 10% 2.6 IN: 18% 52% 4% 22% 4% 2.4 20. My high school teachers/guidance 1 2 3 4 5 AV counselors encouraged me to pursue engineering. OUT:25% 28% 13% 25% 9% 2.7 IN: 30% 26% 7% 30% 7% 2.6 21. In a group, I like to work with females. 1 2 3 4 5 AV OUT:13% 31% 22% 28% 6% 2.8 IN: 15% 31% 38% 8% 7% 2.6 22. Lack of an open house for freshmen affected 1 2 3 4 5 AV my consideration of Course 6 for a major. OUT:45% 10% 36% 9% 0 2.1 IN: 37% 18% 26% 19% 0 2.3 23. The M.Eng. program makes Course 6 more 1 2 3 4 5 AV attractive. ****************** OUT: 6% 13% 30% 38% 13% 3.4 IN: 0 0 19% 37% 44% 4.3 24. The 6A program makes Course 6 more 1 2 3 4 5 AV attractive. OUT: 0 6% 19% 56% 19% 3.9 IN: 0 7% 26% 26% 41% 4 25. My strengths make me better suited for 1 2 3 4 5 AV another major than for Course 6. OUT: 3% 3% 19% 28% 47% 4.1 ******************* IN: 26% 11% 33% 19% 11% 2.8
Any other comments? Are there any distinctive aspects about Course 6 or any experiences that you find favorable or unfavorable?
OUT Responses:
Unfavorable - dept is too big!
Unfavorable - very competitive.
Heard about 6.270 - thought it was a good idea. Lower level of introductory classes. 6.001 a weed-out class. Intense.
I think you can only succeed in course 6 if you are really good and have had previous computer experience.
Many students feel course 6 is the thing to do
Unfavorable - students in course 6 have the rep of NOT taking showers.
Unfavorable - lack of support, if you don't survive, nobody cares.
Profs lecture to top of class or to people who know material.
Liked 6.012 a lot; like 6.002 working w/ circuits. 6.003 very good labs.
Dislike: 6.001 rec w/ many other people already had Scheme; intimidating, hard to find tutor & RI.
Was in EE, but not interested in CS.
Can't move up to management easily as a career. Not people oriented career.
6.002 experience: TAs didn't warn doing poorly, too much weight on final, wound up w/ "D".
Favorable: Grads get higher salaries in course 6.
Took 6.071 and liked it - broad overview of course 6.
Liked 1.00 a lot but hated 8.02.!
Unfavorable - too competitive. Difficult to make friends.
Unfavorable - image: really tough, cutthroat.
Favorable - seems to be a growing major; future outlook looks good.
6.001 doesn't seem applicable: felt it was weed-out course.
Course 6 has rep of being very masculine major
6.001 was pretty negative experience. Didn't feel I was doing well and could keep up.
IN Responses:
Unfavorable -- grading tough; too competitive
Unfavorable -- a TA kept pressuring me for dates.
Favorable -- big sister program
Undergraduate women need more interactions with other women students and women faculty. Role models are important. Some older male faculty do not seem comfortable with women students -- but that will change as they retire!
Unfavorable - too competitive. Curve too high in some subjects.
Unfavorable -- Always felt terribly intimidated, mostly all males in classes so switched from 6-3 to 6-2
Unfavorable -- too much emphasis on exams. I do well on problems sets, but not on exams.
Favorable -- Well-recognized in companies. Unfavorable -- not enough women.
Favorable -- Highly competitive (which I like). Lots of work.
Favorable -- Lecture, recitation and TA structure very good. Excellent TAs.
Unfavorable -- Professors are distant from students; hence students are intimidated by faculty.
Unfavorable -- Big department with advisors too busy to spend very much time with students.
Favorable -- Good experience with TAs.
I like the engineering discipline. You can build something, and in a reasonable time, test it to see if it works.
Favorable - Course 6 very organized. Unfavorable -- highly competitive.
Favorable -- excellent faculty. Motivated students.
Unfavorable -- too time-consuming
Unfavorable -- I'm fed up with the computer-science jargon. I feel like I'm not learning a science.
Enjoyed course 6 a lot. Good overall experience. I like hard work.
Favorable -- Faculty care about teaching. Classes well-organized.
Unfavorable -- Some subjects have grungy work.
Favorable -- Interesting UROP projects. Interesting 6A work.
Unfavorable -- There are some older faculty who seem to think that women are not serious students.
Interesting things to do. Computer stuff is great. You can do anything with a course 6 degree, but it's hard to get a course 6 degree -- too many required subjects.
Work load too heavy.
I decided to double major in math. This will help me more in my career. Technology is always changing in computer science.
Unfavorable -- I do not like the department. The faculty and TAs are less friendly and less accessible compared with course 18, for example.
Favorable -- Tutorials are really helpful; learn more than from lectures. Office hours very helpful.
6.001 scares some people.
TAs and recitation instructors seem to be more knowledgeable than in other departments.
Great faculty. I like the subjects offered.
Favorable -- Department offers lots of EE, CS, AI subjects.
Unfavorable -- has the reputation of being the "worst experience of our life -- hard work."
If you once considered Course 6, but are now in a different major, what were the main reasons?
OUT responses (no IN responses)
Lost interest after taking 6.001; I needed more help (esp in the lab) and didn't get it.
Rigidity of curriculum; fast pace of classes.
Architecture was more appealing to me, But I guess I never really gave 6 a shot though I wish I had to see if I would have been able to handle it.
Strengths not in course 6, made aware of it by 6.001. 6.001 is too cut-throat, competitive. People more tightly wound, intense.
I didn't like the course 6 classes I took.
Dropped 6.001: didn't like it. Too competitive, too big, and didn't have the time to devote to the subject.
After looking at curriculum, I wanted something I liked to do for 3 years - you have to be really excited about course 6 in order to survive.
I was in course 6 but did poorly: the dept and my counselor offered no support.
Same as above: Profs lecture to top of class or to people who know material.
Liked bio better.
Course 6 advisor didn't care: wouldn't advise and had to take random useless classes.
Wanted a smaller dept.
Was not my interest; strengths not in circuits. Original decision for course was for ROTC.
TAs unrealistically optimistic; encouraged her even though she wasn't doing well. Should be more emphasis on homework; perhaps more tests?
Switched out (of?) 6-3. Too many requirements. Like programming but too theoretical.
Like physics, but am thinking about a SM in EE.
Really enjoy programming - took jr high computer camp - pascal & basic. Also really like 1.00. Terrible w/ 8.02 - course 6 has a lot of electricity classes, didn't want to commit to 3 years of classes I hated, even if I enjoy computers. Like 8.01, did well, am now course 2.
Unfavorable - too competitive. Difficult to make friends.
Was considering 6-3, but got really tired of sitting in front of a computer (6.001) and programming was hard and not very appealing for me. Barely passed 6.001.
Didn't know much about architecture before. Like its blend of creative and technical, very individual. W/ programming, didn't like how all problems are already solved.
Didn't know much about career ops in EECS. Career fair early in term would be helpful.
Would have like opportunity to take intro course less scary than 6.001.
Personal interests. Felt better suited for course 1 and eventual career path. More women in course 1, but not big factor in decision.
Dept did not seem supportive of women students.
Wanted to do something much more interactive than sitting at a computer. Liked programming, but didn't think I was that good at it!
Now in course 10; interested in subject; felt this is where strengths lie. Interest in pre-med.
When did you take 6.001?
OUT (numbers of students in each category)
Never: 10
2nd-term Freshman: 9
2nd-term Freshman, but dropped: 7
1st-term Sophomore: 5
2nd-term Sophomore: 1
IN (numbers of students in each category)
1st-term Freshman: 2
2nd-term Freshman: 17
1st-term Sophomore: 7
2nd-term Sophomore: 1
When did you take 6.002?
OUT (numbers of students in each category)
Never: 21
1st-term Freshman: 0
2nd-term Freshman: 1
1st-term Sophomore: 7
1st-term Sophomore, but dropped: 1
2nd-term Sophomore: 2
IN (numbers of students in each category)
1st-term Freshman: 2
2nd-term Freshman: 5
1st-term Sophomore: 10
2nd-term Sophomore: 9
Other 1
Please rate the validity of the following statements about 6.001 and 6.002:
1= "completely false"
2 = "somewhat false"
3 = "do not know"
4 = "somewhat true"
5 = "very true".
If you have not taken the course, please answer only the starred questions,
based on your perception.
Percentages are based upon three populations:
OUT(n) non-course 6 majors who did not take the course
OUT(y) non-course 6 majors who did take the course
IN course 6 majors
In this section of the questionnaire, unlike the others, the questions
marked with multiple stars (*******) are the ones where there was a
statistically difference in the responses to 6.001 and 6.002 among the IN
group. (We did not test differences between the responses of the three groups
for this section.)
6.001 (6.002) 6.001 6.002 *1. is inspiring 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV ********* OUT(n) 0 30% 40% 30% 0 OUT(n) 6% 44% 38% 12% 0 OUT(y) 23% 31% 5% 27% 14% OUT(y): 36% 36% 0 18% 10% IN: 7% 15% 4% 52% 22% 3.6 IN: 26% 33% 0 33% 8% 2.6 *2. is overwhelming 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV OUT(n): 0 10% 10% 50% 30% OUT(n) 0 19% 25% 37% 19% OUT(y): 9% 9% 14% 36% 32% OUT(y): 10% 0 10% 35% 45% IN: 0 23% 8% 31% 38% 3.8 IN: 0 11% 15% 48% 26% 3.9 *3. had (would have) a 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV negative influence me on OUT(n):10% 10% 30% 50% 0 OUT(n): 12% 0 50% 19% 19% considering course 6 for OUT(y):18% 18% 0 28% 36% OUT(y): 17% 8% 8% 25% 42% a major IN: 37% 33% 7% 15% 8% 2.2 IN: 15% 37% 0 22% 26% 3.1 *4. is challenging 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV OUT(n): 0 0 0 50% 50% OUT(n): 0 6% 19% 50% 25% OUT(y): 0 0 0 55% 45% OUT(y): 9% 0 9% 0 82% IN: 0 8% 4% 44% 44% 4.3 IN: 0 4% 7% 41% 48% 4.3 *5. is a "weed out" 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV course OUT(n):10% 0 50% 30% 10% OUT(n): 6% 12% 38% 31% 19% OUT(y): 4% 9% 9% 46% 32% OUT(y): 9% 0 9% 36% 46% IN: 7% 7% 16% 35% 35% 3.8 IN: 11% 19% 7% 28% 37% 3.6 *6. My background 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV knowledge for this OUT(n):20% 10% 10% 50% 10% OUT(n): 0 12% 38% 31% 19% course was (is ) lower OUT(y): 9% 22% 14% 23% 32% OUT(y): 9% 9% 18% 28% 36% than my peers' IN: 0 7% 19% 33% 41% 4.1 IN: 0 11% 25% 28% 36% 3.9 *7. is well-organized 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV *********** OUT(n): 0 0 60% 20% 20% OUT(n): 0 0 69% 19% 12% OUT(y): 0 18% 14% 32% 36% OUT(y): 0 0 18% 73% 9% IN: 0 0 15% 37% 48% 4.3 IN: 0 7% 19% 63% 11% 3.8 8. my recitation 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV instructor was helpful OUT(n): ----NA------- OUT(n): ----NA------- OUT(y):10% 30% 15% 25% 20% OUT(y): 0 27% 10% 36% 27% IN: 11% 26% 15% 22% 26% 3.3 IN: 4% 14% 11% 37% 29% 3.8 9. my TA was helpful 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV OUT(n): ----NA------- OUT(n): ----NA------- OUT(y): 5% 29% 10% 18% 38% 3.7 OUT(y): 0 18% 10% 36% 27% 3.7 10. felt very competitive 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV OUT(n): ----NA------- OUT(n): ----NA------- OUT(y):5% 29% 10% 18% 38% OUT(y):17% 8% 17% 25% 33% IN: 7% 30% 4% 33% 26% 3.4 IN: 4% 20% 8% 48% 20% 3.6 11. I received help from 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV friends OUT(n): ----NA------- OUT(n): ----NA------- OUT(y): 0 5% 0 42% 53% OUT(y):20% 0 0 40% 40% IN: 11% 22% 11% 37% 19% 3.3 IN: 19% 15% 19% 25% 22% 3.2 *12. is graded more 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV harshly than other OUT(n): 0 20% 60% 20% 0 OUT(n): 0 19% 50% 31% 0 introductory subjects OUT(y): 9% 36% 32% 23% 0 OUT(y):20% 30% 30% 20% 0 IN: 11% 22% 11% 37% 19% 3.1 IN: 7% 7% 37% 19% 30% 3.6 13. increased my 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV confidence in my ability OUT(n): ----NA------- OUT(n): ----NA------- OUT(y):37% 20% 11% 21% 11% OUT(y):56% 11% 0 22% 11% IN: 15% 44% 4% 22% 15% 2.8 IN: 33% 33% 4% 19% 11% 2.4 *14. is applicable to 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV the real world OUT(n): 0 20% 20% 30% 30% OUT(n): 0 6% 67% 27% 0 OUT(y): 5% 40% 27% 14% 14% OUT(y):10% 20% 40% 30% 0 IN: 11% 8% 22% 48% 11% 3.4 IN: 11% 11% 22% 49% 7% 3.3 15. I worked regularly 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV with other people OUT(n): ----NA------- OUT(n): ----NA------- OUT(y):11% 21% 0 47% 21% OUT(y):33% 12% 22% 11% 22% IN: 30% 22% 0 30% 18% 2.9 IN: 26% 18% 4% 22% 30% 3.1 *16. is relevant to 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV Course 6 OUT(n): 0 0 0 60% 40% OUT(n): 0 0 27% 46% 27% OUT(y): 0 10% 32% 29% 29% OUT(y): 10% 0 30% 20% 40% IN: 4% 0 0 37% 59% 4.5 IN: 4% 4% 4% 33% 55% 4.3 *17. is overall a good 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV experience ************* OUT(n): 0 0 40% 50% 10% OUT(n): 7% 7% 60% 26% 0 OUT(y):14% 36% 9% 23% 18% OUT(y): 60% 10% 10% 0 20% IN: 4% 11% 4% 33% 48% 4.1 IN: 11% 30% 14% 30% 15% 3.1 *18. makes course 6 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV appealing OUT(n):10% 60% 20% 0 10% OUT(n): 7% 46% 40% 7% 0 OUT(y):32% 40% 5% 14% 9% OUT(y):70% 10% 10% 0 10% IN: 8% 22% 3% 41% 26% 3.6 IN: 11% 45% 15% 22% 7% 2.7
Are there any experiences in 6.001 or 6.002 that were particularly positive or negative? Any other comments?
6.001: OUT Responses:
Liked it a lot - good experience, very challenging. Didn't like TA - made himself too accessible to women students.
Well organized; good text.
Good experience, TA and RI helpful.
Creative labs neat; info on intellectual property rights - very good.
TA good (RI).
Started out poorly but woman RI helped (LAS). Ellen S. was wonderful TA. Was positive experience except the guys loved dominating the class!
Prof. ____ makes it fun!
6.001 problem sets are a lot of fun, Profs ___ & ___ are excellent teachers.
Tutorial was really positive. That's where I learned practically everything.
Loved it! Cool! Great TA!
Very difficult subject for a first computer course. Recitations not too helpful.
Found 6.001 intense and overwhelming. Felt wasn't good at it.
Did not take - scared me!
Needed more help in the lab.
Required too much time; needed a lot of help and found it hard to get TA. Didn't understand tutorials.
Problems sets had nothing to do w/ the concepts. Good practice.
Someone stole her disk and copied all work and handed it in: RI didn't believe even after person admitted: bad that it's that competitive.
Tutorial guy awful; did not like the old chipmunks; very pressured, stressful; late night on small bugs.
Grades determined by exams only.
Overwhelming experience. Felt completely lost. Needed more help getting started on PSets. Better access to TA/Lab facilities.
Lab hours were very restrictive; liked tutorials.
6.001: IN Responses:
Really liked it a lot. Liked programming.
Very good. Interesting problem sets. The reason I switched to 6.
I really enjoyed 6.001.
Wonderful. Creative problem sets. Good TAs.
A real computer course. Did not have any programming experience, but survived. A pre-6.001 course must be intense. TAs and recitation instructors were helpful.
Problem sets are cute. Didn't have previous computer experience. Spent hours and hours in the lab -- overwhelming.
I liked it. Great course. Neat concepts.
Had trouble with 6.001, but stuck to it. Other women who had problems switched to other majors.
Hated it! Couldn't understand it. Too abstract.
Survived because I found people to work with. Didn't find material interesting. TA was very intimidating.
Fun! Recitation instructor wonderful. Learned concepts very well.
Very difficult. Put a lot of time into it. Problems sets good. Fun. Faculty helpful.
Fun class. Good recitation instructor. Good TA.
Flunked it the first time. Stopped going to class. I should have dropped it. Took it again and got an A. Decided it was a fun class.
Very tough. Painful. Worked on 6.001 all the time. Did not have a positive experience even though I liked the material.
6.001 was taught by a smug lecturer. Many (smug) students were at least a bit familiar with what he was talking about.
Very difficult. Good TA. Pre-6001 is a great idea.
Enjoyed it a lot. Especially Prof. ___ and __: good team. Also, 6.004 was very good, with good TAs.
Liked it but was difficult. I worked very hard.
Hated it. Received my only C at MIT. It was a huge time sink. Didn't know Emacs.
Really interesting. A lot of work. I ran out of steam and only got a C at the end.
Very interesting. Liked it a lot. Had previous computer experience. [Note: She had also taken the CS AP exam. Even so, she responded "strongly agree" to "My background knowledge for this course is lower than my peers'. And responded "somewhat true" to "I has less prior computer experience compared to other MIT students."]
Once I started 6.001 and understood the programming language it was good. Prof. ___ was terrific. Male TA not so good.
Lots of fun. Learned a lot of things that were useful in the real world and academic world. Sometimes the labs were too crowded.
Didn't like it. Didn't have much programming experience. How can you catch up to some guys who have had 10 years of programming experience?
Loved it. It was great even though I had no prior CS experience.
6.002 OUT Responses:
problem sets were helpful.
Loved it! Cool! Great TA!
6.002 circuits were fun.
My tutor in course 6 was really good - very helpful and really taught very well.
Hated it!! Liked programming but did not like circuits. Very good TA.
Bad experience - failed midterm but Prof. ____ was patient.
I had difficult time w/ the concepts; lectures are very good.
Pace way too fast; lost from beginning.
Problems and exams were not straightforward.
Felt deceived by TA; told doing fine, got "D" in course; still really upset, wishes she had been advised to drop the course.
Labs pretty negative.
No positive experiences; Final was negative experience.
6.002 IN Responses:
Small labs help a lot.
Liked it better than 6.001. Everything made sense. Circuits straightforward. As in 6.001, TAs and recitation instructors were very helpful.
Did not like it. Terrible. Took it twice; the second time was not any better.
I felt like wearing makeup and nice clothes, but got the feeling that the recitation instructor thought I was not taking the subject seriously.
Did not like 6.002 and the lab work and building circuits. Very frustrating.
Has awful time with it. Difficult to grasp. But loved 6.003. It was elegant and the work was not grungy.
Negative experience. Did not like the subject material. But 6.013 was terrific.
Didn't like it. Didn't understand it. Didn't feel inspired. It just didn't happen.
Liked it a lot. More hand-on work. 6.002 was the reason I switched from 6-3 to 6-1.
Subject material very interesting. Had a decent grasp of material.
I hated it. Way over my head. TA didn't seem to know anything.
Lot of work and had difficulty understanding the concepts.
Liked this. Good recitation instructor. Super TA.
Hated it. Overwhelming. But good professor and good TAs.
I took it with 6.001 and just barely passed the subject and did not even like the subject material.
6.002 fall `91 was taught very well and was inspirational for me. Subsequent terms were taught horribly, I heard, and to my dismay most students I talked to hated 6.002.
Hated it! That's why I'm 6-3. Boring material. But recitation instructor was superb.
Did not care for it. Did not have the background.
This was difficult. The lecturer, recitation instructor, and TAs were all very enthusiastic.
Liked it. Enjoyed the material. Good professor and TA.
Am taking it now. Do not like it because I personally do not understand circuits.
Very bad experience. Due to the pace of the course there was not enough time to fully understand the material.
Did not like subject material. It's a lot of tedious work. But I have to admit it's useful.
Did not like it very much. Math was OK but had difficulty grasping circuits.
Very good experience. Prof. ___ and TAs really good.
General comments from IN respondents:
TAs with MIT undergraduate experience are far superior to RAs from other schools. This is important to know in assigning TAs to the core required undergraduate subjects.
It is difficult finding study groups. Some men do not seem to like women in their study groups unless women are willing to date them.
Tutorials really helpful. Learn more than lectures. Office hours very helpful.
Both 6.001 and 6.002 were well organized.
Please rate the following validity of the following statements about the
experience of a woman undergraduate in course 6:
1 = "completely false"
2 = "somewhat false"
3 = "do not know"
4 = "somewhat true"
5 = "very true"
If you are not a Course 6 woman undergraduate, please check here _______ and
answer according to your perception of how women undergraduates are treated in
Course 6.
1. I have received the same treatment as men 1 2 3 4 5 AV in Course 6. OUT: - 21% 19% 36% 24% 3.6 IN: 4% 37% 11% 30% 18% 3.2 2. I have experienced negative judgments or 1 2 3 4 5 AV qualifications based on my gender. OUT: 27% 18% 21% 31% 8% 2.6 IN: 19% 19% 18% 33% 11% 3 3. I have felt excluded and isolated in 1 2 3 4 5 AV social situations. OUT: 28% 16% 31% 22% 3% 2.6 IN: 30% 37% 11% 19% 3% 2.3 4. Inappropriate comments have been made 1 2 3 4 5 AV about my clothing. OUT:60% 3% 25% 9% 3% 1.9 IN: 59% 19% 15% 0 7% 1.8 5. I have experienced condescending 1 2 3 4 5 AV attitudes based on my gender from Course 6 OUT: 45% 16% 19% 10% 10% 2.2 faculty or TAs. IN: 30% 19% 7% 33% 11% 2.8 6. I have been ignored or excluded from 1 2 3 4 5 AV classroom discussions because of my gender. OUT: 44% 25% 6% 24% 0 2.1 IN: 30% 33% 11% 22% 4% 2.4 7. I have had Course 6 professors who have 1 2 3 4 5 AV had difficulty relating to women students. OUT: 19% 25% 34% 16% 6% 2.7 IN: 18% 18% 34% 15% 15% 2.9 8. Women find it difficult to find UROPs in 1 2 3 4 5 AV Course 6. OUT: 16% 22% 56% 6% 0 3 IN: 15% 15% 52% 18% 0 3.4 9. I like the fact that there are many 1 2 3 4 5 AV fewer women than men in Course 6. OUT: 50% 16% 28% 6% 0 2 ****************** IN: 11% 30% 26% 26% 7% 2.9 10. I would/do feel like a pioneer in a 1 2 3 4 5 AV major with few females. OUT:16% 16% 28% 34% 6% 3 IN: 7% 19% 7% 63% 4% 3.4 11. I like working with males better than 1 2 3 4 5 AV females. **************** OUT:12% 38% 28% 19% 3% 2.6 IN: 0 19% 33% 33% 15% 3.4 12. I seek out female friends in my major. 1 2 3 4 5 AV OUT: 9% 19% 16% 53% 3% 3.2 IN: 11% 33% 15% 30% 11% 3 13. Males students in Course 6 treat me as 1 2 3 4 5 AV an intellectual equal. OUT: 0 41% 22% 22% 9% 3 IN: 7% 33% 7% 34% 19% 3.2 14. A women has to really excel in Course 6 1 2 3 4 5 AV to be considered a serious student. OUT: 9% 9% 25% 48% 9% 3.4 IN: 7% 15% 19% 37% 22% 3.5 15. Labs in Course 6 are dominated by the 1 2 3 4 5 AV men in the class. OUT: 9% 3% 50% 19% 19% 3.3 IN: 7% 7% 45% 30% 11% 3.3
Please comment on any noteworthy incidents (positive or negative) that you have experienced as a woman in course 6.
OUT Responses:
Men seem to take over the whole lab.
Being in lab and looking for help and not being able to find any.
Male dominated environment.
In 6.001 recitations, there were about 3 girls in 20 people: we always sat together & the class discussion would usually take a turn into really complicated completely irrelevant material that was way past us. Not RIs fault - kept trying to steer back, but some of male students seemed like they really wanted to show off their computer knowledge.
Feeling lost on the 1st Pset: extremely frustrating experience. Felt "if I can't do the 1st Pset, how can I possibly pass the class?"
2 people were course 6. Guy had to retake almost all his cores (6.001-6.004) yet no one thought he was stupid or unsuited for course 6. Female who stuck through all her classes and got some poor grades, was considered a "ditz" (stupid girl) Academically, she is a better student than the male, but she got less respect than the male.
IN Responses:
Bad experience in 6.002. TA kept asking me our for dinner and I ended up dropping the subject. This situation was brought to Dean Randolph's attention. However, I took 6.002 the following term and got an A.
I feel that there are some older faculty in the department who do not approve of females in EE.
It is nice having females TAs. Women feel more comfortable.
Intimidating. Overwhelming.
Nice people. Never felt any prejudice.
I'm immune to gender issues. Was raised as a person.
Some girls are raised to be less assertive than boys.
I'm taking 6.033 this term. Class participation is part of final grade. I'm the only woman in the class and I am shy. I feel intimidated and overwhelmed.
Condescending attitudes.
Course 6 is too intimidating.
Some guys do not think that you know anything.
I didn't like being the only woman in a class.
I feel left out. Guys get together and "computer talk" but not when women are around them. And I think that is the way to learn.
Sexism exists in the labs. Some older faculty do not treat women as intelligent, serious students.
TAs should make it known that they are approachable.
Yourself Women in General 1. Females tend to seek more 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV nurturing majors, such as OUT:38% 31% 6% 22% 3% 2.2 OUT:13% 16% 19% 52% 0 3.1 biology. IN: 52% 22% 7% 15% 4% 1.9 IN: 0 15% 15% 58% 12% 3.7 2. Women like to hack less then 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV men. *******(Women in general OUT:22% 13% 9% 44% 12% 3.1 OUT:7% 16% 16% 61% 0 3.3 only) IN: 15% 30% 18% 26% 11% 2.9 IN: 0 0 8% 69% 23% 4.2 3. Women find Course 6 too 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV intimidating. *******(Women in OUT:18% 13% 6% 47% 16% 3.3 OUT:10% 10% 29% 45% 6% 3.3 general only) IN: 11% 19% 11% 52% 7% 3.3 IN: 0 0 15% 50% 35% 4.2 4. Men think it is "macho" to 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV be Course 6. (Males answer first OUT:3% 17% 40% 37% 3% 3.2 OUT: 7% 7% 51% 28% 7% 3.2 column) IN: 0 9% 36% 45% 9% 3.6 IN: 0 4% 39% 42% 15% 3.7 5. Women have less background 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV in EE or CS than males. OUT:12% 19% 10% 40% 19% 3.3 OUT: 10% 16% 23% 48% 3% 3.2 *******(Women in general only) IN: 4% 7% 11% 63% 15% 3.8 IN: 0 0 12% 46% 42% 4.3 6. Women find Course 6 too 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV competitive. *******(Women in OUT:22% 16% 12% 25% 25% 3.2 OUT: 13% 19% 26% 39% 3% 3 general only) IN: 11% 11% 15% 52% 11% 3.4 IN: 0 0 15% 58% 27% 4.1 7. Men are pressured to major 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV in Course 6. *******(Women in OUT:17% 20% 46% 10% 7% 2.7 OUT:23% 12% 42% 23% 0 2.6 general only). IN: 5% 0 70% 10% 15% 3.3 IN: 0 4% 56% 28% 12% 3.5 8. Women do not like to be in 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV an all male envronment and OUT:29% 32% 36% 3% 0 2.1 OUT:33% 23% 41% 3% 0 2.1 therefore choose a major with IN: 16% 24% 60% 0 0 2.4 IN: 21% 21% 50% 8% 0 2.5 relatively more women. *******(Women in general only) 9. Course 6 is too nerdy for 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV women. OUT:38% 31% 16% 16% 0 2.1 OUT:16% 18% 33% 33% 0 2.8 IN: 44% 18% 16% 18% 4% 2.2 IN: 0 12% 30% 54% 4% 3.5 10. Women find Course 6 too 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV intense. OUT:19% 22% 3% 37% 19% 3.2 OUT:19% 17% 13% 48% 3% 3 IN: 15% 30% 22% 26% 7% 2.8 IN: 0 8% 20% 60% 12% 3.8 11. High School guidance 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV counselors and teachers OUT: 3% 19% 38% 31% 9% 3.3 OUT: 3% 6% 36% 55% 0 3.4 encourage men to enter EE or CS IN: 7% 7% 41% 26% 19% 3.4 IN: 0 0 24% 52% 24% 4 more than they encourage women. 12. Parents encourage men to 1 2 3 4 5 AV 1 2 3 4 5 AV enter EE or CS more than they OUT: 34% 22% 25% 19% 0 2.3 OUT:3% 10% 32% 55% 0 3.4 encourage women. IN: 18% 30% 22% 30% 0 2.6 IN: 0 4% 24% 48% 24% 3.9Any other comments? What do you think are the most significant why there are relatively fewer women than men in Course 6?
OUT Responses:
General ratio at MIT; Too male dominated; too intense; too competitive: not worth it.
Women tend to lack confidence in their ability.
Because there are relatively fewer women than men at MIT!
Women like/are interested in other fields.
Some women take 6.001 and get discouraged; too intense. Women need to work together in small groups & not let the men take over!
Many women are probably not exposed to science & engineering in High School.
High School experience.
Men are invited to participate in EECS activities, women have to seek it out.
Due to upbringing. The few women who are in it knew they wanted to do it in childhood. It wasn't thought about.
Women don't consider it as accessible an option.
EE was generally for men only! Now women are beginning to go into this area.
Before MIT, fewer women are encouraged to be interested in computers or electricity. This carries over to college. Women are intimidated by Course 6.
MIT's M/F ratio. The image of Course 6. Some women think nerdy image is not attractive or acceptable. Lack of encouragement in High School: it's been traditionally an all male field. Not a lot of encouragement from faculty, parents in H.S.
Women drop out if they are not doing well. Men get more support if they fail - it is generally attributed to their circumstances (had a bad day) rather than their intellectual ability. Lack of supportive environment.
Different attitudes about men/women and Course 6. Women get less respect, don't feel they belong in Course 6. Too intense or "macho".
There are fewer women looking for hard-core computer jobs
Perhaps women are just not interested in computers & engineering.
IN Responses:
Upbringing -- not exposed to computers
Lack of training and encouragement for women in CS.
Women are intimidated by course 6. Some think 6 is too impersonal.
Our society seems to discourage girls (in junior high and high school) from engineering and science.
Many women at MIT seem to be interested in biology.
The reputation is that course 6 is too hard for women -- wow!
Course 6 is the most challenging major at MIT. Women are intimidated by its reputation.
Round the clock work. You must be crazy to do this.
Too hard.
Could be that little girls play with their dolls and little boys have their computer games.
Course 6 intimidating to a lot of women.
Too much pressure. Too intense. No time to breathe. Course 6 is the hardest course at MIT.
Very competitive. Nerdy.
Men are generally more interested in EECS than women. But women should be encouraged to try and be told they can do it.
No clue.
Women tend to have less self-confidence. You need self-confidence to survive course 6.
Some high schools do not encourage math and science for girls.
Generally, men seem to excel more in math and science.
Reputation for being impersonal and highly competitive.
Women are intimidated by 6. Too difficult. Women are intimidated by faculty. TAs are easier to approach.
MIT ratio in general. Engineering is more of a male field.
Goes back to high school. Teaches should encourage girls to go into math and science.
High school had fewer women than men in math and science.
Harder environment.
Course 6 has the reputation of being really hard so women less inclined to think course 6 -- too intimidating.
Not many high school girls are interested in CS
How can the percentage of women in Course 6 be increased? Please rate the following ideas on a 1 to 5 scale (5 is the most productive).
Note: There are no statistically significant differences in the responses of the two groups for this part of the survey.
Rating (1-5) 1. Offer a pre-6.001 subject for people with 1 2 3 4 5 AV no prior computer experience. OUT:10% 3% 22% 18% 47% 3.9 IN: 11% 4% 23% 35% 27% 3.6 2. Provide a matching service to make it 1 2 3 4 5 AV easier to find UROPS. OUT:10% 10% 22% 29% 29% 3.6 IN: 4% 8% 23% 42% 23% 3.6 3. Provide more small group learning 1 2 3 4 5 AV opportunities in courses. OUT: 3% 6% 26% 39% 26% 3.8 IN: 8% 8% 31% 15% 38% 3.7 4. Decrease the student/faculty ratio in 1 2 3 4 5 AV course 6. OUT:13% 16% 26% 29% 16% 3.2 IN: 12% 20% 28% 32% 8% 3 5. Offer a Course 6 Open House for freshmen 1 2 3 4 5 AV OUT: 7% 35% 23% 13% 22% 3.4 IN: 15% 20% 27% 19% 19% 3 6. Make rules to guarantee access to 1 2 3 4 5 AV professors through office hours. OUT: 3% 16% 31% 37% 13% 3.4 IN: 12% 12% 50% 23% 3% 3 7. Decrease the number of men in course 6. 1 2 3 4 5 AV OUT:20% 9% 3% 0 0 1.5 IN: 58% 19% 23% 0 0 1.7 8. Make Bibles accessible to everyone. 1 2 3 4 5 AV OUT: 9% 20% 34% 31% 6% 3.1 IN: 20% 24% 24% 20% 12% 2.8 9. Sponsor social events for women majors. 1 2 3 4 5 AV OUT: 7% 17% 26% 37% 13% 3.3 IN: 12% 27% 30% 23% 8% 2.9 10. Sponsor social events for women major to 1 2 3 4 5 AV meet women faculty. OUT:3% 6% 15% 38% 38% 4 IN: 4% 8% 15% 54% 19% 3.8 11. Offer refresher seminars to go over basic 1 2 3 4 5 AV material needed for a class during the first OUT:3% 7% 32% 39% 19% 3.6 few weeks. IN: 3% 12% 12% 35% 38% 3.9 12. Change the tutoring program 1 2 3 4 5 AV OUT:14% 14% 50% 18% 4% 2.9 IN: 26% 17% 40% 17% 0 2.5 13. Offer a social hour for freshmen females 1 2 3 4 5 AV to meet upperclass women in Course 6. OUT: 3% 0 28% 47% 22% 3.8 IN: 16% 8% 28% 28% 20% 3.3 14. Increase the number of female TAs. 1 2 3 4 5 AV OUT:9% 13% 19% 37% 22% 3.5 IN: 8% 27% 23% 12% 30% 3.3 15. Increase the number of female faculty. 1 2 3 4 5 AV OUT:10% 3% 6% 47% 34% 3.9 IN: 8% 12% 28% 20% 32% 3.6 16. Provide opportunities for contact with 1 2 3 4 5 AV women working in EE or CS in industry. OUT: 0 3% 23% 58% 16% 3.9 IN: 4% 8% 31% 27% 31% 3.7 17. Create a group similar for SWE for female 1 2 3 4 5 AV Course 6 majors. OUT:3% 3% 34% 57% 3% 3.5 IN: 8% 12% 46% 19% 15% 3.2 18. Require a gender awareness seminar for TAs 1 2 3 4 5 AV and faculty in Course 6. OUT:19% 16% 23% 32% 10% 3 IN: 24% 20% 28% 12% 16% 2.8
Please elaborate on any of the above suggestions, or provide other suggestions. What do you think should be done (if anything)?
OUT Responses
Do numbers 1, 8, 13, 14, 15, and 16 from above list. Do numbers 1,3,14 and 15.
If you offer some of the above suggestions, you will increase the male population also.
Provide women role models; Provide opportunities to get together w/ other women; Social events for women are important - to meet women faculty, find role models.
Gender awareness effective, if done right; otherwise, could be a complete flop.
Can make women out to be less "sensible" (sensitive?); depends on material & belief of faculty that women can do well.
Continue the "big-sister" program.
Increase number of women faculty, ditto, ditto, ditto; more faculty who are supportive of women students.
It's not encouraging to find so few women faculty
Singling out groups is not good: it will only alienate females and add to the problem.
Tell frosh about Dept and co-op program. Make sure all women get info about Department.
Have an open house for women. Do things for women students.
Offer more help in 6.001.
Give seminar for those who do not have computer backgrounds.
The Dept should try to get women to consider Course 6.
Need more interaction w/ women. Career workshops would be helpful so I can see what I can do w/ my education.
Offer extra help for people who are less well prepared.
Social events for women definitely a good idea: need to see that there are other women in Dept.
Have open house for frosh women; make intro class or seminar less intimidating as far as time & course load, than 6.001.
Publicize current choosing major seminars more.
Take initiative to send out mailing to women explaining course 6, & espec what you do after graduation, also what requirements are, etc.
Offer refresher seminars to go over basic material for those who are less prepared, as a chance to catch up and compete fairly.
Something needs to be done prior to MIT. People come here w/ preconceptions about men/women. Offer something before 6.001 or refresher course- something like the biology intro course: they spent a good portion of the class covering "frontiers in biology" which shows students what a career in bio is like. Course 7 has the highest enrollment ever after that course.
IN Responses
1. There should be a computer science subject in the Institute GIR. 2. Encourage more course 6 to be freshman faculty advisors. 3. Encourage women freshman advisors to take more women students. 4. Offer slow-pace 6.001 and 6.002 with introduction in learning basics of CS. Offer 6.001 for two terms: 1 term 9 units and second term 6 units.
Everyone says course 6 is very hard. So if 1st and 2nd year women can meet 3rd and 4th year women and faculty in course 6 it would be very encouraging.
Course 6 is not very friendly. People act like machines. Perhaps more interaction with women faculty and women students would be helpful.
People have to feel that they can do it. Convince women that they can do anything with a course 6 degree.
More women faculty. Pre-6.001 and pre-6.002. Combine them.
Open house. More interaction with other women students and women faculty.
Perhaps a summer program for admitted 1st-year students to bring students up to speed in physics, etc. This would help people with poor high school backgrounds. (Program similar to one for minority students.)
Increase women TAs. Opportunities to meet women in industry.
More interaction with other women in the department.
Some sort of interaction with other women.
A lot of these ideas would make it nicer to be a course 6-er, some specifically a course 6 woman. But in order to increase enrollment, course 6's image has to change and society needs to raise its girls to be more confident in themselves.
Open house is a good idea. This would provide opportunity to meet more women. 6.111 should be encouraged.
Offer pre-6.001 and pre-6.002 to get the flavor.
I am not for affirmative action. Course 6 should not hire women just because they are women. However, social events for women students are positive.
The department should have more women faculty and TAs in the introductory subjects.
Offer a freshman seminar on career opportunities fro women in EECS.
Some women need a lot more encouragement and support than men (especially women who are shy). Also, Tech Square is too isolated. Hence very little interaction between faculty and undergraduates.
New VI-2 program will attract people.
Introductory computer courses.
More interaction with women faculty. Some older male faculty do not seem to take women seriously. What about a typing class over IAP to help use computers more effectively.
If there were more women, it would not be as intimidating. Offer pre-6.002 course. 6.002 is too difficult to grasp.