Scheme 48

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Release notes for version 1.7

  • Additions:
    • A new, experimental garbage collector written by David Frese has been added. It can be enabled by specifying --enable-gc=bibop on the configure command line. (It is disabled by default on Unix, but enabled on Windows.)
    • DESTDIR support has been added to the Makefile (thanks to Markus Weissmann, Ivan Shmakov, Will Job von Foo)
  • Bug fixes:
    • Ctrl-C now works more reliably on Windows.
    • An I/O bug on Windows where an EOF on read would cause a crash has been fixed. (reported by Christoph Bauer)
    • A bug that would cause spurious deadlocks with the interactive REPL was fixed.
    • A bug where the last exception handler would get de-installed has been fixed (reported by Emilio Lopes)
    • A bug in bytes->string-n that would cause it to break on incomplete incodings was fixed (reported by Emilio Lopes)
    • Current-os-string-text-codec is now exported from OS-STRINGS as documented (reported by Emilio Lopes)
    • A bug where random text would be printed when a port was closed by GC was fixed. (reported by Will Clinger)
    • A bug in the UDP sockets was fixed.
Release notes for version 1.6.

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