Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 419.
Psyche 9:419-420, 1900.

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November, qoz.] PSYCHE. 41 9
salis: (No distinction noted from the
other tribe, Nemeobiini.)
Subfamily LYCAENI NAE.
Butterfly : Labial palpi well developed, porrect, half or more of the middle joint surpassing the face. Fore wings with
excessively brief, hardly perceptible
internal nervure ; hind wings channeled
on basal half to receive the abdomen,
without precostal nervure, the costal
nervure running nearly to the end of
costal margin. Fore tarsi of 8 armed
abundantly beneath and at tip with
spines. Generally unspotted and with-
out bars above. Egg: No converging
septae in the foveolae. CaferfiZZa~ at
birth : Body with chitinous dorsal shields of greater or less extent and distinctness only on the first thoracic and last dorsal segments ; no substigmatal indurated
shields; series of chitinous annuli on
the sides of the body. Mature cater-
pillar: Body with rare exceptions (Feni- eca) distinctly onisciform ; head relative- ly small, being less, generally far less, than half as broad as the middle of the
body, usually completely, always at least partially retractile within the segment
behind it. Chrysalis: Short, plump,
rounded, and nowhere (except in Feni-
seca) angulate, the abdomen rounded
and falling rapidly behind, (excepting in Feniseca) without protuberant cremas-
ter ; body sparsely or densely clothed
with short hairs or other dermal appen-
Deilinia curjtea~ia Hulst.
The 9 type is
in the National Museum. A female before
me from which eggs were obtained, is not like the type, the ground color of fore wings being ashen, the lines thicker and more dif- fuse, the one through the discal dot wanting; terminal gray space more angularly bent and edged within with blackish and carneous. An exact mate to it ($) is in the Museum, bred on Ceanothus in California by Mr. A. Koebele. Others of Koebele's specimens, of which hardly two are alike, are nearer Hulst's type and one f matche: it, except that the terminal gray shade is obsolete, I collected an equally variable series of moths with the ij? that laid the eggs. D. falcath Pack. and D. ferfa//i&z~~ia Grotc are probably only varieties of tl'ii!~apecieå£_;_if_S~,J.lns_sp.e cies must he called falcataria. But I have not examined the other types.
Egg.- Elliptical, one end strongly de-
pressed, wedge shaped, the sides narrow but not flattened ; microjyylar end roundly trun- cate. About 18 longitudinal, parallel lines, stopping sharply at the edge of the trunca- tion, a little confused at the other end; slightly waved, narrow, raised, joined by neat cross lines, similar, forming transversely elongate parallelograms, alternating in suc- cessivc rows. Fine pores at the joinings of these reticulations. Green, turning sordid crimson. Size .8 X .6 X .4 mm. Hatched
in six days.
Stage I.- Head round, not bilobed, mouth


420 PSYCHE. [November, iqoa
pointed; dark brown, not shining, the sutures of the moderate clypeus a trace darker; a pale speck covering epistoma ; width .3 mm. Body moderate, normal, cylindrical, smooth, Sordid whitish, becoming green from the
food; a dorsal brown stripe, moderately dark and a series of vinous brown connected snh- ventral blotches, forming a line on joints 2-4 and 10-13. Traces of subdorsal and stigma- ta1 paler lines and faint, pale streaking in the lateral space between. Tubercles ~nini-ite, black; setae rather long, black, not distinctly capitate. Abdominal feet reddish shaded. S t q e If. - Head rounded bilobed, flaltish before, spotted thickly with white over the face, hut. all of vertex and sides of lobes dark brown; width .'; mm. Body cylindrical,
rather short and thick, smooth, normal.
Tubercles moderate, but setae bristly, black, distinct. Uorsum dark purple-brown, cut by whitish on joint 2 at sides; sides white with two broad, diffuse, dark brown bands, a little dotted, wider than the whitish spaces, Ven- ter broadly dark with narrow subventral and medio-ventral white lines, the latter scgnien- tarily maculate in dark brown. Feet pale lined.
The larvae were unfortunately lust at this point. Others, collecled on Ceanothns at the same place appeared as follows :-
Stqe 111. -Head rounded bilobed, flat-
tened before, erect ; whitish, heavily mottled in brown-black, forming large confluent
patches at vertex and sides, leaving the face pale with only a fcw dark marks; width
8. mm. body marked much as in Bndropia
duari'a, stage I (Psyche vol. 9, p. 371) so that the larva was at first mistaken for tlmt spccies. St̤g IV. -Head as before, somewhat
thick and disk-like ; greenish white, vertex and sides with brown, transversely strigose mottlings, forming a border about the face; width 1.3 inn]. Body robust, moderate,
smooth ; olivaceons-green ; addorsal and subdorsal lines white, darker edged, joined by intersegmental white blotches between 5-6 to 7-8; lateral line white, similarly blotched to the diffuse, yellow, suhstigrnatal line. Venter similarly white lined ; a scries of large, purple-brown, segmenlary, subven- tral blotches. Feet purplish washed ; no shields. Tubercles and setae small, black, inconspicuous.
This delicate larva was lost like the former ones, hut another was collected at the
same place.
Sfdgs V - Head as before, but the strigose brown marking's are pale; width 2.1 mm.
Body as before but all white shaded, the stir niatal line concolorons with the others and all the lines hut a little whiter than the body. Segmentary subventral blotches on joints 2 to 9, partly pale brown, partly dark. Feet brown shaded ; spiracles brown. Tubercles and setae as before.
Larvae on Ceanothus on the foothills
back of Golden, Colorado, collected in July. Moths collected at the same place showed considerable varinhilily, as noted above. One of them is scarcely distinguishable from D. bijilafa Ilulst, and I can construct a good series of specimens leading to this species from the moth that laid the eggs. D. bifilata is, therefore, probably only another variety of this variable species.
Klaeger and Carlsbad Insect Pins, setting Boards, Folding Nets, Locality and
Special Labels, Forceps, Sheet Cork, Etc. Other c-rticles are being added, Send for List,


Volume 9 table of contents