Article beginning on page 407.
Psyche 9:407-408, 1900.
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October, iym] PSYCHE, 407
of ranged appendages on each side, the
uppermost laterodorsal, the lowermost
with two appendages to a segment, all
springing from flattened tubercles. Ma-
ture caterpillar : Spines of head slender, tapering throughout ; uppermost spines
of body much longer than the segments.
Chr\mzlis : Frontal tubercles excessively long, ribbon-like, serrate above ; antennal joints spined ; abdominal prominences
terminating in spines.
2. COLAENIS. Butterfly: Fore wing
distinctly more than twice as long as
broad, its cell fully half as long as wing ; cell oå hind wing open. Egg : Unknown.
Ca/er///Iar at birth: Ranged append ages springing from elevated tubercles. Ma-
fure ca/er/illar: Uppermost spines of
body scarcely longer than the segments.
Chrysalis : Frontal tubercles large but
not elongate ; antennal joints not spined ; laterodorsal prominences of abdomen be-
yond third joint large, compressed, sub- quadrate.
3. AGRAULIS. Batterfly: Fore wing
not more than twice as long as broad,
its cell much less than half as long'as
wing ; cell of hind wing open. Egg:
Tapering from the middle upward.
erpillar at birth : Three principal rows of ranged appendages on each side, all
with one appendage to a segment and all
springing from elevated tubercles. Ma-
ture caterpillar: Spines of head stout,
scarcely tapering; uppermost spines of
body longer than the segments. Chrys-
alis: Frontal tubercles large but not
elongate ; antennal joints tuberculate but not spined ; laterodorsal prominences of abdomen beyond third joint small, con-
Apostraphia IItibner.
Butterfly: Palpi very slender, very
thinly haired; antennae as long as the
body, gradually clavate. Fore wings
more than twice as long as broad with
well-rounded tip, the cell more than half as long as the wing; cell of hind wings
closed, the anal angle rounded. Fore
tarsus of f very short; pulvilli and
paronychia present. Egg: Subcylindri-
cal, tapering considerably only on the
upper third, the lateral cells less than twice as broad as high. Laid singly.
SynomiZu subockrearia Hulst. fare. Pale yellowish pink, turning darker. ^-gg.-Elliptical, eides roundedly flat- Size .6 X .j X .4 nun. Laid loose, easih rol- tened, truncation rounded, a little oblique, ling around. outline in general a little irregular, so end Stage. I.- Head rounded, erect, slightly depression. Retic.nlations circular-hexago- bilobed, free, dark dull brown ; width .3 min. rial, rounded, raised, the cell areas fortnitlg Body moderate, normal, translucent sordid round pits like a thimble all over the sur- whitish, marked with sordid vinous brown,
A greenish dorsal line, dotted on the rather numerous, obscure annulets, grayish in tone, diffuse outwardly with traces of a similar, single, subdorsal line ; five broad, transverse, vinous, segmentary bands on joints 1 to 9. Anal feet spreading, the abdominal feet all pale. Tubercle? and setae minute, incon- spicuuus, short, capitate. Thorax dorsally diffusely shaded in brown.
Siag'e SI.- Head smoky luteuus, darker
except in two lines from the clypeus on each lobe ; width .4 mm. Body normal, moderate, sordid luteous with five broad, transverse. vinous, segmentary bands as before, united by numerous fine, evenly spaced, longitndi- nal lines of the same color, fainter at the ends, addorsal, subdorsal, lateral, etc. Tither- cles whitish with short, capitate setae also whitish, the enlarged ends looking like dots on the body.
Segments finely annulate.
Stage ZZ1,- Head rounded bilobed, brown, pale mottled, a pale curved line on each lobe above; .dotted by the white capitate setae ; width .6 mm, Body whitish with fine red- brown lines, slightly waved, about a5 wide as the spaces, blotched on the diffuse trans- verse bands of joints 5 to 9 Feet dark.
Finely annulate; appeurs dotted by the
while capitate setae.
Stage ZK- Head rounded, erect, rather
strongly bilobed, brown, black on the face, pale, dark mottled on sides and vertex ; setae pale, short, capitate ; width .Sj mm. Body moderately rohnst, the ends contracted, nor- mal, segments rather numerously annulate especially at the ends ; subventral fold ridged, prominent on the posterior edges of the segments. Tubercles i and ii well sepa- October, local PSYClhY. 40 8
rated, ii on a slightly prominent annulet. Nearly uniformly entirely dark brown ; seg- ments a little lighter patched dorsally with traces of a pale, narrow, dorsal line, on each side of which are rather irregular, faintly traced, blackish markings intersegmentally, forming a broad, geminate dorsal band.
Feet short, dark ; setae with pale capitate tips, short. Subventral ridge marked and blotched in pale. After being in this stage two weeks the larvae were thick and robust, tapering from joint 1 to the small head. Dark brown, finely annulate, shaded in paler on Lhe back; subventral fold pale and
blotched broadly in pale centrally on the segments. Marks all obscure.
Sfap V.- Head rounded bilobed, erect or
with the apex advanced, clypcus dcprcssed. Brown-black, apices of lobes lighter brown mottled ; setae short, white, capitate ; width I mm. Body robust, attenuated somewhat
before, finely annulate. Dark brown-black, variegated with obscure tessellated markings in lighter brown in dorsal, diamond-shaped patches, terminated in obscure black X-marks in the incisures and a black subdorsal line. All the markings are clouded, faint and mot- tled. Subventral fold prominent. Setae
short, pale, capitate. The dorsal tessella- tions are palest on joints j and 6, somewhat ring shaped on joint 11.
Larvae from Golden, Colorado, eggs July
7th. The larva grew slowly and died Octo- ber z7th, but seems to have been in the last stage. It is remarkable, however, that (lie capitate setae should persist so long. The larva was fed on Polygonum; natural food- plant not determined.
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Special Labels, Forceps, Sheet Cork, Etc. Other pi-tides are being added, Send for ~i~t,
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