Article beginning on page 401.
Psyche 9:401-404, 1900.
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The present paper is intended to give
a list of such Coccidae as arc known to the writer from published or unpublished
records to have been found associated
together on the same food plant, or in
ants' nests, etc.
Incomplete as it must
be, it will show to some extent the diffi- culty which accompanies the identifica-
tion of species of the
same genus so
found, these being often closely allied. Furthermore it will be seen how diffi-
cult it is to treat the infested plants with insecticides, for as a matter of fact in some instances, the treatment for one
would not do for the other, therefore
various means have to be adopted.
It has been asked in the writers hear-
ing many times " are varieties produced
by the association of two or more species living together on the same food plant." Such questions are usually asked by
individuals who having read somewhat
superficially the writings of popular
authors upon evolution and general
biology assume a more perfect knowl-
edge than the entomologist who has
made such investigations the study of
his life.
So far as T know no varieties have
been found in the CoccI~Zae, which could be said to have been the result of two or more species living together.
There are however means whereby
this could be proved, provided one had
the time to devote to it, and the results would no doubt be of much value to
I well remember many years ago while
in conversation with Dr. Hagen then at
Harvard, what he said to me when I
asked him if in his opinion there were
any new species of recent origin. His
reply was "you will not live long enough to find one," We, of course, are con-
stantly finding and describing new spe-
cies and varieties ; but these we believe have been in existence for a long time
but only of recent discovery and are
more frequently found in localities which have been little worked up. It would
indeed be of much interest if some one
would try to find whether or not a male
coccjd would mate with a female not of
its own kin.
The following citations for the most
part are records made by Prof. Coek-
ere11 although several are from various
authors including myself. Some appear
here for the first time.
Lecanium pseudhesferidm Ck11. and
Di@is boisdttvalii Sign. Associated
together on Cattleya in a greenhouse at
Ottawa Canada.
The later species D.
boisdzi.71alii has hitherto been placed in the genus ddacispis. Prof. Cockerell
writes me that Mr. Newstead shows that
it should be placed in the Diaspis.
Lecanum hesperidum L. Puh'inaria
floccifera West (P. ti-assiac) and Hmi-
chionaspis aspidistrae Sign. Cited as
402 PSYCHE. October, iqoa
Chionaspis braziliensis Sign. are found to- gether on leaves of an orchid in Trinidad. Lewytizm hesperidum L. and a Pulvitia-
å´i sp. on leaves ol "fitdoca" at Monte- rcy, Mexico.
Lecani'um bacckaridis ddl. and Mytil-
aspis p~rlonga Cldl. on twigs and
branches of Baccharis at Campinas,
f,ecaniwii, loigitlwn Dougl. and L.
mclnleucm Mask. on leaves of Monstera
de//ciosiz in the Harvard botanical green- house at Cambridge, Mass.
Lccaiiium sp. Ceraplasfes sp. young
of Aspidiotus arlic'ii2atif.s Marg. and A. personatas Cornst. on leaves of hacar-
dium occideå´)å´/.faZ at Kingston, Jamaica. Lecanium sp. Ceraplastes floridensis
Comst. and Pa?*//ztoria sp. on Anthuritl-m Zanc~~olatmn at Kingston, Jamaica.
Lcc&ium ma~,'pferat Green and Vin-
smiiz stellifera Westw. on leaves of Barn- b m malamncis at Kingston, Jamaica.
Leca7~i-ii.m 7na77giferae Green. Saissetia oleae Bern. Ceroplastes floridensis C&st. Vi?~.sonia stelhfera VVestw. and Asfidiottis permmius Comst. on leaves of Mango in
Manchester square, Kingston, Jamaica.
Lccftniwn hesperidum L. and Saissetia
olem Bern. on H/,*peastrum epesire at
Kingston, Jamaica.
å£u?ecaniw percitronis Pitch and Chi-
onaspis americaiza Johns on Ulmus aweri- cana at Springfield, Mass.
Eulecankm caryae Fitch and what I
take to be E. perscae Fabr. on a peach
tree at Niagara, Ontario, Canada.
Saissetw oleae Bern. Ceroplasfes @or&
densis Comst. and C. cit~ifedz/o~mis
Comst. on Lignum vitae tree at Kingston, Jamaica. Saisseiia hemisphaerica Tug.
and Orthesia insignis Dougl. on Chf'ysan- themums at Kingston, Jamaica.
SaisseHa hemisphaerica Targ. and
Dactylopius longis$inå´~i 'Sarg. on house fern at Las Cruces, Ncw Mexico.
Saissefia cojfeae? Walk. and Ceroplastes myricae L. in Assam India on tea. S.
coffeae may yet be found to be a valid
species. I received an adult female
scale on leaf of coffee from Mr. Adolph
Hempel of Brazil. The scale seems dif-
ferent from those of S. hc?nisphaerica and 5. @cum but more material must be
obtained before a decision can be made.
Saissctia hemisfhaerica Tare. and
Asfidiofzts aui-antii Mack on hem cat-
eckn grown in pots at Cavalieris Penn.,
Saissetia hemisphacrica 'Sarg. Diaspis
zamia: Morgan (this is recorded as Aul-
acaspis elegans Leon but Mr. Newstead
shows it to belong to the JViaspis Cocker- ell in litt.) and Dactylojius lo?z~~is/inms Targ. on Cycas revoluta under glass at
Springfield, Massachusetts.
Ceroplasfes myricae L. and Fwrinia
theae ? on tea plant in Assam, India.
Ceroplastes irreyularis andPhenacoccz~r
s/,'~zplex King, dtriplex confer/'/"& and A. polycarpa ? at Lone Pine, California. Icerya rosae and Ceroplastes depressus
Ckll. found under bark of @num vitae
tree at Kingston, Jamaica.
Icerya mo~ztsei*rnlensis and Ischaspis
longirostris. Sign on a palm in Trinidad. Aclerda japonica Newst. and Anfonina
socialis Newst. under the leaf sheath of
October, iqoal PSYCHE. 403
Amdinaria jafonica under glass, Brox-
bourne Herth England.
Ripersia flawla Clill. and I?. candid-
afa King, in ants nests in Massachusetts. Aspidiotus artic7illztus Morg. MytUas-
pis becki Newm. and Chionaspis citri
Cornst., on leaves of lime in Trinidad.
Aspidiotus articdat7is Morg. and
Chrysomfha-his aonidum L. on orange at
Tampico, Mexico.
Aspidiotus yuccarum Ckll. and Dacty-
lopius dasylirii Ckll. at the base of leaves of Yucca data at Mesilla Park, N. M.
Aspidiotzis ancyhis Pntn. and A. fey-
naldi Ckll. on Gleditsrhia triacanthos in Charlesbank Park. Mass.
Aspidiotus hederae Vall. and Diasfis
zamiae Morgan, on Cycas revoluta in a
greenhouse at Lawrence, Mass.
As//dtotus personatus Coinst. and
Howardia biclavis Comst. on the skin of
orange (fruit) from Colima, Mexico,
quarantined at San Francisco, California. Aspidiotus cryftoantftus and Asterole-
cnni-um isariolosum Ratz. var &micum
Ckll. on @~te~cztsgla~zdziZ//cra from Japan. Isptiiiotus orientalis Newst and Cero-
p2a.cte.r niy~icae L. on Cycas revohi-ta in Assam, India.
Aspidiotzts candiduhis Ckll. and Xero-
fihilaspis prosofidis on leaves and twigs of Prosobis veZzttina at Tuscon, Arizona. Aspidiotusforbesi Johns and A. ancy-
Ins Putn. on crab apple and plum in
Aspfilwhis aurantii Mask. and Aster-
oleca~~iztm v(z~ioloswn Ratz recorded as a Planchonia on oak at Sidney, New
South Wales.
Aspidiotus pe.rsoiiat-us Coinst. and
Chrj's0mphalu.r midurn I,. on leaves of
Anacardium occidmtale at Kingston,
Aspiifioius aura'iilii Mask. and Chry
somphalus aoniihim L. on Areca ca/echu
grown in pots at Cavalieris Pcn., Jama-
Aspiiiiot-us ar/icu/dns Morg. and Om-
plastes floridemis Comst. on leaves of
BrwIfldria americizmz at Kingston, Jarna- ica.
Aspidiotzis ~z?~/iculatus Morg. and A.
persona/uc Coinst. on Cassia fistula at
I<ing'ston, Jamaica.
A.'å´/å´idiot ur/icula/?ts Morg. A. per- sonatits Comst, PuZviiiaria c7ipmiac
Ckll. and Diaspis or Chionaspis sp. on
leaves of ChrysophyJJum cainif-o in Man- chester Square, Kingston, Jamaica.
Aspidlotits articulntzis Morg. A. perso- natus Comst. ChrysoqUz&s aonidum L.
and Cerofilastes ,floride?isis Comst . on Picas tree in the yard of the Museum at
Kingston, Jamaica. All of the four spe-
cies cited were also found on a young
banana tree out of doors in Jamaica.
Aspidiotus articii-latus Morg. A. per-
sonatus Comst. and Vinsonia stellifera
Westw. on leaves of Ma?z~'/ern indica
at Kingston, Jamaica.
Aspidiotus sp. and Dac/y/opizts iongi-
spimis Targ. on green mangoes at King-
ston, Jamaica.
Asfidiotus artidatus Morg. A. per-
sonatus Comst. and ChrysomphaZzis
aonidttm L, on leaves of A~~~ oZe~zn-
der at Kingston, Jamaica.
Aspidiotus artidatits Morg. and A.
-104 PSYCHE. [October, moz
personates Comst. on leaves of Olea
hispanica in the Parade garden in Jama-
ica and the same species on leaves of
Persea, also on leaves of Punica grana-
turn, Araliaguilfoyki, and Aperba tibour- lion in Jamaica. The same species to-
gether with AsteroZccanium (oh Astero-
dimpis pusfulans Ckll. on leaves of
Cq%mia edztlis at Kingston Jamaica.
The same ASflidiotus on Gttaiacum
ofJicinola and on leaves of Erythrina urn- lirosa with Ceroplastcsfloridensis Comst., at Kingston, Jamaica. The same three
species were found on Melicocca b&ga
in Jamaica.
Aspidiotus articulatus Morg. Chrysom-
phalus aonidum L. and Pzihiinaria
capaniac Ckll. on Bignonia magnifica in
Aspidtotiis perso/zatus Comst. A. artic- datus Morg. and ChrysomfhaZzis aoni-
durn L. on Jas?ninzim pubescens and
A. personatus and A. ar/iculattis on
Lazrisonia imis and Thevetia neriifolia
at. Kingston, Jamaica.
Diasfis arizonicus Ckll. and Xero$hi-
/aspis frosopidis Ckll. on leaves and
branches on Prosopis vehf-ha, Wooton
near Kellners Ranch several miles wed
of Phoenix, Arizona.
Dieis cdtidis Ckll. and Pulvi?mria
inmmeraliilis Rathv. on Celtis at San
Antonio, Texas.
Mytilaspis glonveri Pack, Chiunaspi~v
&i Comst. and Chryså´omphalri aoni-
dum L. on leaves and fruit of orange at
Tampico, Mexico.
MytiZaspis bambusicola ddl. and
Asferolecanium bn.mhusac Boisd. on stems of bamboo at Campinas, Brazil.
WtiZasflis concolor Ckll. and Soleno-
phora coloradensis Ckll. at Canon City,
Colorado on twigs and stems of Atriplex
AfytiZasfis u!mt'L. Chimzaspis furfurus
Fitch and Phenacoccus dearnessi King,
on an old hawthorn tree at London,
Ontario, Canada.
MyfiZas/is uhni L. and As/e-rolecanium
71ariolosum Ratz on oak twigs from
Mytilaspis hcki Newm. and Aspidiotus
nrticiilatits Morg. on twigs of Nurraya
at Kingston, Jamaica.
Addenda ?v Professor Cocherell.
On a single guava (Psidim) tree at
Kingston, Jamaica, I found
Saissctia oleae. Pul7!/naria cu$aniae
6' hemisphaerica, Vinsonia stelh7e~a
A~pidiotus adcniatus. Chrj~so?nf'ha/us
Aspidiotus personatus. Ceroplas/cs flori- densis.
Rife-rsia fimliriatula and R. coupuse/la together in nests of L&s at Las
Vcgas, N. M.
Volume 9 table of contents