Article beginning on page 396.
Psyche 9:396, 1900.
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396 PSYCHE. [Scptmber, iqoa
CoryfJtista badinria Hy. Edw.
Egg-. Elliptical, rounded, two sides flat- tened, wedge shaped, the large end truncate for a small space, all without sharp angles ; coarsely hexagonally reticulate, the lines raised, broad, rounded, the spaces between forming flat hexagons, rather regular ;
pale yellow ; size .g X .6 X -5 mm.
Stage I. Head round, erect, scarcely
bilobed ; luteous, shining ; ocelli black, mouth brown ; width about .4 mm.
Body cylindri-
cal, normal, short, the segments not elongate but the ends somewhat contracted; all trans- lucent yellowish, the food showing faintly green ; not shining. No shields differenti- ated ; tubercles and setae minute, black. Scg- rnents slightly folded, whitish ;
feet pale,
normal ; nomarkings. Later very faint, fine, whitish subdorsal and lateral lines, joints 10 to 13 subdorsally shaded with dull reddish. Stage II- Head round, thick, erect,
slightly bilobed, pale pinkish flesh color; width .7 mm. Body moderate, rather thick, incistires a little depressed; uniform, smooth. Tubercles slightly elevated, a little blackish ; setae rather long, dark. Olivaceous green, a fine addorsal whitish line; a broad, sub- dorso-lateral, olive gray shade-band ; sub- stigmata1 hand broad, whitish ; venter dusky shaded.
1'eet pale sordid green, normal.
Stage III.
Head rounded, bilobed, free,
pale red, yellowish in the sutures ; width 1.2 mm. Body cylindrical, robust, uniform,
smooth ; black, shields ashaderedder; dorsal space diluted luteous. Addorsal arid suhdor- sal broken, narrow obscure whitelines ; broad stigmata!
white line, from tubercle iii to v,
geminate, luteous filled, yellow about the spiracle; a white line to anal foot. Venter somewhat diluted. Tubercles small, round, black ; feet black, abdominal claspers reddish. Setae dark, fine, obscure. Not shining.
Stage IV.
Head shining orange; width
2 mm. Body robust, the ends somewhat
smaller. Purplish black, dorsal lines broken, nearly absent ; stigmata1 white band enlarged on the segments a little, jeliow at the spira- cles, luteons dotted centrally. Feet, except the shield of joint 13, reddish. Tubercles small, black ; a white line on the foot joint 13. Pupation in the ground, or between leaves. Food plant. The larvae were found only
on Berhr.ris repens and would eat no other plant. Several brooded ; imago emerged June 18th. Eggs from captured $! $ June 20 and July 7th. Larvae from various places in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains; back of Golden and Boulder, Colorado and in the
Platte Canyon.
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