Article beginning on page 383.
Psyche 9:383-384, 1900.
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green, slightly infuscated on anterior border of the segments; ranged appendages black ; tubercles of second thoracic and eighth ab- dominal segments fuscous ; a piceous latero- dorsal blister on first thoracic segment. Length 3 mu]. Afizfare caterpillar: Head yellow with piceons archeti bands. JJodv transversely banded with more or less inter- locking bands of white, black, and lemon rel- low ; spiracles piceous; filaments black. Length 45 mm. Feeds on various species of Asclepias but especially A. curmiti zinc1 has been found also on Acerate& and even on
Apocynum. Chrysalis ; Delicate pea green, tubercles gilt, but tliosc of third abdominal segment set in a tricolored hand, shiuing piceous in front, gilt behind and nacreous between, the last two dividing the tubercles. Length 27 mm.-The entire United States
and southern Canada from Atlantic to Pa- cific, but believed to winter in the more south- ern portions and annually to migrate north, breeding beyond as well as within its natural region, returning south in the autumn in swarms. At least double brooded in the
south. Winturing as a butterfly, on the
wing all summer.
Tasitia Moore.
Butterfly: Palpi moderately slender,
Lhiiily clothed with hairs and scales ; club of antennae less than twice as stout as
stem. Discoidal cell relatively short, in the fore wings hardly more than one half, in the hind wings less than three firths the length of the wing; fore wings less
proclucec1, being less than twice as long as broad, the cell no longer above than
below ; androconial pouch of hind wings
larger than in Aiiosia. Eg--y: Unknown.
Cate7$zl/ar at liirth : Unknown. Matwe
ca/e@i//or: With a pair of long fleshy fila- ments on the second thoracicj second and eighth abdominal segments, in all cases
much longer than the scgments.
Elliptical, the large end strongly, a
little obliquely truncate, the other flattened depressed; tnincate end convex in Hie ceu- ter. Reticulations linear, narrow, slightly raised, iirrauged in straight row, the length of the egg' or very slightly spiralled, tiller- niited, so that the parallel lines are waved; just at the edge of the trnncation the reticu- lations become small, sharp ridges. Trun- mtc end smooth, obscurely reticulate. Light blue-green ; size ,9 x .55 x .4 mm,
Stage I.
Head rounded, reddish luteous,
the pointed mouth brown ; slightly bilobed, free, nearly erect.
Body moderate, normal,
uniform, smooth, whitish; a rather broad purple brown dorsal stripe, ronndedly clif- fuse at the ends and a siniilur s~~bventral one on joints 2 to 13, narrowly diffuse at the ends, segn-ientarily submaculate in darker. Feet whitish, norinat ; tubercles and setae obsolete.
Staye H. Head rounded, bilobed, with
small shield-shiipecl clypcus, free, erect ; whitish, dotted mottled in purple gray, but. leaving a pale, erect streak on each lobe. Bodj s-lciuier, rapidly vibrant before looping ; whitish, opaque; dorsal stripe broad, purple
384 I-SYCHE. [August, IQM
brown, rounded at. the ends ; subventral seg- mentary spots connected by a s~~hobsolete line. Later the dorsal stripe is grayish shaded, obsoletely resolved into several lines, segmentarily maculate. Sides pale gray,
very obsolctely lined, finely, like the dor- sum. Still later the dorsal stripe fa~les to obsolescence, leaving a slight shade and a few dots. The subventral spots remain
Stage ZZL
Head rounded, bilobed, thick,
flatfish before ; gray white, flecked with black, heavily so outwardly and each side of the median suture in the vertical notch ; width, .8 mm.
Dorsuin to the tubercles dark
gray with a darker, geminate dorsal xnd
single subdorsal line ( i and ii ) ; sides whit- ish with three fine dark lines, the lower one on tubercle iii ; a broader, but narrow, whit- ish stigmata1 space. Subventer and venter like the sides with a number of fine, dark, rather irregular lines and a row of rounded, nearly black subventral segmentary patches. Feet pale, dark dotted, stained at base by the dark subventral patches. Tubercles in dis- tinct black spots. Later more uniformly
hoary gray with subdorsal and stigmata1 pale lines and discreet subventral black spots. Stage ZK Head 1.,5 mm. wide, whitish
with large mottlings in dots of black, thickly in the clypeus, those on the lobes somewhat parallel to the clypeus, the dots subcon- Huent in lines. Body smooth, uniform, mod- erate. Dorsum dark gray, with about six
crinkled dotted pale lines on each side, of which the suhclorsal is straight and more distinct than the others with the dark tuber- cles i and ii above it. Stigmata1 line white, yellow blotched behind the spiracles, diffuse bcluw, narrow, cut by the black Luberclc iv. Venter lighter gray, finely lined in dark gray and cinereous, the black subventral segmen- tary patches rounded and distinct. Tubercles in black spots. Feet dull reddish, black spot- ted, the abdominal ones dark ; no shields. Stage V. (Brown form). Head rounded,
shallow bilobed, erect, free ; clypeus broadly triangular, the paraclypeal pieces narrow, parallel; lilaceous white, thickly, uniformly covered with black dots, the pale spaces between so~~~ewhut serpentine; width 2 mtn. Body normal, moderate, cylindrical, equal ; dorsuin blackish gray, mottled dotted in longitudinal lines, leaving obscurely a paler dorsal and suhdorsal line, dzn'lc shaded before the black tubercles. Stigmatal line narrow, distinct, pale ycllow, dark yellow blotched at the black rimmed spiracles. Venter lighter, mottled dotted in black on a wood-brown
gay gronn~l, the tubercles black. Feet lila- ceous, dark mottled. Setae short, dark.
(Green form). Head gveen, faintly brown
mottled. Body green, dorsum faintly lined in white, finely dotted, the subdorsal line the most distinct. Stigmatal line white, narrow, yellow blotched at the spiracles. Venler more faintly white mottled lined.
Food $ant. A low, thorny shrub grow-
ing on the foot hills, 500 -feet or more above the plains (Cen~io/JiU~,fendleri),
Eggs from $2 $2 taken near the summit of the foot hills back of Golden, Colorado. Eggs May 30th to June 27th from different females ; mature larvae by July loth. Pupa- tion in thc ground.
Klaeger and Carlsbad Insect Pins, Setting Boards Folding Nets, Locality and
Special Labels, Forceps, Sheet Cork, Etc. Other anicles are being added, Send fcr List,
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