Article beginning on page 381.
Psyche 9:381-382, 1900.
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August, ZQO~] PSYCHE. 881
5 I - Proc. Davenport acad. sci., IX, A. brevicaitda. The New Mexican I 902). At Mr. Scudder's request I have species is a true Dichopetala but a just examined the species concerned and change in the specific appellation is find that the first described is a short- necessary and brevihasfata (a name sug- winged
Arethaca closely allied to A. gested by and to be credited to Mr. carita Scudd., (First list orth. New Scudder) may take its place. Mex., p. 52) and consequently becomes
Mature caterpillar : Head smooth, un-
crowned. .Body cylindrical, tapering
anteriorly, naked, but provided with a
greater or less number of lateral ranged fleshy protuberances or filaments, never with spines, and gaily and brightly
colored, generally with transverse stripes. Feeds almost exclusively on Asclepiada-
ceae and Solenaceae. Chrysalis : With
no conspicuous prominences, all the part rounded, the thorax and abdomen gener-
ally not deeply separated, the appen-
dages not raised above the general curve of the body, the abdomen plump, or with
some portion of the body specially plump. Tribe LIMNAINI.
Butterfly: Males provided on hind
wings with one or more spot-like pockets concealing androconia, or a surface patch or patches of androconia (wanting in
some paleogean genera), but no rows of
erect hairs. Females with short and
club shaped fore tarsi. Egg: (Distinc-
tion from Ithomyini not known) Cater-
pillar at birth: Some of the body seg-
ments provided, besides the ranged
bristles, with low roughened tubercles.
Mature caierfillar: Body furnished with
slender and filamentous appendages ;
otherwise naked ; markings mostly trans- verse. Feeds on Asclepiadaceae. Chry-
salis: Dorsally very tumid at about the
third abdominal segment, often trans-
versely ridged in this part; markings
not unusually prominent.
Synopsis of the genera.
I. ANOSIA. Butterfly : Cell of fore
wing nearly three fifths, of the hind wing about two thirds, as long as the wing-
No spots in the middle of median inter-
spaces of fore wings, Egg : Half or less than half as high as broad, with more
than twenty vertical ribs nearly all reach- ing the summit. CaferpiHar at lli~fh:
Ranged appendages simple tapering
hairs not half so long as segments; a
pair of papilliform naked tubercles on
second thoracic and eighth abdominal
segments. Mature caterpii/ar : With a
pair of long fleshy filaments on the same segments but not on^second abdominal
segment. Chrysalis : Ocellar tubercles
slight and but little prominent ; semi-
circle of mammilate points 011 third ab- dominal segment in a horizontal series
when pendant.
2. TASITIA. Bii/te/flj~ : Cell of fore
wings hardly more than one half, of the
hind wings less than three fifths, as long as the wings. A series of white sputs
in the middle of median interspaces
of fore wings. Egg: Unknown. Cafcr-
piiia/- at birth : Unknown. Mature
cater$i//czr: With a pair of long fleshy filaments on the second thoracic and
second and eighth abdominal segments,
ChrysczIis : Ocellar tubercles rather prom- inent ; semicircle of mamnilate points
on third abdominal segment in an
oblique series when pendant.
Anosia Htlbner.
Butteiyfj~ : Palpi modelately stout,
densely clothed with long hail's to the
tip; club of antennae twice as stout as
stem. Discoidal cell relatively long, in the fore wings nearly three fifths, in the hind wings about two thirds as long as
the wing; fore wings with produced apex
so that the wing is twice as long as
broad, the cell much longer above than
below. Egg: Half as high again as
l~road, or slightly less, rapidly tapering to a rounded summit, with over twenty
not very prominent vertical ribs most of which reach the summit, and numerous
straight and delicate ti-ansvei's~ls form- ing quadrangular cells. Laid singly.
Caterpillar ir/ h77./h : Sulxlorsal and
supralateral appenclag'cs anterior, Iatei-a1 stigmata1 me<-li'ctn, none hall' 'cis lo~g as segments ; on second tlioi-sicic and eightli abdominal segments a pair of lateral
naked tutxrcles. Mature cizierfii//(rr: A pair of long Heshy filament5 on the
second thoracic and eighth abdominal
segments (but none on second abclomi-
nal), the hindmost but little longer than the segment. Chr\sahs: Stout and
rounded, the ocellar tubercles slight and not very prominent, the semicircle of
raised points on third abdominal seg-
ment horizontal when pendant, (' avuuim, ' unholy, in reference to its color ?)
A. plexippus Linu. (Dds arcJiip-f^ns
Auct., Paft. erif$us Cram.). BiiHertly:
Wings bright tann? b!-o!vn: paler on the under sut-Sum of the hind wings, the veins all marked with hlack mid both coslal and outer iniirgins brondl,~ bordered n ill, bliick, sprinkled with white clots; besides tlic u hole apex of the fore wings is more or le&s ciecpl? black but cn1ivc'ii~'cl I,! two or three dull tawny interspace:!l sitbiipical spots iii-id by ii couple of parallel series of lwge ~tliiie GI- bull spots crossin~the apex beyond the cell, the outer only cro'ismg the wing. Expiinse roo mm. Eg'c: Pxle timber grrcii ; verticxl ribs twenty-two in inimber, interval;-. smooth and glistening. .Height 1.2 inin. Ca/er- ^pillar at b&h : Hcad piceous. Body pale
~ugust, igoal PSYCHE. 383
green, slightly infuscated on anterior border south. Wintering as a butterfly, on the of the scgmcnts; ranged appenciages black ; wing a11 si-nnmer.
l~ibercle5 of second thoi-xic iind eighth ab- dominal segments fuscous; a piceous late~-o- dorsal blister on first thoracic sexment. -
Length 3 inui. Mature caterpillar: Head
yellow with pireoiis arched bands. -Bod\- transversely banded with more or less inter- locking bands of \! hitc, black, imcl lemon yel- low; spiracles piceous; filaments black. Length 4j mm. Feeds on various species of A&clepias but especially A. cowtiti and has been found also on Accrafes and even on
Apocynum. CbrysaZis : Delicate pea green, tubercles gill, but those of third :ibdominal segment set in a tricolored band, shim'ng piceous in front, gilt behind and nacreous between, Llic last two dividing- the tubercles. Length 27 mm.-The entire United States
and bouthern Canada fro111 Atlantic to Pa- cific, but believed to winter in the more south- ern portions find annually to migrate north, breeding beyond as well as within ilb naLnral region, ret~~rniiig south in the autumn in swarms. At least double brooded in the
Tasitia Moore.
Butterfly: Palpi moderately slendcr,
thinly clothed with hairs and scales ; club of antennae less than twice as stout as
stem. Discoidal cell relatively short, in the fore wings hardly more than one halk in the hind wings less than three fifths the length of the wing-; fore wings less produced, being less than twice as long as broad, the cell no longer above than
below; androconial pouch of hind wings
larger than in Anosia. Unknown.
Ca.?e?ĺ´pilla at firth : Unknown. cate/-&//a/*: With a pair of long fleshy fila- ments on the second thor~iric. second and cightli abdominal segments, in all cases much longcr than the segments.
Deilinia padraria Grote.
Elliptical, the large end strongly, a
little obliquely Lruncate, the other llaltencd depressed; ti'iincate end convex in the cell- ter. Reticulations linear, narrow, slightly raised, arraugcd in straight rows the length of the egg or very slightly spirallctl, allcr- nilled, so that the parallel line6 we waved ; just at the udge of Lhe truncation the reticu- lations become small, sharp ridges. Trun- cate end smooth, obscurely I-eticulate, Light blue-green ; size .9 x 4.5 x .I+ mm.
Stage I.
Head rounded, reddish luteous,
the pointed mouth brown ; slightly bilobed, free, nearly erect.
Body moderate, normal,
uniform, smooth, whitish; a rather broad purple brown dorsal stripe, ro-nndecUy dif- fuse at the ends and a siniilu s~tbvcntral one on joints 2 to 13, narrowly diffuse at the ends, segi-nentarily suhmaculate in dtirker, Feet whitish, norinat ; tubercles and setae obsolete.
SLap-e 11. Head rounded, bilobed, with
small shield-dlapcd clypcus, free, erect; whitish, dotted mottled in purple gray, but leaving a pale, erect streak on each lobe. Bod! slender, rapidly vibrant before looping ; whitish, opaque; dorsal stripe broad, purple
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