Article beginning on page 380.
Psyche 9:380, 1900.
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Augustine Ranch, in flowers of Datura
MordeUa marginata Mels, Rio Rui-
doso, on flowers of Kbusglabra, Tuly 19, about 6500 ft. (Townsend).
Zoiiitts fiavida Lec. Las Vegas, at
flowers of Cleome se;å´ru/a/a June 29.
Epicautapemsj~/vanica DeGeer.
Above Mescalero, on S///aemkea fend-
l,,, Aug.21. (Wooton)*.
.Eupomphafisstc@s Lee. (cl et. Schwarz). Plains east of San Andreas Mts,, on
Lyciumberladieri, July 15. (Wooton);
Mesh Park, July I 7, one on Lawea.
Rhipipho/-us cr?tcIt/ns Germ. Fill-
more CaSon, Organ Mts,, on flowers of
Solidago canadems arisomca, Sept. I,
about 5700 ft. (Townsend).
AtteZatus btpustitlatiis Fab. Rio
Ruidoso, about 6500 ft., on Rhus glabra, July 24, (Towtisend).
Peritaxia hispida, Horn. La Cueva,
Organ Mts., under prostrate sotol, Sept. 4. (Townsend). The sot01 is Dasy//rion
Pandeletejus cherezt~ Horn. Las
Cruccs, on Prosopis g/andztZosa, May 6,
&on tetwirosb'wn Sm. and A. virri-
come Sm., together on flowers of Feta-
Jostemon o?&ophy//tts, Las Vcgas, July 2 I. Smicronjm iinhricatus Csy. Las Vcga~,
on flowers 01 Convo/å´uu?// aiwensii, Junc, 17-
Otidoceph~r//ts vzftatus Horn. Emb do,
*I may as well record here the occurrence of Ejicanta cdceps Horn, and A'. wkee/c~i Ulke, (bat11 clct Wickham) on ISQCWHZ harhegt at Tuscoii, Ahom, the specimens received from Prof. Tourney.
on Chrysothmus, Sept. 26.
Anthonomits aJbofiilosus Dietz. Em-
budo, on Cmton, Sept. 25.
Desmogh'ptus crenatus Lee. Lone
Mtn., on Concord grape vine, June 6.
Trichobans compacts Csy. La Cueva,
Organ Mts., on leaves of Datura metel-
~idcs, Aug. 30. (Townsend).
Centrinw amwtha/M Csy. Las Cru-
ces, on flowers oi Sphaeralcea Sept. 9.
ScjIfho$/;o/w acttfizinctains Gyll. La
Cueva, Organ Mts., under prostrate sotol, Sept. 3. (Townsend).
Pityophagus vattcalis Horn. Eagle
Creek, about 7000 ft., Aug. 11, in l1olc in live pine at Gilmore's Ranch. (Town-
Deiitdroctonus terebrans Oliv. Eagle
Creek, about 7 000 ft., Aus, I I. Town-
send has written the following note:
" Gilmore's Ranch ; boring in live pine
tree roots between bark and ~i~p~ood
and making hole through resin both hard
and soft; keeping hole open to outside;
resin is running continually. When resin gets hard beetle bores out, leaving pile of chips of resin marking holc. (Alfred
Holt) ,"
Under this name Scuclder described
(Can. ent,, xxxii, 331-352, 1900) a
locustid from California and more re-
cently through inadvertence proposed
the same name for a species from New
Mexico (First list oh. New htex., p.
~ugust, rp21 PSYCHE. 381
51 - Proc. Uavenport acad. sci., IX, A. brevicaiula. The New Mexican 1902). At Mr. Scudder's request I have species is a true Dichopetala but a just examined the species concerned and change in the specific appellation is find that the first described is a short- necessary and hrevihasfata (a name sug- winged Arethaca closely allied to A. gested by and to be credited to Mr. carita Scudd., (First list orth. New Scudder) may take its place. Mex., p. 52) and consequently becomes
Mature caterfilhzr : Head smooth, un-
crowned. Body cylindrical, tapering
anteriorly, naked, but provided with a
greater or less number of lateral ranged fleshy protuberances or filaments, never with spines, and gaily and brightly
colored, generally with transverse stripes. Feeds almost exclusively on Asclepiada-
ceae and Solenaceae. Chrysalis : With
no conspicuous prominences, all the part rounded, the thorax and abdomen gener-
ally not deeply separated, the appen-
clages not raised above the general curve of the body, the abdomen plump, or with
some portion of the body specially plump. Tribe LIMNAINI.
Butterfly: Males provided on hind
wings with one or more spot-like pockets concealing androconia, or a surface patch or patches of androconia (wanting in
some paleogean genera), but no rows of
erect hairs. Females with short and
club shaped fore tarsi. Egg: (Distinc-
tion from Ithomyini not known)
filllrr at birth:
Some of the body seg-
ments provided, besides the ranged
bristles, with low roughened tubercles.
Mature caterpillar: Body furnished with
slender and filamentous appendages ;
otherwise naked ; markings mostly trans- verse. Feeds on Asclepiadaceae. Chry-
salis: Dorsally very tumid at about the
third abdominal segment, often trans-
versely ridged in this part; markings
not unusually prominent.
Synopsis of the genera.
I. ANOSIA. Sufterfiy: Cell of fore
wing nearly three fifths, of the hind wing about two thirds, as long as the wing-
No spots in the middle of median inter-
spaces of fore wings. Egg : Half or less than half as high as broad, with more
Volume 9 table of contents