Article beginning on page 374.
Psyche 9:374, 1900.
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374 IS\W. [August, J ~ X U
Psyche, A Journal of Entomology.
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The following books and panvphlets are fur snip by the CAMI~RIDG~'; ENTOMOLOGICAL CI.ulL: Hurges'i, E. Contributions to the anat-
omy of the milk-weed butterfly, Dnnais at chip- pus. "Roston, 1880. 16 p., 2 plates, . . 1.00 I-litchcwk, Edward. Iclinology of New
England. Boston, 1858 . . . . 1.50
Scudder, S. H. The earliest winged in-
sects of America. Cambridge, 1885,8 p., I plate .50 Scudder, S. H. Histoiical sketch of the
generic names proposed for Butterflies. Sa- lem,r875. . . . . . . . 1.00
Scudder, S. H. The pine-moth of Nan-
tucket. Retinia frustrana. col. pi. Boston, 1883. .25 Scudder, S. H. The fossil butterflies of Florissant, Col., Washington, 1889 . . 1.00 Sciidder, S. H. Tertiiiry 'Jl'ipulidae, with special reference to those of Florissant. Q plates. Philadelphia, 1894. . . . 2.00
Stettiner entomologische Zeitung. Jahrg. 43-44. Stettin, 1882-1883. . . . 2.00
U. S. Entomological Commission.-Fourth
Report, Washington, 1885 . . . . 2.00
An outline for the use of students in entornologicat lahora tories. BY COHSTOCK AHD KELLOGG.
A practical guide for laboratory work in entomology by college classes, including the study of the external and internal anatomy of insects and the cumparalive anatomy of the mouthparts and wings together with the methods of insect histology. .It is used as a text-book in Cornell University, Stanford University, Iowa Stale Agricultural College, University of Iliiuois, Wast~ington State Agricul tural College, University of Kansas, Texas State Agricul tun1 College, and nuinerous other universities and agricul- tural colleges. 145 pp. bound in brown-gray buckram Price $1.00. Address,
Volume 9 table of contents