Article beginning on page 367.
Psyche 9:367, 1900.
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ment ; second segment subclavate, third on the head, stiff bristles on the appcndzges clavate, fourth ellipfico-cylindrical. Meso- and curving feathered setae on the dorsal side notum concealing the pronolum. Superior of the f urcula. Length, i mm. claws (fig. 18) broad, curving, wilh a large proximal tooth and a small sharp distal tooth ; This species bears much resemblance
between these there is, on the hind feet, to P, alba pack.* In alba, however, another minute tooth ; inferior claws ovcr the tooth of the superior claw is
half as long as the superlord, oblong-lfinceo- late; tenent hair small and unknobbed.
more basal than in candida, while the
Fourth abdominal
nearly four times, fourth abdominal segment is only three -
as long a.s the third. Furcuia attaining the times as long as the third, and dense
ventral tube; rnamibrinm ad denies sub- clavate setae are ires sent on mesonotum. equal ; mucrones (fig. 19) subfalcate with two coxae, the apex of the abdomen ;
6ubequal teeth and a proinitient basal spine; three barbellate setae surround the mucro aha, moreover, has only four eyes.
and two of them extend far beyond it. Scales Three types : 268 (2) 1 30~ largeand rounded. A few minute setae occur Type NO. 6148, U. S. National Museum.
Last summer Mr. C. Abbott Davis of
Providence, Rhode Island, collectedwith
other insects, such species of ants as he found, and later turned them over to me
for study. The following is a list of the species taken with localities. The first fifteen are from Rhode Island.
Tapinoma sessile Say. Providence
Pofmicafttsca L. Lonsdale
Formicafusca w, subserved Say.
forv~ica rufu s~tbsp. inteyra Nyl.
Providence & Kingston
Formica pa-Xdefulva Latr. sutsp. schayt- fussi Mayr. Providence
Formica Zusioides Em. Providence
Formica gagates Latr. Providence
Cftmfonotl~1 hercdeamts La tr. sub@.
ligniperdus Latr. Providence
C,onotus marginatus Latr. ZMF. new-
t?~26$ Em. Providence
Lmizts americamis Em. Providence
La-sins claviger Rog. Providence
Cremastogaster IiaeoZirta Say. Lons clalc m i c a rubm Buck. 7~07, schencki Em.
Myrfnica mbra Buck. subsp. scabrinofiis
Nyl. Kingston
Motlomortum mimiturn Mayr. var, mi?.+
imum Buckl. Providence.
Three species taken in Vermont.
Aphaeogaster flih'a Rog. Bay, Vermoni
Leptothorax canadcnse Prov. Western VL . Caw@otiotus macitiatits Fabr. sitbsp. vici- mts Mayr. Bay, Vt., and the follow-
ing at Lynn, Mass.
See C. Schaffer. Ucber witrttetnbergischc Collembola, Jahres. ver. vaterl. Namrk. Wiirttemberg, bcl. 56 (1900) pp. 245-280, taf. 6. See. pp. 260-270.
Volume 9 table of contents