Article beginning on page 347.
Psyche 9:347, 1900.
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May, 19021 PSFC2z.E. 847
UreZZia abstersa, Lw .
Down to Mesilla
Valley ; also in Cuba, etc.
* UrelZici. mwama, Walk. S. E. to
Sepsis violacea, Meig.
Down to Mesilla
*Pio$hiZa casei, L. N. to Alaska. It
would seem that this insect must be
native in America.
* ScateJZu stagmdis, Fall. N. to Alaska. * Oscinis carbonaria, Lw. N. to Alaska.
* Mero~nyza americana, Fitch. Also at
Beulah, N. M,
* å£orboru epinus, Fall. Also Euro-
* orbo or us genicztlahs, Macq.
The following species, obtained on
the top of Las Vegas range at the end of June, 1901, have been kindly identified
by Dr. H. G. Dyar.
harta mdano& Thunb. Also Lab-
rador, etc.
Dr~zskeria erechtea, Cram.
Choiizagrotis agi-esfis, Grote.
Chweutis ocft&zteZZa, Dyar, Also
found in Alaska.
Platypiilia cosmodmtyZu, H bn . This
is the species referred to in PSYCHE,
Nov., 1901, p. 272. Extends to Alaska
and Europe,
Pyrausta genmsa, G. & R. (?)
The following ants were taken on the
top of the Las Vegas range at the end of June, 1901, and have been kindly de-
termined by Prof, W. M. Wheeler.
Mymk brevinodis, Emery. Worker.
"Smaller and darker than those from
New England."
L@to/horax canadensis, Provancher.
worker and dealated 9. Does not differ
from specimens which Prof. Wheeler
has from Wis., Pa., and Conn.
Both of these species are new to the
fauna of New Mexico.*
Koclii have lately given us an important paper (Amel-. Nat., 1902, vol. 36, p. 13-45, 29 figs.) upon the morphology of the insect head, and the cephalic sclerites at length assume a deeper significance and a new
In this paper, the view that the head con- sists of seven segments is adopted and ably supported. The areas of the skull are re- viewed and several sclerites hilheito dis- regarded are described and aptly named.
The morphology of the thoracic segments
is discussed so far as is necessary to determine the structure of ii typical segment, as the basis for an interpretation of the head, and then the cephalic sclerites are homologized with the thoracic ones, and the endoskeleton of the head with that of the thorax.
The presentation of the subject is logical and clear. The argument rests, of couise, upon the assumption that homologies be-
tween the cephalic and the thoracic sclerites exist. If, however, the differentiation of the thoracic sclerites has been only an incident- al mechanical result of strains, due to the *I will take this opportunity to record the following ants, also new to New Mexico, kindly determined by Prof. Wheeler : - Cmfzpunohis mmsdaitis viciws, Mayr, Trout Spring. Callinas Cafion (Transition Zone); Formica sstngua"7xa rubicunda, Em., Trout Spring; Linneto/mm wtzcrocc$halu;n ocdenl~dz, Emery, Komeroville (Upper Souoran Zone) ; Eciton cdbå´for'it.iwm Mayr, Las Vegas ; Jfence,rnma fvlwnn aqt~ia, Buckl, Trout Spring; BmcJtymyrw~ex 7mri flfeftihs, Em., Trout Spring; Cresn- astogaster pitncfuleita, Em., La6 Vegas and Las Vegas Hot Springs; C. Imolitta, subsp. caarctaia var. wwrm- wm, Em., Romerovi1le.- T. D. A. C.
wing muscles (and this view has much to
These authors have been the first to make support it), then no elom agreement of ceph- any extensive examination of the skull in the alic and thoracic sclerites may be expected. light of embryology, and their creditable Granting the assumption, however, the arp- efforts will pave the way toward the true con- merits are impressive..
ception of the morphology of the skull.
work in taxonomy than the accurate de-.
termination of types, I feel inclined to add still another note to the discussion concerning this species. Mr. Gillettc's
voluminous remarks in Vol. 9, No. 299 of this Journal are both interesting and im- portant. But he meets the old objections by the discussion of new propositions
and leaves wholly out of consideration
that point on which my whole argument
was based. Both minimus and af/inis
have been well described ; further argu- ment as to their distinctness does not
clear up our difficulty.
As it appears to me, the whole ques-
tion is this: Where is the type of
Me/s'hein;erii? Some of Fitch's speci-
mens are in Albany, some in the Nat'l
Museum. In each place is a "type " of
this species. It becomes a question as
to which specimens the species was based on.
At the time I discussed the matter in
print the point was made that the size of the species as given in the original de- scription agreed with the Natl. Museum
type and precluded the possibility of its being affinis. My series of a-finis con- tained a lot of specimens from all parts of the country and I could not find a
true " Melsheimerii" in the lot. Mr.
Gillctte's study is very incomplete be-
cause it does not also include a report
on the Natl. Museum "type." His
failure to do this leaves the matter stand- ing in essentially the same light as be- fore the publication of his article. The comparison of the two types - the vital
point in the whole discussion has yet to be made.
For the same reasons Mr. Gillette's
remarks as to Chlorotettix are wholly
invalidated. I hope he will give us
a supplementary report on the really
essential points at issue, with the ncc- essary evidence in hand and set the
matter finally and forever at rest.
Klaeger and Carlsbad Insect Pins, setting Boards, Folding Nets, Locality and
Special Labels, Forceps, Sheet Cork, Etc. Other ~rticles are being added, Sendfor List.
Volume 9 table of contents