Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Print ISSN 0033-2615
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Article beginning on page 345.
Psyche 9:345, 1900.

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traces of whitish subdoreal and lateral lines, the posterior parts of segments annulate mid grayer; subventral fold pale with black
dashes above anteriorly oil the segments ; venter with several irregular, geminate, crinkled, black lines, subtesselate blotched posteriorly on the segments ; whitish orange shading at the spiracle especially on joints 5 and 6. Feet gray ; spiracles black rimmed ; setae normal, short, ia to ib separate, iv stig- matal posterior, vii of three in a triangle subventrally, not much scattered. Cocoon a fairly close web of brown silk.
Foodflu&, The larvae were fed on wild
Eggs from a 2 taken at Pine Grove, Col-
orado. Eggs July ioth, mature larvae August ioth, the moth again August 20th.
A NEW CATOLACCUS ON SITOTROGA CEREALELLA OLIV. BY WILLIAM H. ASHMEAD, WASHINGTON, D. C. The following new Pteromalid was bred at the U. S. Department of Agriculture from infested specimens of Sitotroga cerealella Oliv., taken by Mr. Dunwoody, in Philadel- phia.
Catolaccus cerealellae, sp. nov.
.-Length 2 to 2.5 mm.
Metallic bronze
green, closely punctate and sparsely pubes- cent. The abdomen is conic-ovate and usually but not always a little longer than the head and thorax united the two or three basal seg- ments tinged with cupreous, the segments subequal in length with some very delicate transverse aciculations.
The legs are metallic green, the knees, tibiae and tarsi, except the last joint, the scape of the antennae and the labial palpi being honey- yellow; the maxillary palpi and the rest of the antennae are dark fuscous ; the flagellum is very slightly and gradually thickened towards apes, the ring-joints annular, the first joint of funicle beingusually a little long- er than the pedicel or as long, the following joints very gradually shortening to the club, the last being oblrapezoidal in outline, a little wider at base than at apex ; the joints of the club, or at least the first two, are wider than long. The head is tramverse, wilier than the * thorax or about g& times as wide as thick antero-posteriorly, thinnest at the middle. Wings hyaline, the veins light-brown or
brownish yellow. The metathorax is im-
pressed on each side posteriorly with usually a short delicate median carina on
the middle
lobe at base.
The male measures scaicely 2 mm. in
length, bronzed black, the flagell~im being filiform and densely hairy, while the abdomen has a :ellow median spot basally and is
oblong-oval, not pointed at apex.
Type.-Cat.Ko. 6115, U. S. N. M.
Hab.- Philadelphia.
Host.- Lepid, Sitoiroga cerealeUa Oliv.


Volume 9 table of contents