Article beginning on page 344.
Psyche 9:344, 1900.
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344 PS Y C m [May, v a
Eid7aesa -fxiectiaria Den. & Schiff.
mature larva has been described by Packard. Egg. Elliptical, narrower in one diameter as usual, one side a little straighter than llic other, giving a suggestion of reniform shape ; micropylar end roundedly truncate, the other not depressed. Reticulations round- edly elevated but with sharply angular
crests, regularly hexagonal, some perfect hexagons, the cell areas forming shallow pith ; rcticulat~ons large, uniform all over ; pores at the angles in raised whitish cones, absent on the under side. Size I X .6 X .< mm.
Later turned sordid pearly pink.
Sfizg-e I. Head rounded, oblique, free, dull grayish lttceo~~s, a faint darker band on the aide. Body moderate, normal, rather slender, smooth ; gray white, a broad straight, even, purple brown subdorsal band, a little diffusely spreading to joint 2, the pair conjoined into a single dorsal band on joints 10-13. A
similarly colored broad ventral band, widened a little on the segments, coloring the feet of joints 10 and 13 in a line; thoracic feet pale. Tubercles and setac small, dark, obscure, L:irvae active and wild.
.Stage l{, Head rounded, bilobed, erect, whiiish, mottled with brownish over the
lobes ; width . j mm. Body grayish white, the broad, dark brown, subdorsal bands joining behind as before ; ventral'band supplemented by subventral segmentary blotches, diffusely forming a line. Feet pale outwardly. The Subdorsal band is divergently triplicate on joint 2. Tubercles and setae minute.
Stng'e III. Head round, erect, gray,
streaked with darkcr dots especially in two lines on each lobe ; width .8 mm. Body
moderate, gray, blotched with lighter subven- trally, suggesting diamond-shaped markings and lighter along the siibventral fold. No distinct marks, only traces of paler lines, rather numerous, fine, the more distinct one a geminate dorsal, somewhat confusedly blotched. Setae minute.
Sfwe IV. Head rounded, bilobed,
broad, gray brown, two-thirds of the clypeus and a triangulas space on each side of it black edged and trisected by the black clypeal sutures ; rest of head mottled in dark, espe- cially in three, broad, parallel vertical bands, obscurely geminate; width 1.3 mm. Body
moderate, normal, the tubercles slightly elevated and the segment& subannulate pos- teriorly. Dark gray, faintly longitudinally lined in pale ; very faint darker subdorsal band and blackish dashes anteriorly on the segments above the pale subventral fold; joints 10 to 13 more heavily black shaded. No well defined marks. Tubercles blackish, setae short ; feet concoloro~~s. Anal plate large; a pair of short anal prongs. A dis- tinct short collared elevation appears on joint 5.
Stage V
Head rounded, slightly bilobed,
large, full, oblique; whitish, all the vertex covered with pale gray, mottled blotches, leaving a. little white at the sides only; a broadly low triangular white space, edged with black above, trisected by the clypeal sutures ; epistoma gray; antennae moderate, incurved; width 2 mm. Body moderate, the central segments not quite twice as long as wide ; a dorsal rounded elevation on joint ; composcd of two contiguous ellipses bearing tubercle ii of each side ; ii of joint 11 on a smaller and sharper, but similar elevation. Anal plates rather large, rounded triangular ; a pair of subanal prongs. Else smooth,
tubercles scarcely elevated, black. Bark gray, mottled in ill-defined shades of cine- reous arid reddish; reddish dorsally with Psit-he 9 3-14-345 tpre-1903). htl()://psychrenlclub or@@-34 html
traces of whitish subdorsal and lateral lines, the posterior parts of segments annulate and grayer; subventral fold pale with black
dashes above anteriorly on the segments ; venter with several irregular, geminate, crinkled, black lines, suhtesselate blotched posteriorly on the segments ; whitish orange shading at the spiracle especially on joints 5 and 6. Feet gray; spiracles black rimmed ; setae normal, short, ia to ib separate, iv stig- matal posterior, vii of three in a triangle subventrally, not much scattered. Cocoon a fairly close web of brown silk.
Foodplant. The larvae were fed on wild
Eggs from a $ taken at Pine Grove, Col-
orado. Eggs July loth, mature larvae August loth, the moth again August 20th.
A NEW CATOLACCUS ON SITOTROGA CEREALELLA OLIV. BY WILLIAM H. ASHMEAD, WASHINGTON, D. C. The following new Pteromalid was bred at the U. S. Department of Agriculture from infested specimens of Sitotroga cerealella Oliv., taken by Mr. Dunwoody, in Philadel- phia.
Catolaccus cerealellae, sp. nov.
$.-Length 2 to 2.5 mm.
Metallic bronze
green, closely punctate and sparsely pubes- cent. The abdomen is conic-ovate and usually but not always a little longer than the head and thorax united the two or three basal seg- ments tinged with cupreous, the segments subequal in length with some very delicate transverse aciculations.
The legs aremetallic green, the knees, tibiae and tarsi, except the last joint, the scape of the antennae and the labial palpi being honey- yellow; the maxillary palpi and the rest of the antennae are dark fuscous ; the flagelluin is very slightly and gradually thickened towards apex, the ring-joints annular, the first joint of funicle being usually a little long- er than the pedicel or as long, the following joints very gradually shortening- to the club, the last being oblrapezoidal in outline, a little wider at hase than at apex ; the joints of the club, or at least the first two, are wider than long The head is transverse, wi~ler than the thorax or about 3b times as wide as thick anteso-posteriorly, thinnest at the middle. Wings hyaline, the veins light-brown or
brownish yellow. The metathorax is im-
pressed on each side posteriorly with usually a short delicate median carina on the middle lohe at base.
The male measures scarcely 2 mm. in
length, bronzed black, the flagellum being filiform and densely hairy, while the abdomen has a jellow median spot basally and is
oblong-oval, not pointed at apex.
Type.-Cat. No. 6115, U. S. N. 11.
Hub.- Philadelphia.
Host.-Lepid. Sitotroga cerealella Oliv.
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