Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 299.
Psyche 9:299, 1900.

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January, 19~1
the truncate end, arranged in nearly regular longitudinal rows for two-thirds the length, confused into normal reticulations at the de- pressed third ; pits rather deep, well-marked. Length .y, width .5, height about .3 mm. Sfas'e L Head rounded, erect, pale, yel- lowish, the sutures faintly and mouth brown, ocelli black. Body normal, short and thick, yellowish with distinct green tint and fine, discreet, purple brown lines, about as wide as the intervening spaces, dorsal (distinct on the cervical shield), subdorsal, lateral, stig- matal and fainter subventral ones. Shields all concolorous ; tubercles obscure ; setae short, stiff, black, enlarged at tips. Feet nor- mal, pale. Shields faintly lined.
Stage II. Head round, erect, free, green- ish luteous, mouth brown, eye black ; smooth, shining; width .< mm. Body normal, mod-
erate, smooth, green with dorsal, subdorsal and lateral pulverulent, subgeminate, black- ish bands and a single suprastigmatal one; subventral fold pale. Tubercles elevated, concolorous; setae short, dark, capitate. Shields undifferentiated. Thoracic feet faint- ly reddish, abdominal ones green. Subven- tral and ventral lines more dotted and broken, geminate, blackish.
Stage III. Head round, erect, broad, flat before, vertex slightly under joint 2 ; pale grccn, faintly brown bhaded on the sides above the black ocelli; width .9 mm. Body robust, moderate, uniform, incisures not de- pressed, segments not elongate. Whitish
green, opaque,; addorsal, subdorsal, lateral geminate crinkly blackish lines, darker green filled, uniform over the cervical shield but replaced by yellowish green on the anal
plate; a single suprastigmata1 line ; sub- venter and venter yellowish green with two subventral and a single ventral greenish black lines. Tubercles black, ininute ; setae short. Feet pale, the abdominal ones very faintly lined.
Stage .lV. Head rounded, erect, free; all leaf green ; clypeus rather high, ocelli black; width 1.3 mm. Body rather short, as before. Green with the narrow blackish, double, pale- filled lines as before but both dorsally and ventrally practically alike. Subventral fold whitish. Feet green, the anal ones with tri- angular shields like the anal plate. No cer- vical shield. Tubercles small, concolorous, with short, pointed black setae. The lines are addorsal, subdorsal and lateral (substig- inatal-subventral fold, not dark edged), sub- ventral and adventral, all geminate, pale, almost whitish filled. Later the color pales and the lines look whitish with dark green edges. Subventral fold white ; dorsal in- cisures folded, yellowish white. A short, robust larva, uniform, the segments not
Foodplant, bearberry (Arctostafhylos wa
14 rsi).
Eggs from a female taken on the summit
of the foothills back of Golden, Colorado (Chimney Gulch).
Eggs of Eades,imperialis had a red line
larva. This could be seen withouL a lens, part of the way around the edge of each. As but a fifteen-diameters glass showed also the the larva developed this line became broken, setae at the top of each tubercle, those on the and, on the day before hatching, showed the four tubercles over the head being black, the red dashes to be the dorsal tubercles of the others white. When the larva hatched the red


300 PSYCHE. [January, 1902
raised dots-for they were not more than
that - began to grow at ouce, the red color remaining in the tip of each, and the lower part having almost no color at first. The growth was sorapid that in five minutes after leaving the shells the long thoracic tubercles or "horns" had their normal size and shape, and the lateral spines had appeared. The setae grew dark first, then the spines, then a pale red color suffused the "horn " as if it ran down from the tip, "which grew paler.
The abdominal tubercles gained the normal color first, in about fifteen minutes, and in an hour all the tubercles, spines, feet, tips of props, and mouthparts had become black.
The development of the long tubercles was very rapid and very interesting, and was watched in many instances, each one giving exactly the same details in the same order, though the caterpillars differed much in the time they took to eat their way out. ol the shell. Some needing an hour, others over two hours.
Observation of another set of eggs showed that the color of the thoracic setae varied, some larvae having the setae all black before hatching, others having only those of. the first segment black, the others being white.
LITEKATURR.~ Comstock and Kellogg's
Elements of Insect Anatomy, advertised 011 another pagc, is an admirable guide to the practical study of the anatonly of insects. The subjects treated in detail arc the external anat- omy of Mclanoplus and Pterostichus, the
internal anatomy of Coryclalis and the gen- eralanatomy of the l~u-va of Holorusia. Chap- ters explau~itory of technical terms, of the mouthparts and venation and of methods of insect histology' add everything that is requisite for the beginner. We cordially commend the work.
CORRECTION :-Page 273, col. 2, line I,
for Odynerus read Enmene~i.
R. PRIEDLA'NDER & SON, Publishers, Berlin, N, W., Carlttrasse, 11. Just ready, sent postfree an receipt of price: CATALOG DER LEPIDOPTEREN
Two part& in One Volume, royal Svo, S~z,pages, with Portrait of Dr. Staudingcr. Bound in Cloth, 16 M ($3.7S} ; in Pufer Covers, 15 M. ($3.50). To be had separately from the Catalogue : - INDEX der Familien und Gattungen, IXDEX der Arlcn, Varietaten, Aberrationen, und dercn Synonyme. 102 pages, royal 8170. Price 2 A[. (50 cfs.) -- --
Klaeger and Carlsbad Insect Pins, Setting Boards, Folding Nets, Locality and
Spccial Labels, Forceps, Sheet Cork, Etc. Other prticles are being added, Send for List,


Volume 9 table of contents