Article beginning on page 296.
Psyche 9:296-297, 1900.
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296 PSYCHE. [January, igw
macropterous. The caudate condit.ion 2 out of 7 in G. armafus, and 6 out of 16 is extremely rare in G. pe~t~q~/va~z2c'tts, in G.fimzt~s. In general it appears to common in G abbrevia-fus, is found in be rather more common in females than 4 out of the i, specimens seen of G.
in males.
assirnilis, 5 out of g of G. pti~sonatus, The crickets retreat, figured in Har-
27 out of 31 (and so nearly universal)
per's Magazine, Vol. 93, p. 693, in prob- in G. itiftger,
I out of 9 in G. vocalis,
ably that of G. abbrevidus.
A NEW SPECIES OF THE GENUS SAlSSETIA {COCCIDAE}. "With notes on some of the species of the genus not well understood. BY GEORGE B. KING, LAWRENCE, MASS,
9 Scale black 3 mm. long, 24 wide, 2 high very convex, shiny surface smooth margin- ally cm-hated, texture thick. Of the 2.0 speci- mens examined all showed and 8 segmentes antenna; variable however, as follow :
Segment I -2-3-4-5-6-7-8 in JL
46-44-48-40-44-24-24-5 2
46-48-60-4 S-40-24-24-52
46-48- 52 -36-40-2+-24-.;2
Hind leg : coxa iou ; femur with trochai~te~ 160 ; tibia 104 ; tarsus So, Marginal spines, club-shaped wit11 split tips 36 X 24 p. long'. Digitules of claw 24 p long with large dilated end. The derm is yellowish brown with
irregular oval gland orifices, no irregular plates ton-ning a marquetry pattern as in S. depressa and S. nigra, but the skin seems to be without tessellation.
Hab.- On Ficus sp. at Tongaar,
Natal, South Africa (Fuller No. 7).
The above species were sent to Prof.
Cockerell by Mr. Fuller with several
other species of Coccidae. Being the
only species of Saissetia sent, Prof.
Cockerell turned it over to me for study. I wish to say however that it is a very
hard species to clear for study, owing to its thick tough skin, which resists the
action of caustic potash after prolonged boiling. Superficially it resembles S.
nigra but differs from that species by
being very much smaller, structurally by the derm not having the marquetry pat-
tern with oval gland pits enclosed.
.Lecaå´~~im //@ressum Targioni 186 7.
The above two species seem to be
decidedly mixed, both being considered
by some coccidologists as one species,
while others believe depressa to be a
variety of nigra. Mr. Maskell, Trans.
N. 2. Inst. 1893, believed mgm, depressa and begomat (I have not seen bcgoniae)
January, iqta] PSYCHE. 297
to be identical. The confusion seems
to have arisen from the extremely close
resemblance of the polygonal glands of
the derm in each of the species, and from not properly studying the scales snper-
ficially as in them are found characters which are certainly specific. Further-
more it appears, and the more I read
the literature upon the species the more I am convinced, that in most cases the
scales sent lo the specialists were nigm and not itq'nwsa as supposed by
sender. The writer has had era sent
him for depressa and vice versa; of course Dr. Howard and S. from Mr.
Pergande. The destinctive character of
each species is as follows.
S. nigi-ci. $ Scale very dark brown, ap- proaching black.
The entire outer margin
carinate, distinctly so anteriorly and pusteri- orly, marginally not so pronounced. Tex- ture very thick, shiny, smooth. Elongate oval 4 mm. long, 3 broad, 2 high.
5'. dc-presm.
$ Scale, deep red brown, not
a1 all blackish, somewhat shiny. General outline oval, flat, much narrowcr in front than behind. Sur-Cacc rugose, pitted and the margin distinctly ribbed ; about the center of the dorsnm posteriorly is a slight hut distinct Saissetia nigra. Saissetia depressa.
Markings of the &I-m.
this was misidentification where proper
study was not made. Recently I received
nigra on Amna reficulnta from Grenada,
W. I., and a species on Coleus at Barba- does, W. L, marked new var., of m@a,
collected and kindly sent to me by Mr. H. Maxwell Lefroy, the imperial entomolo-
gist; he says the same variety is found
on wild Agave. The supposcd variety is
clearly S. depressa. I have also perfectex- amples of S. depmsa, on wild "Almond"
(Terminalia) from San Juan, Porto Rico,
collected by Mr. Busck, U. S. Dept. of
Agriculture, kindly sent to me through
depression. Marginal carinn nearly obsolete. Texture of the scale decidedly thinner than in S. !ai@,a. Size 3 mm. long, z& broad, I high. As to the microscopical characters, there arc slight differences- The derm of d@res.~a is more transparent. The lines
forming the polygonal structure in &$ram are narrower more sharpened edges. In
wgm they seem to bc thicker and flattened. The antennae of each are similar and quite difficult to measure correctly owing to the markings of the &kin,
PSYCHE. [January ,902
The $ scale is smooth elongate oval 44 to 5 mm. long ; 2 to 3 broad, and 2 high.
variable, reddish brown, yellowish hrown to a tinge of greenish brown, rounded dorsally without ridges forming an H though this
character is found in the immature individu- als. Antennae 8-jointed measuring in p.
joint 1(56), 2(&), 3(84), 4(52) 6(36) 7(28) W), joint I has one hair, 2, two ; 3, three ; 4 three ; 5 two; 6 one; 7 two and 8 eight. Front
coxa 120 long ; femur with trochanter
240; tibia 168 ; tarsus 88.
Tarsal digitule 56
The outer margin of the skin after
treatment with potash is much darker than the rest, and the entire surface tessellated, and thickly covered with oval gland orifices. Lecanimfiliciim Boisd. 1868.
$ Scale yellowish red brown to red brown, practically hemispherical, though some ex- amplesfound at the ends of the small twigs and leaves of the food plants are some-
what elongate. The adult 9 scale and young having one longitudinal and two transverse ridges forming a raised H marginally dis- tinctly keeled. The longitudinal ridge has 4 minute raised round tubercles, and the entire scale more or less minutely pitted, surface somewhat shiny. Size 3 mm. in
diameter and 2 mm. high.
Antennae %jointed in pi long 1(52) ~(48') 3(56) 4(44) ~(20) 6@4) 7(28) 8(40). Front 1%: coxa 120; femur with trochanter 200; tibia 152 ; tarsus 88. The skin marginally dark ocherous thickly covered with large oval gland orifices.
The center and large portion
of the skin colorless with the gland pits very indistinct.
It seems to the writer that the names
of the above two species are misplaced.
S.filiczim should be called 5'. henzi'.(å´//;ae rica and the latter S. fiZic7;m, owing to the fact of S.filicum as it now stands is a hemispherical shaped species, while S. hetnisphaerica is an elongate &al one.
Indeed it seems as though S.fiZiczim was the one originally described as L. henzi- sphaerimm. The marginal hairs of the
four above species are all very similar
with expanded ends which are more or
less split interspersed with ordinary
sharp spines without expanded ends or
split. The lateral incisions of all are
also of the same shape similar to a half oval.
Saissetia hemisphaerica was received
from Prof. Cockerell, collected by him
Aug., 1901, at La Galla, San Diego
county, Calif., on pepper tree (Schinns
molle), on Cycas circinalix, Trinidad
(West Indies) from Dr. L. Reh, and on
fern in greenhouses in Mass. Those
of S. fi/;å´czm were from ferns in green- houses, Lawrence, Mass. collected by
EpeZis fruncata~ia Walker.
ly depressed; shiningpinkishgray, slightly ir- Egff. Elliptical, strongly flattened-con- idescent. Reticulations strong, sharp, regu- cave, one end neatly truncate, the other slight- larly hexagonal, resembling honeycomb at
Volume 9 table of contents