Article beginning on page 291.
Psyche 9:291-295, 1900.
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In 1862 I recorded in New England
and the region not far distant from it six species of Gryllus of which two were
described as new, both from New Eng-
land. These species supposed to be
new have been little recognized since
and may now be definitely regarded as
synonyms. The results of a recent study
of material from over the whole of the
United States, amounting to nearly a
thousand specimens, are brought forward
in this and a companion paper (PSYCHE,
ix, 2 67) on the genus Gryllus as found
on the Pacific coast. Most of the spe-
cies are extremely difficult to separate. So far as 1 can discover, there are but
three specics in the northern and central United States east of the Mississippi.*
Each of these, but in direring degrees,
develops both inacropterous and bra-
chyptei-011s forms and may be separated
by the following table :-
a1. Black species, the tegmina and parts of the body sometimes testaccous ; first joint of antennae not projecting beyond the front of the head. b1. Larger, more frequently with testaccous teginina, the male relatively stouter with larger and broader head, the female with ovipositor nearly, quite, or more than, half as long again as hind femora . . a//b?wiatns Serv. ' 6 '.
Smaller, more frequently black throughout, the male relatively slenderer with narrower and less tumid head, the female v it11 ovipositor rarely more than one fourth as long again as hind leinora. , . pen!r~~~/va??icz~~ Burrn, r 2. Stray-colored with light fuscous markings ; first joint of antennae projecting slightly beyond front of head, . . domesticzts Linn. The separation of the first two species
fore of necessity been stated in a rather is a difficult task. and I have been un- gcncral form. G, abbre7iaius has for able in all cases to place specimens, synonyms G. htctr~os~ts Serv., G, arzg~tstus especially of the male sex. The charac- -- 'å´'Exceptin that a single example of a southein species ieristics given in the table have there- fc,fi croL, beenulcel, Indiana*
292 PSYCHE. ~January. '902
Scudd., G. signatipes Walk., and G.
scndderianus Sauss. It is widely spread, only less widely than the next species.
In this paper I take account only of
specimens at hand for study without
regard to literature. I have seen speci- mens from New Hampshire: White Mt.
valleys, Mt. Washington (Slosson) ;-
Massachusetts: vicinity of Boston, Sher- born (Morse), Wellesley (Morse), Cape
Cod (Sanborn), Provincetown (Morse),
Nantucket ;-Connecticut : South Kent,
Canaan, and New Haven (Morse) ;-
Rhode Island : Block Island (Morse) ;
--New York : Ithaca (Morse); - Penn-
sylvania : Harrisburg (Shui-tleff); -
Maryland (Uhler); -Indiana (Blatch-
ley); --Ohio : Olive (Higginson); -
Illinois : Green River (McNeii'l), south- ern Illinois (1Cennicott);- Lake Superi- or (Uhler); Manitoba : Red River
(Kennicott); - Minnesota ; - Iowa :
Denison (Alien), Dallas Co. (Allen);--
Nebraska : Platte River (Hayden),
Nebraslca City (Hayden), Loup Fork,
Pawnee Reserve (Hayden) ;- North
Carolina (Shutc, Ordway); - Georgia
(Morrison, Oemler, Gerliard) ; -
Florida : Fcrnandina (Palmer), Lake
Okeechobee (Palmer), Sanford (Frazer,
Comstoclc), Pilatka, Appalachicola
(Thaxter), Ft. Reed (Comstock);
Charlotte Harbor (Slosson), Capron
(Comstock), Key \Vest (Palmer); --
Alabama: Utaw ;- Louisiana : Milli-
ken's Bend (Shurtleff), New Orleans
(Akhurst); - Texas (Belfrage), Pccos
River (Pope). Both macropterous and
brachypterous forms occur in nearly
every district, and in nearly all of them the brachypterous forms largely prevail, the macropterous being apparently no-
where uncommon.
G. $en?zsj~1'71aniciis has for synonyms
A. nigra Harr. and G. neglectus Scudd.
It is our most widespread species, cross- ing the continent in the north and extend- ing south to the limits of the United
States at least west of the Mississippi. I have specimens before me from Maine :
Norway (Smith), Fryeburg (Morse); -
New Hampshire : Hanover (Weed),
Holderness (Morse), Kearsarge Village
(Morse), White Mt. valleys, Franconia
(Slosson); - Massachusetts : Adams,
Reading, Dover, Wellesley, Sherborn,
Winchendon, Blue Hills, Medfield, Na-
tick, and Nantucket (Morse), Cambridge,
Provincetown, Cape Cod ; - Rhode
Island : Block Isl. (Uhler); -Connec-
ticut : Stamford, Canaan, and South
Kent (Morse) ; New York: Albany,
West Farms (Akhurst), Ithaca (Morse),
Chateaugnay (Bowditch); - Maryland
(Uhler);- Michigan : Detroit (Gill-
man);- Illinois: Port Byron (McNeill)>
Chicago, Rock Island (McNeill), south-
ern Illinois (Kennicott, Thomas);- Mis-
souri : St. Louis (Engelmann) ;- Kan-
sas : Lakin (Scudder);- Nebraska :
Platte River (Hayden);- Iowa : Dallas
Co., Crawford Co., Denison, and Jcffer-
son (Allen);- Colorado: Ft. Collins
(Baker), Denver, Grenada, and Pueblo
(Scudder), 5500' (Morrison); -Utah :
Parowan (Palmer), Mt. Trumbnll
(Palmer), near Beaver (Palmer), Salt
Lake (Scudder) ; - Montana : expl. of
January, qozl PSYCHE. 293
upper Missouri (Hayden), Muscle Shell
River (Hitz), N. Pac. R. R. Snrv,
(Suckley), N. W. Boundary Survey
(Kennerley) ;-British Columbia, Wash-
ington, Oregon, and California (the de-
tails given in another paper) ;- New
Mexico : Ft. Buchanan (Nevin), Santa
Få (Cockerell), Mesilla Paris (Cocls-
erell), Las Vegas (Cockerell) ;- Texas : Goliad (Palmer), Pecos River (Pope),
San Antonio (Palmer), Corpus Christ1
Bay (Palmer), Ringgold Barracks
(Schott). Macropterous specimens are
very rare in this species, and have been seen by me only from Massachusetts,
Missouri, and Colorado.
G. domesticus is before me in speci-
mens from New York: West Farms
(Akhurst);- southern Illinois (Uh1er);-. Carolina (Schaum) ; - Georgia : Ross-
well (King) ; --Alabama : Utaw;-- and
Texas (Belfrage). All that I have seen
arc macropterous, but brachypterous
specimens occur in the Old World.
West of the Mississippi and north of
Utah, L-'. atbreviatus and G. penmy/vani- MS (a .. especially the latter) seem to be the only species known. In Kansas,
however, another species, G. personafzis Uhl., appears, which also extends to
Colorado and Texas. It may be dis-
tinguished from these species by having
the genae of the head and the lateral
lobes of the pronotum lutcous or testa-
ceons instead of black. J have seen
specimens from Kansas (Uhler), be-
tween Ft. Kearny and Ft. Laramie
(Suckley) ; -- Colorado : Ft. Collins
(Baker in Morse's col1.);- Texas : San
Antonio (Palmer), Eagle Pass (Schott),
Pecos River (Pope). Both macropter-
ous ancl brachypterous forms occur, the
latter appearing to prevail.
In the southern Rocky Mountain re-
gion (Colorado, Utah, New Mexico and
Arizona) four species are found, one of
them new ancl described below. They
may be separated by the following table : a l. Genae and lateral lobes of pronotnm light colored. . , personatus Uhl, a
Genae and whole pronotum black.
Whole body black, the tegmina sometimes nigro-testaceons ; 5-6 spines on outer side of hind tibiae.
c\. Pronotnm nearly twice as broad as long. . . integer Scucld. c2, Pronotum about half as broad again as long. . ficnnsfia'nicm Burm. b '.
Tegmina and legs testaceous ; 7-8 spines on outer side of hind tibiae armatzis sp. nov,
The distribution of has just been given, and that of G.femisyZz~aniciis in an earlier part of this paper in detail. G. integer was described and its distribu- tion given in my paper on the species of Gryllus on the Pacific coast. A description of the species regarded as new follows.
Gsyllits armatfis ep. nov. - Small and rath- or not wider than the prunotu~n, gently tumid, er slender with piceous body.
Head scarcely
the vertex not very prominent, the whole head
294 PSYCHE. [January, qoa
black. Pronotum rather more than half as broad again as long, equal, with nearly paral- lel sides, feebly villous, black throughout except for a delicate ferruginous margination in front, the front margin truncate, the hind margin faintly convex, with a median im- pressed line fading on posterior third, the lower margin of lateral lobes gently and ob- liquely convex. Tegmina covering (8) or
nearly covering (9) the abdomen, testaceous, the mediastinal vein with from two to four branches, the post-specular area of male teg- rnina rather large; wings usually not sur- passing the tegmina but sometimes caudate. Legs testaceous, the hind femora not very stout, the hind tibiae with seven or eight spines on the outer side, the upper inner calcar scarcely shorter than the intermediate calcar.
Ovipositor a little longer than the
hind femora.
Length of body, 8, 17.t) nnn., ?, 17 mm.; pronotum, 8 2, 3.2s mni. ; breadth of same, 3, 5-25 mm., 9, ,T mm.; length of tegmina, (Ti 10.5 mm., 2, 9 mm.; hind femora. 8 $, 11 mm.; ovipositor, 13 mm.
6 8, I 9 ; Beaver Dam, Utah, April
(Palmer) ; Ehrenberg, Ariz. (Palmer) ;
Ft. Whipple, Ariz. (Palmer).
About a third of the specimens seen
are macropterous.
There remain the species of the
southern United States east of the Rocky Mts. These may be separated by the
following table :-
u, . Pronotum wholly black.
Pronotum about half as broad again as long. cl.
Very large species, about 25 mm. long, with convex hind margin to the pronotum, and 7-8 spines on hind tibiae . , jrnim sp. nov c2. Medium or small sized species, not often exceeding 20 mm. long, with nearly truncate or faintly angulate hind margin to the pronotum and 5-6 spines on hind tibiae . . abbrei~iafus Serv., pennsylvuniais Burm. 6 Pronotum nearly twice as broad again as long. . . integer Scudd. a2.
Pronotum prevailingly light or with light markings. b
Wholly testaceous, more or less marked with fuscous ; first joint of antennae projecting slightly beyond front of head. . . domesticus Linn. 6 a. Prevailingly dark ; first joint of antennae not projecting beyond front of head. c
Head except vertex testaceous; hind tibiae relatively short, with 5-6 spines on margins. . . personatus Uhl.
ca. Head wholly black ; hind tibiae relatively long, with 7-8 spines on mar- gins . rz~bens sp. nov.
G. assimilis Fabr. is not included in table excepting the first and the last this table, as I have seen United States has already been given or referred to.
specimens only from California, but it is The two remaining species may now
reported to occur in the Gulf States. be described. The distribution of all the species of the
January, 19021 PS YCHE. 295
Grj,I/xs ft, mus sp. nov. - Large and stout, with piceous body.
llead large, tumid, with
prominent vertex, scarcely broader than the pronotum, wholly black. Pronotum stout,
black, most delicately margined anteriorly with ferruginous, broadest in advance of the middle, the sides being slightly and not quite uniformly convex, half as broad again as long, the front margin with scarcely per- ceptible concavity, the hind margin slightly hut distinctly and broadly convex, with a median impressed line scarcely or not visible on posterior third, the loAer margin of the lateral lobes oblique and nearly straight. Tegmina nearly or quite covering the ab- domen, testaceous more or less infuscated, often in the female leaving a clear testaceous humeral stripe, the inediastinal vein with three or four branches; wings generally no longer than the body, but sometimes caudate in the female. Legs ferrugii~ous or testaceo- ferruginous, often more or less infuscated, the hind femora stout, the hind tibiae with gener- ally six or seven rather long spines on the outer side, the upper inner calcar very long and almost as tong as the intermediatecalcar. Ovipositor fully a third longer than the hind femora.
Length of body, 8, 27 mm., $ , 26 mm. ;
pronotum, 8, j mm., 9, 5.5 mm.; breadth of same, 8 $ , 7.5 mm. ; length of tegmina, J f , 14.5 mm.; hindfemora, 8, 16 mm., 2, 16.75 mm. ; ovipositor, 23.5 mm.
6 3, 7 9. Brookville, Ind. (Dr.
Rufus Hayward); Smithville, N. C., Nov.
22 ; Dingo Bluff, N. C., Nov. 15 (Parker and Maynard); Georgia (Oemler, Ger-
hardt); Sandford, Ha. (G. B. Frazer);
Key West (Morrison). I have also speci-
mens from Texas.
This is the largest United States spe-
cies known to me.
About a third of the
specimens seen are macropterous.
Grj~lltis rtibens sp. nov. - Rather large and somewhat slender, the body piceous with
rufous and rufo-tcstdceous markings. Head large, full, the vertexrather prominent, slight- ly wider than the proTioluin, the whole head piceous. Pronotum about half as broad again as long, subequal with scarcely convex sides, feebly villous, piceous, the front and hind borders very narrowly margined with rufo- testaceous, the lateral lobes broadly striped above (at place of lateral carinae) and down the front with rufo-testaceons, the front mar- gin of disk very faintly angulato-emarginate, the hind margin very faintly bisinuate, the lower margin of lateral lobes gently and ob- liquely convex and broadly and feebly margin- ate. Tegniina covering the abdomen, tes- tdceous, faintly infumated, the mediastinal vein with three branches; wings in only speci- men seen not surpassing the tegmina. Legs rufons slightly tinged with testaceous and more or less infuscated, the hind femora moderately stout, the hind tibiae with six rather long spines on the inner, seven on the outer margin, the upper inner calcar nearly as long as the intermediateealcar. Ovipositor about a fourth longer than hind femora.
Length of body, 20 mm.; pronotum, 3.75
mm.; breadth of same, 6 mm.; length of
tegmina, 12 mm. ; hind femora, 13 mm. ; ovi- positor, 16 mni.
I $. Auburn, Alabama (Baker, in
Morse coll.).
A word may be added concerning
wing-length. Of the ten species of
Gryllus recognized in this and my
complementary paper, all but two appear
in both the forms, macropterous and
brachypterous; and of these two one,
G. rubens, is known only by a single
specimen, and the other, G. domesticz~s, is known to occur in both forms in
Europe, though here I have seen only
296 PSYCHE. [January, mot
inacropterous. The caudate condition 2 out of 7 in G. armatus, and 6 out of 16 is extremely rare in G. peunsylvimicus,
in G.J'~Y~Ls. In general it appears to
common in G. abt'reviaiz~s, is found in
be rather more common in females than
4 out of the t, specimens seen of G.
in males.
assirnilis, 5 out of 9 of G. personatus, The crickets retreat, figured in Har-
27 out of 31 (and so nearly universal)
per's Magazine, Vol. 93, p. 693, in prob- in G. integer, I out of 9 in (7. vocali~, ably that of G. abbrev'uit-1~~.
A NEW SPECIES OF THK GENUS SAISSETIA (COCCIDAE). With notes on some of the species of the genus not well understood. BY GEORGE B. KING, LAWRENCE, MASS.
2 Scale black 3 1n111. long, 24 wide, 2 liigli very convex, shiny surface smooth margin- ally cm'inated, texture thick. Of the 20 speci- mens examined all showed and 8 segmentes antenna; variable however, as follows :
Segment 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 in p.
Hind leg : cox1 IOU; femur with trochanter 160; tibia 104; tarsus So. Marginal spines, club-shaped with split tips 36 x 24 p. long Digitules of claw 24p. long -vi-it11 large dilated end. The derm is yellowish brown with
irregular oval gla~id orifices, no irregular plates forming a marquetry pattern as in S. depi-essa and S. nigra, but the skin seems to be wilhout tessellation.
only species of Saissetia sent, Prof.
Cockerel1 turned it over to me for study. I wish to say however that it is a very
hard species to clear for study, owing to its thick tough skin, which resists the
action of caustic potash after prolonged boiling. Superficially it resembles S.
nigra but differs from that species by
being very much smaller, structurally by the derm not having the marquetry pat-
tern with oval gland pits enclosed.
Lecmizim depressiifn Targioni I 86 7.
The above two species seem to be
decidedly mixed, both being considered
Hab.- On Ficus sp. at Tongaar, by some coccidologists as one species, Natal, South Africa (Fuller No. 7).
while others believe depressa to be a
The above species were sent to Prof.
variety of nigra.
Mr. Maskell, Trans.
Cockerel1 by Mr. Fullcr with several N. 2. Inst. 1893, believed nigra, defressa other species of Coccidae. Being the and begoniae (I have not seen begoniae)
Volume 9 table of contents