Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Print ISSN 0033-2615
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Article beginning on page 240.
Psyche 9:240-288, 1900.

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held out flat, free from joint 2 ; antennae rather large, divergent, straight ; white with broad bands of brown mottlings, one on side of lobe and one next the median suture;
suturt; itself brown as also the clypeal suture above; antennae black tipped ; width .6 mm. Body moderate, segments about 30-annulate, rather obscurely. Dorsum broadly brown,
pulverulent, cut by narrow pale subdorsal line and on joints 2 to 5 by a dorsal line also. Shields con~olo~ous, the anal plate pale at the sides. Subventral fold white, slightly yel- lowish. A broad subventral purple-brown
band, emphasized below the spiracle by a darker patch ; a nearly contiguous pale line below this band ; venter narrowly white. Feet pale outwardly; setae short, black; tubercles minute.
Stage IV.
Head white with brown dotted
bands as before; width .9mn1.
Body moder-
ate, uniform, finely annulate.
Doreum dark
brown, a fine white subdorsal line continuing the white of head; a paler brown lateral band in part contiguous to a still paler sup- rastigmatal one.
Subventral fold white, a
trace yellowish.
A geminate subventral pale
brown band, the upper half
containing a
nearly black dot below and before the spira- cle. Venter not broadly whitish. Feet pale, the abdominal onesi faintly brownish marked. No discolorous shields.
Stags V. Head erect, rounded, higher
than wide, scarcely bilobed, antennae dis- tinct; whitish with a brown shade, black dottings on each side from ocelli to vertex and between the lobes over the median su- ture; sutures of clypeus dark; width 1.1 PSYCHE.
mm. Body slender, the segments moderate- ly drawn out, the central ones about 25- annulate, uniformly, annulet I somewhat
larger. Whitish, dorsum pulverulently
brown shaded, forming a dark geminate dor- sal line, diffuse outwardly,followed by a pale subdorsal line, on the abdomen faintly, but on thorax and joint 5 distinctly edged by dark dottings, A whitish band on subventral fold ; a vinous brown spot below it a little in front of the spiracle, distinct on joints 5 to 7, faint on 8 and 9. Feet pale or a little brown- ish dotted, the anal ones elongate triangular. Tubercles minute, dark ; setae short, dark, slightly enlarged before tip. Spiracles
brown rimmed. There are some secondary
setae present, forming about twenty hairs in all on each side of a segment, all alike in size and color. Most oå the extra ones are subdorsal in a continuation of the line of i and ii and suhventral posterior.
Food plant unknown. The larvae fed on
ragweed and clover. Moth from Washington, D. C. Eggs June I, last larval stage July I, but all died soon after without pupating. A NEW USE FOR AN OVIPOSITOR. -A fe-
male Deidaiuia twscrz~ta emergedin one of my boxes and in some way injured the first two legs on one side. After two or three days I noticed that when:themoth hung from the lace over the top of the box it clung with the remaining- legs, and thriirit its ovipositor up through a mesh of the lace bending its tip forward so that it held like a bent finger. In this position the moth rested for many
hours daily. Caroline G. Sonic.
A. SMITH & SONS, 146-148 WILLIAM ST.. New York. - ~
Klaeger and Carlsbad Insect Pins, setting Boards, Folding Nets, Locality and
Special Labels, Forceps, Sheet Cork, Etc. Other articles are being added, fiend for Lilt. -
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