Article beginning on page 213.
Psyche 9:213-214, 1900.
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teeth. In the front of each large lat-
inner side with a large, softer, movable era1 plate is a narrow dorso-ventral lobe. Thc posterior jaw (the maxilla) sclerite carrying the jaws. These are is less chitinous than the other; it is two in number on each side.
The an-
flat and provided at its outer angle with terior one (the mandihZe) is large, strong, several papilla-like processes.
toothed terminally, and provided on the
Wyoming during September, 1895, Dr.
Wm. M. Wheeler chanced upon a very
remarkable fly. This insect, Dilophus
tibiaIis Loew, was taken among sweep-
ings from the high grass along- the bor- ders of Hunter's Creek, at an altitude of about 8000 feet. The specimen was
abnormal in the possession of an antcn-
nary appendage arising from the right
fore coxa. Concerning this curious out-
growth Dr. Wheeler has already pub-
lished a full account.f
With the same sweepings in winch
the Dilophus was taken were numbers
of an undescribed species of Hilam,
and among these was another abnormal
As cases of malformation are
rare, and especially so among insects,
possibly on account of the number of
ecdyses which these animals undergo,
the occurrence of another teratological
~Contributionsfrorn the Zoological Laboratory of the University of Texas. No. 18).
-t Archiv flier Entwickelungsmecl~anik der Organismen. 111. Band, a Heft, 1896.
fly in the same locality in which the
Dilophus was taken is of some interest,
The specimens collected were stored
away until recently, when I undertook
to study them in connection with the
other species of Hilara.
Like most members of the genus
ffila~a, the new species exhibits strik- ing sexual dimorphism, that is, apart
from the peculiar h ypopygial modifica-
tions, the first joint of the fore tarsi is greatly enlarged in the male, while of
normal shape in the female. This char-
acter, which is well-nigh universal in
the genus, is, like other secondary sex- ual characters, subject to considerable
variation in form and size among the
various species, and is therefore of tax- onomic importance.
On sorting the Wyoming specimens
with regard to the separation of the
sexes, an individual was discovered
which, so far as external characters i'ie concerned, is neither a male nor ;i
female. This specimen has the ainlc'm-
ioal styles of the female, while at the
214 Psych%. [June, 1901.
same time the front legs are modified as in the males. In other respects it is
normal. Thus the front part of the body
resembles the normal male, while the
abdomen is exactly like that of the
female. This case may be called "tan-
dem " hermaphroditism. The figure
illustrates the anomaly, together with
the condition in a normal male, and a
front leg of a normal female.
Although gyandromorphism is by no
been described, its diagnosis may prop-
erly be given in this connection.
Hilara Wheeleri .i/. nov. Male and fe-
male. Length 3.5 mm. Opaque true-black,
covered with a very fine grey-glaucous coat- ing. Head, thorax and abdomen with a few pale short hairs besides the dark bristles. Antennae black, short, third joint short, con- ical, its arista equal to itself. Palpi testa- ceous, with pale hairs : proboscis piceous, generally less than one-half the head-height. Thorax not vitiate, its short hairs irregularly, Hilara wlieeleri n. ap Male.
means unknown among insects, it nearly
always occurs in the form of lateral
herrnaphrodilism, as observed more com-
monly among Lepidoptera and less so
among bees and ants. The occurrence
of antero-posterior, or " tandem " herrn- aphroditism is rather rare, although
quite as interesting as other cases of
blending of sex. In this connection
1' Hahnenfedrigkeit " among female
birds may be recalled.
As this species of Hilam has not
Hilara wheeleri 11. sp. Gynandromorphic individual. The detached leg is thefore leg of a normal female. almost serially arranged : scutellum with four bristles, the inner pair long. Abdomen opaque black, most often compressed in the male and cylindrical or depressed in (.he fe- male: no conspicuous bristles, the short sparse pubescence pale : hypopygium not of greater depth than the abdomen, sessile, rarely distinctly separated from the abdo- men above, compressed, its lateral valves sub-glabrous, the dorsal filament tliick, but almost always hidden. Legs fuscous to
piceous. The males, as a rule, have the legs darker, but the fore tibiaearealways fuscous. The pubescence is pale yellow : no conspic- uons macrochaetae are present, though the
June, iqoi]
hairs of the upper edge of the male fore tibiae are longer. The middle and hind coxae are black, the fore coxae more or less fus- cous : tarsi black, the remainder of the legs variable in color from fuscous to piceons. The front metatarsi of the male enlarged, ovoid, the distal third of the inner side is excised for the reception of the remainder of the tarsus, which thus is not attached a1 the tip of the metatarsus. The front tibiae of the males are somewhat thickened. Wings
cinereous-hyaline, stigma1 spot faintly
brown, neuration normal.
Seven males, twelve females and the
gynandromorphic specimen.
Dubois (IX. 6, 1895) and Little
Wind River (IX. 2, 1895) Wyoming.
This species seems to be allied to
seriafa, Loew, of the Eastern States,
wl-iich also has ovate metatarsi in the
males. As Dr. Loew does not mention
the place of articulation of the second
joint, it may be presumed that it is ter- minal to the metatarsus as in the other
forms of the genus. Moreover, the
middle tibiae of the male miaka are
provided with rather long pubescence, a
character not observable in Wheclcri.
Phenacoccus rubivorus, n, sp. - 2 -Hem-
ispherical, with the form of a half-pea, dis- tinctly segrnented,pale pinkish, thinly cov- ered with white mealy secretion ; no cottony appendages. Boiled in liquor potassae, they stain the liquid amber yellow, am1 the skin becon~es colorless. Anal ring with 6 hairs. Caudal tubercles very low and inconspicuous, with short bristles. Legs and antennae very pale brownish; claw with asmall denticle on inner side; digitules slender, with small knobs. Antennae~jointed, formula approxi- mately 92(35)6(471)8. The following meas- urements are in p:-
Antennae segments; (I.) 36, (2.) ,TI,
4% (4.) 39, (5-1 45, (6.) 43, (7-1 39, (8.) 30, (9.1 69. Middle legs ; femur + trochanter, 222 ; tibia, 174 ; tarsus, yJ ; claw, 27. Of course these measurements will vary, no two indi- viduals being exactly alike.
The females studied contained very well- spines, round glands, and a small patch of spines on each lateral margin of each segment. Ha&.- Beulah, New Mexico, about 8,oooft. alt., end of March, 1901, on roots of Rttbusstri- gosus.
Collected hy Wilmatte P. Cockerell.
This interesting species does not have the superficial appearance of a Phenacoccus, though the antennaeand legs are as in that genu6. I suspect that when we know the
male it will turn out to be congeneric with the little-known European Tetrwa rubi de- scribed by Lichtenstein, concerning which see Entornologis& 1900, p. 86,
Chrysopa bimaculata, sp. nov.
Length to
tip of wings 11.5 mm-13.5 mm., alar expanse 21-25 mm.
Mouth short, antenna slightly shorter
"(Contributions from the Zoological Laboratory of the developed embryos. These showed small . University of lew. NO. 19.)
Volume 9 table of contents