Article beginning on page 203.
Psyche 9:203-204, 1900.
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May, 19011 PSYCHE, 208
Marginal Large s hies of
Small spices
spines. laterafcleft
of same.
28 long
So . 32
36 cc if .
32 16 . 28
40 *'
1 C
. 40
The scales on white thorn were found
August 18, 1898, upon the large branch-
es. Those on Spiraea, June 15, 1897,
upon the trunk and limbs. The scales
on Coliseum ivy, Sept. 30, 1899. Those
in the woods, June 16,1899, on the large branches, on dogwood, June 10, 1898,
were on the trunk, on maple at Chicago,
Ill., August 10, 1900, and those on
meadow sweet, June 25, 1897, on all
parts of this small plant.
It cannot be
said that these forms are only occasion- al, or at all local, neither that they are found on a particular plant, and in such a position as not to get a full supply of nourishment; moreover I do not re-
member that the years in which they
were found were exceptional, For con-
venience and also for future reference,
I have prepared a separate table of these small forms marked, B. The characters
to be observed in the determination of
the species are :
Antcnnac 8-jointed, 3 and 4 longest: i;
always longer than 6 or 7 (the length of the fifth joint is very important) which are vari- able in length, although often equal and alwavs the shortest. The short spine-like hairs of the fiist joint normally three, but often only two will be seen. The short spine- like hairs on the outer margin in front of the large blunt spines are also present with the long thin hairs between the antennae, and above the anal plates. The color and hize of the scales counts for nothing, as there is every gradation in color from a light red- brown to almost clear black. And it hhould be said that the length of the first joint is only approximative, as in only a few instanc- es can a specimen be mounted that will show this joint perfectly.
Sciagrerjhia hel1'0thidatu Gnen6e. Accord- ing to Dr. Hulst this species hue the follow- ing synonymy; ocellinata Guen., restomfa Walk., siiicoZti~abafu Walk., ditflicata. Pack. The larva has not been previously described. Egg.
Elliptical, well flattened above and
below, one end slightly depressed, the other rounded truncate and a little swollen. Shin- ing dark grass-green, almost olive color. Densely, finely reticulate, the cell areas con- cave, and, on the micropylnr end, becoming large and strongly concave, look like the markings on a thimble, which is the cause of this end looking swollen. Size .6 X .4 X .3 mm. Later turned dull dark red with cen- tral dark green nucleus. Hatched in five days.
Stage I.
Head rounded, slightly bibbed,
brownish luteous, ocelli black; held
obliquely erect; width about .3 mm. Body moderate or I-alher thick, the incisi~res dis- tinct ; feet normal, pale. Uniformly sordid velvety olivaceous tinted, the tubercles rather large, slightly elevated, dusky.
obscure. Dorsum and renter shaded, borne- what darker than the sides; no marks ex-
ccpt a faintly traced brownish subdorsal line. Setae short, dark. Later became sordid
green from the food, with faint traces of narrow brown line on dorsum and a sub-
dorsal line, which widens into a spot on joint 6.
Stage [I. Head slightly bilobed, higher
than wide, erect, free; dull luteous greenish, ocelli black; width about .5 mm. Body
moderate, the central segments not ~nuch elongated; tubercles rounded and slightly elevated, concolorous; setae short, dark. Translucent yello-vvish, food yeen, very finely brown dotted, the dots forming
obscurely many longitudinal lines. A large brown spot laterally on joint 6. The brown is Ileavier venlrally, forming a distinct shade, likewise divided into ill-formed lines. Feet normal, the anal pair triangular, not ex- cccdcd by the anal plate, immaculate.
Stage. III. Head rounded, slightly bilobed, flattened before, higher than joint 2, but held obliquely ; pale luteous, faintly brownish mottled, whitish on the eyes and margin of cheeks; width .75 mm. Body moderate,
cylindrical, smooth, the incisurcs folded. 'Tubercles obsolete, but the setae rather iong, black, all distinctly visible, i to viii ; ia to iib of thorax evenly separated; pointed and
black, both on head and body. Green, mostly by transparency, seen without a lens marked only by the large brown spot on joint 6, which rests on top of the spiracle; with a lens very faintly longitudinally whitish lined, the lines separated by pale brownish dottings, heavier ventrally. Abdominal
feet concolorous; thoracic ones blackish shaded. The white lines arc dorsal, sub- dorsal, lateral, stigmatal, subventral and ventral, the two latter the most obscure. Stage IV, Head rounded, slightly bilobed, clypeus a little depressed, free, oblique; green, faintly purplish mottled; width 11 inin. Body moderate, segments slightly
moniliform, a little roughened by the dis- tinct, concolorous tubercles. Seiae rather long", black. Green, obscurely dotted-lined with white in dorsal, subdorsal, lateral, supra- stigmatal lines; tracheal line yellowish; following this a s~~bventral line, all alike, narrow. A dark brown spot edged with
clouded paler brown above the spiracle on joint 6, Thoracic feet, brown dotted. Shields concoloro~~s, not cornilied, weakly lined. Incisures of joints c, to g folded, whitish. Siag'e V,
Head rounded, held obliquely
flat, clypeus slightly elevated, paraclypeal pieces not reaching the vertex ; grcen,
mottled and streaked with white, tips of mouth parts slightly brownish ; width 17, mm. Body moclcratc, normal, anal feet tri- angular with small posterior point bearing a seta shorter than the subanal prongs.
Tubercles small, setac distinct, brown.
Body green, a dark green dorsal band with central broken white line; subdorsal band broad, greenish white, obscurely dotted and triplicate. Two faint broken whitish lines above the spiracle, one on stigmata1 fold, two in subventral space, with traces of still paler ones between the latter and as medi- oventral line; all obscure find broken into dots. A brown patch above the spiracle on joint 6. Spiracles pale ocherous. Thoracic feet of joint 10 shaded with vinous. No dis- coloruns shields. Central incisnres folded, yellowish.
Pupa in the earth, shining brown, not
Food plant locust (Robifua $sei~dncacia}. Larvae from Washington, D. C.; eggs June 20, niaturc larvae July 8.
204 PSYCHE. [~ai, ,901
Klaeger and Carlsbad Insect Pins, Setting Boards, Folding Nets, Locality and
Special Labels, Forceps, Sheet Cork, Etc. Other articles are being added, Send for Lift,
Volume 9 table of contents