Article beginning on page 199.
Psyche 9:199-202, 1900.
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May, w11 PSYCHE. 199
curvature (foreshortened in Fig. 4).
Each of the extremes of the series is
thus represented by about one third of
the specimens, and the intergrades by
the remaining third, but these inter-
grades are so numerous and the grada-
tion is so perfect that it is quite impossi- ble to separate the specimens into two
series. Nor is there reason on other
grounds for so doing. The specimens
evidently all belong to one species ex-
hibiting a high degree of secondary
sexual variation in the male, a variation whose function and value have yet to be
determined, but the key to which may
perhaps be secured by careful observa-
tion of the habits of the species.
This character-the form of the ante-
rior tibiac of the male-has been used for many years in systematic treatises for
distinguishing the species of this genus but it is now evident that its worth has been greatly over-rated and it must be
regarded with suspicion and in some
cases as worthless for that purpose.
In certain forms, of which I have ex-
amined considerable series; this great
variability apparently does not occur,
the tibiae of the male and female being
alike. The extremely bifurcate condi-
tion was recorded and figured by Mr.
Scudcler in characterizing T. apicalis Say and T. temt2å´11a/i Scudd. (Boston Journ. Nat. Hist., vii, p. 424,-1862). The form I have treated above is the latter of
these-terti1/7~ir/is; and from material in Mr. Scudder's collection I am able to
state that at least the normal ( 9 ) form of tibia is found in males of apicalis also. Possibly terminalis may prove to be but
a race of t.~/caZis but until the genus is revised it is best to regard them as differ- ent. /t.picds appearing slightly larger, paler in color, and usually having rela- tively longer wings. Both of these forms are widely spread over at least the east- ern half of the United States, and are
apparently not uiico;n~non locally. It is hoped that anyone having a11 opportunity to do so will make observations on the
habits of these interesting; little crickets and attempt to discover the use of this
peculiar modification oE the tibiac and
its value to the insect.
Although Puhiinaria hii'ii~erabilis evident to the writer, that a more clear Rathv. has been the subject of many
and comprehensive description sho~tld
published articles, together with illustra- be given together with some descriptive
tions of the species in its various stages notes of its variation and distribution ; of developments; it has become
moreover it is hoped that the following
description will enable any entomologist who may have the slightest knowledge of
Coccidae, to recognize the species at
once from any of its nearest allies.
With this hope in view, the following de- scription and notes have been carefully
made and a large amount of material has
been examined from various localities
and food plants, so as to give their speci- fic variation. Of course it is a well es- tablished fact, that the genus Pulvinaria is known by its producing a cottony
ovisac, in which are deposited the eggs
of the female scale. The color of the
scales are variable, but in this species the typical color is red-brown, not at all shiny, elongate oval in shape, usually
broader anteriorly, and always narrower
posteriorly, 7 mm. long, 5& broad.
Boiled in caustic potash the following
struct~iral characters are observed.
Antennae 8-jointed, joint 3 always longest. 4 next, then 2 and 8 althongh sometimes 8 will be longer than 2. 5 is next and always longer than 6 or 7 which is the shortest and often equal. Front legs, with the coxa 120 long; femur and trochanter, 176 ; tibia, 164 ; tarsus 80; width coxa 20; trochanter 6u; tibia 32; tarsus 20. Spines of lateral cleft in threes, one very long and stout, curved at the end 92 to 108 in length; two short. nnd stout 33 to 40 long. The margin of the body is provided with a row of stout blunt spines 36 to 40 long, and a row of short, thin and sharp spine-like hairs 16 long ; these are easily lost in dissecting. Between the antennae iind above the anal plates, are several long thin hairs 48-92 and 120 in length; interspersed with these are some short spine-like hairs like those of the outer margin. Anal ring normal with six long stout bristles. The arrangement of hairs on the several joints of the antennae are as follows: the first joint has three short spine-like hairs ; tlic second, from one to two are long; the third from one to two; the fifth two to three; the sixth one; the seventh one LO two ; and the eight11 seven to nine. The measurements of the
several parts above, and those given in the tables are in ~nicroinillimetei-5.
A quantitative study of these varia-
tions is here given.
It should be stated
in this connection however, that inter-
mediate individuals are found with the
typical forms, which are sometimes quite small, and the reason for their size is no doubt due to being deprived of sufficient food, owing to the fact that they arc
found on the small twigs, where the sup- ply of food is not so great as it is among the larger limbs of the tree, and it is here where the larger forms arc found.
These smaller forms do not differ ma-
terially in color, shape or structurally; all are practically the same. Specimens
from Georgia are quite dark, variable in shape, some nearly hemispherical and
in texture the scales are quite thick.
Those from New Mexico are about the
same in color and texture, but somewhat
smaller. The scales on maple at Wash-
ington, D. C., arc practically the same
as those found on maplc in Massach~l-
setts. Those from Wisconsin (Div.
Entom.) are quite different, being small- er and nearly black in color. Those
from North Carolina are different still, practically hemispherical in shape, of a light brown color and quite small.
Several lots of these specimens studied
Way, 1001}
Localities and Food Plants. r z 3 4 5 6 7 8 Sizeofthe? Scales. On sycamore, Atlanta, Georgia.
(W, M. Scott, 1900.)
40 48 60 44 32 24 20 40 61- min, long. 6 broad.
On oak, Tifton, Georgia.
(W. M. Scott, 1900.) 40 64 80 72 40 40 32 48 74 " I' 61 " On elm, Atlanta, Georgia.
(W. M. Scott, 1900.) 40 48 76 56 40 28 32 44 6.'- '< 5-4 On viburnum, Lawrence, Mass.
(G. H. King, 1898.) 40 52 76 60 36 32 28 48 7 '< 5-5- 'k On viburnum, Cambridge. Mass.
(ti. 13. King, 1900.) 40 52 80 56 36 v 28 48 7 " " 5;- cc 011 small tree in deep wood, Andover, Mass. (G. IS. King, 1899.) 40 48 68 60 28 28 28 48 7 " " 5+ On meadow-sweet, Methuen, Mass. 6; " " 6 (G. E. King, 1898.) 40 56 So 7% 40 20 24 52 7 " " 5+ c' On grape-vine, Lawrence, Mass.
(G. B. King, 1897.) 40 48 60 56 36 24 24 40 7 * " 51 2- 61 2 'c On sumach, Dracot, Mass. 40 40 76 52 28 24 q 48 7 " " 5+ 'r (G. B. King, 1897.) 36 40 80 60 36 28 28 44 8 " " 6 On poplar, East Las Vegas, N. M.
(T. D. A. Cockerell, 1899.) 40 40 66 60 44 36 20 44 7 " " 5+ IL On Imiey locust, East Las Vegas, N, M.
(T. D. A. Cockerell, 1899.) 40 40 64 48 44 24 24 40 7 '( " 5
On virginia creeper, East Las Vegas, N. M. 6: I' '( 4;
(T. D. A. Cockerell, 1900.) 40 52 84 64 40 28 24 48 7 " " j
On maple, Wisconsin.
(Div. of Entomology.) 40 52 64 52 40 24 28 40 54 " " 5 On maple, Washington, D. C.
(Div. of Entomology.) 40 40 60 52 32 28 28 44 7 " " 54 I' FRONT LEGS OF THE SAME SPECIES. Table A
On sycamore, Atlanta, Georgia.
On oak, Tifton, Georgia.
On elm, Atlanta, Georgia.
On viburnum, Cambridge, Mass.
On small tree in deep wood.
On meadowsweet, Methuen, Mass.
On grape, Lawrence, Mass.
On sumach, Dracot, Mass.
kam. Claw.
80 24
So 'C
I 6
Marginal Large spines of Small spines
spnes. lateral cleft. of 8ame.
32 long
So . 40
40 "
108 . *a
36 '<
106 . . 40
40 " 92 ,
52 '$ 108 . . 14
44 g c 120 . 40
36 'c 92 , . 4.0
36 " 88 . . 28
36 '& 84 48
were so small, the color and texture of
the scales also so variable that with the variation of the antennae and legs, I had a very strong conviction that they sh(
be separate and describe as subspec
but certain structural characters, wl
are without doubt specific, being fo
in all of the material studied, they n
be called forms of the same spec
Whether these small forms are dm
certain food, locality, season of the 1
being cold or warm, wet or dry, or
part of the food-plant upon which 1
were found, are all suggestive quest1
and have been carefully conside
Localities and Food Plauts.
On maple, Chicago, Ill.
(Div. of Entomology.)
On coliseum ivy, Springfield, Mass.
(Geo. Dimmock, Sept. 30, 1899.)
On white thorn, Methuen, Mass.
(G. B. King, June 18, 1897.)
On Beutzia creitafa, Lawrence, Mass.
(G. B. King, June 28, 1898.)
On Spiraea, Lawrence, Mass.
(C. B. King, June 10, 1897.)
011 tree in deep woods, Dracot, Mass.
(G. R. King, June 8, 1899.)
On cork oak, Methuen, Mass.
(G. E. King, June 12, 1898.)
On dogwood, Methuen, Mass.
(G. Ìö King, June 26, 1898.)
I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SueoftlitS Scales
40 40 60 44 32 20 20 44
36 40 72 48 32 20 20 44 3 mm. in diameter. -10 48 60 60 40 28 24 44 4: mm. long. 3 bi 404056@322020/!I 4 " " 3
40 40 44 32 24 20 0 4 " " 3
40 40 48 48 28 20 20 40 5 " '' 4
40 40 64 52 36 28 28 44 5 " " 5
40 40 68 40 32 28 zo 40 5; '' "
36 40 60 48 y 24 24 48 3; " " 2;
On maple Chicago, 111.
Un coliseum ivy, Springfield, Mass.
On white thorn, Methuen, Mass.
On Spiraea, Lawrence, Mass.
On cork oak, Methuen, Mass.
On dogwood, Methuen, Mass.
May, tooil PSYCHE. 208
Marginal Large s hies of Small spines
spines. liiterafdeft of same.
28 long
80 . 32
36 c' cc .
32 " . 28
,to " . 40
32 " 40
The scales on white thorn were found
August 18, 1898, upon the large branch-
es. Those on Spiraea, June I j, 1897,
upon the trunk and limbs. The scales
on Coliseum ivy, Sept. 30, 1899. Those
in the woods, June 16, 1899, on the large branches, on dogwood, June 10, 1898,
were on the trunk, on maple at Chicago,
Ill., August 10, 1900, and those on
meadow sweet, June 25, 1897, on all
parts of this small plant. It cannot be
said that these forms are only occasion- al, or at all local, neither that they are found on a particular plant, and in such a position as not to get a full supply of nourishment; moreover I do not re-
member that the years in which they
were found were exceptional. For con-
venience and also for future reference,
I have prepared a separate table of these small forms marked, B. The characters
to be observed in the determination of
the species are :
Aiitcnnac 8-jointed, 3 and 4 longest: 5
always longer than 6 or 7 (the length ot the fifth joint is very important) which are vari- able in length, although often equal and always the shortest. The short spine-like hairs of the first joint normally three, but often only two will be seen. The short spine- like hairs on the outer margin in front of the large blunt spines are also present with the long thin hairs between the antennae, and above the anal plates. The color and size of the scales counts for nothing, as there is every gradation in color from a light red- brown to almost clear black. And it should be said that the length of the first joint is onlyapproxim~itive, as in only a few instanc- es can a specimen be mounted that will show this joint perfectly.
Sciayra$hia Jieliothidata Guen6e. Accnrd- ing to Dr. Hulst this bpecies ha6 the follow- ing synonymy: ocellinatn Guen., restorata Walk., sitbcoZuml'da Walk,, du'plicata Pack. The larva has not been previously described. Erg.
Elliptical, well flattened above and
below, one end slightly depressed, the other rounded truncate and a little swollen. Shin- ing dark grass-green, almost olive color. Densely, finely reticulate, the cell areas con- cave, and, on the micropyliir end, becoming large and strongly concave, look like the markings on a thimble, which i$ the cause of this end looking swollen.
Size .6 X .+ X -3
mm. Later turned dull dark red with cen- tral dark grccn nucleus. Hatched in five days.
Stage I.
Head rounded, slightly hilobed,
brownish luteoiis, ocelli black; held
obliquely erect; width about .3 mm.
moderate or rather thick, the incisures dis- tinct ; feet normal, pale. Uniformly sordid velvety olivaceous tinted, the tubercles rather larse, slightly elevated, dusky.
obscure. Dorsum and venter shaded, some- what darker than the sides; no marks ex-
Volume 9 table of contents