Article beginning on page 189.
Psyche 9:189-190, 1900.
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April, 19011 PSYCHE. 189
The species has been frequently
Diapheromera veliei.
Diaċ´pheromer velii Walsh, Roc. ent.
soc. Philad., iii, 409-410 (1864).
Originally described from Nebraska,
and since then reported only from that
state and Illinois. I have seen speci-
mens from Maryland (Uhler) , Virginia
Wirt Robinson), Georgia (Morrison) ,
Ohio, Southern Illinois (Thomas), Man-
itoba, Dallas Co. and Jefferson, Iowa
(Allen), Lincoln, Valentine and Sand
Hills, Nebr. (Bruner), Platte River,
Nebr. (Hayden), Barber Co., Kans.
(Bruner), Dallas, Tex. (Boll), Ringgold
Barracks, Tex. (Schott), Pecos River
(Capt. Pope), Albuquerque, N. Mex.
(Bruner) , Sancelito, Mex. (Palmer),
Sail Pedro and Montelovez, Coahuila,
Mex. (Palmer), and Venis Mecas and
Sierra San Miguelito, San Luis Potosi,
Mex. (Palmer).
Diapheromera mesillana sp. nov.
$ċ Slenderer than D.femorata, uniform
greenish flavous, the antennae infuecated beyond the basal third, the thorax smooth, with an obscure median carina ; subapical inferior spine of middle and hind femora rather slight. Mesothorax and metathorax (including median segment) of equal length. Seventh and ninth abdominal segments sub- equal in length and distinctly longer than the eighth, all equal in width and nowhere enlarged, the ninth rather feebly and angu- larly emarginate, exposing a small, trans- verse, apically arcuate, supraanal plate ; cerci about as long as the ninth abdominal &eg- merit, rigidly straight, directed backward and not at all downward, slender, tapering, blunt tipped, externally convex, and internally concave.
Length of body, 55 mm.; head, 3 mm.;
antennae, circa 37 mm. ; mesothorax, 12.5 rnrn.; fore femora, 14.5 mm. ; middlefemora, 11 nun. ; hind femora, 13.5 mm.
2 3. Between Mesilla and Las
Cruces, N. Mex., June 30 (A. P.
Kudule mendicu Walk. This larva has
proved unusually difficult and for no real reason. As early as 1871 Mr. W. Saunders published on the first stage, but was unable to go further as he could find nothing that the larvae would eat. I have tried the same experiment with equal ill success, till the fortunate discovery of the food plant by Mr. Lucock (Can. ent., xxx, 248, 1898) ren- dered the whole matter simple. The food
plant was also independently discovered by Mr. W. D. Kearfott, who has kindly pre-
sented to me an inflated larva and pupa
The first stage has been described by
Saunders, the last by Lucock, both briefly and the pupa has been remarked on by
Hulst and Smith.
Egr. Suspended on a slender silken fibre which runs from one object to another so that the egg swings free in the air. In
nature the eggs were found laid on sheep's
190 PSYcfm. [April, 190
wool stuck on the base of a tree in a pasture, on horse hair in a similar location and on spider webs under the edges of rocks. Ellip- tical, flattened slightly on two sides but not so much as usual. Reticulations represented by rather smooth shallow dents, jnst indi- cated. The whole surface besides very finely but distinctly shagrecned, the little flattened elevations all quite regular, rounded; slight- ly shining, pale yellowish, changing to
pinkish yellow ; size .8 X .6 X .5 mm. Eggs from Keene Valley, New York, Jnne 3jLh;
Jefferson Highlands, New Hampshire, June 30th; Washington, D. C., May yst.
Siqe I, Very long, slender and loophg
with great rapidity till the food plant is found; when distnrbed suddenly curl up in an irregular S-shape and keep still. Of nor- mal Geometrid structure, abdominal feet on joints 10 and 13; segments annulate, not very regularly. Tubercles moderate, dis- tinct, dark. a little elevated, normal, i and ii in line, iii above and before the spiracle, iv behind and below it, v sub-ventral; no sub- primaries. Sctac short, stiff with small glandular tips. Head blackish; body sordid yellowish white, rather translucent. After eating, sordid grayish green, feet pale; no marks. At the end of the stage a broad
irregularly powdery subdorsal band appcars. Stage II.
Head strongly bilobed, round,
flattened before, free from joint 2; black, lighter on the apices of the lobes before; width .6 mm. Body moderately slender,
uniform, finely, but not distinctly, nuiner- ously annulate. Anal flap truncate, notched, anal feet with small plates; shields nncorni- fied, concolorous. Tubercles small, black, iv on the elongated segments (5 to lo), on a large, rounded, elevated, black base; all dis- tinct. Setae short, black, club-shaped at tip. Whitish, faintly green from the food a broad, diffuse, pulverulent purple-brown subdorsal band on joints 2 to 13, the feet also marked slightly with this color and tubercle iv surrounded by it. Spiracles
black; feet normal.
Sfap III. Head rounded,slightly squared
at apex, not bilobed, erect, free from joint 2; black, whitish marked over the clypeus and in an erect line to the top of each lobe, joined by a transverse bar above the ciypeus; width .8 mm. Body whitish, speckled by
the distinct, though not large, slightly elevated black tubercles, shading to pale slate gray dorsally and ventrally. Segments niiiniiro~~sly but not very strongly annulate. Dorsum irregularly specklcd with brown, on thorax aiid less plainly on joints 10 to 13 forming a diffuse subdorsal baud; a more evident spot behind the spiracle. Shields concolorous, not cornified. Body some-
what slender and elongated, cylindrical, smooth; all feet whitish.
Stuge ZV. Head cordate, erect, flattened before, the lobes slightly projecting in front, with an elevated tubercle i; whitish, gray nlottled, a blackish shade about the sides and over the lower part of clypeus, reappearing in a patch on the inner side of the vertex of each lobe; width 1.3 mni. Body long and
slender, cylindrical, uniform ; joint 13 trnn- cate, slightly concave posteriorly; anal feet narrowly triangular; no prongs. Central
segments with a broad smooth space anteri- orly, then about 15-annulate, not very die tinctly, 12 of the annulets situated between tubercles i and ii, the end segments normally contracted. Flesh colored, shaded with
greenish and sparsely brown dotted; on the thorax the dots still slightly indicate a sub- dorsal line, but posteriorly it is entirely broken up, forming a group of dorsal dot- tings on joint 9 and about tubercle iv on 8 and 9. Tubercles slightly prominent in
blackish patches. Setae short, dark, directed obliquely posteriorly. No shields.
Cocoon. The larva is slung in a delicate, open, reticnlar web.
I see no trace of the
" girth " described by Riley and Smith and suppose the net was partly broken in their specimen giving rise to the appearance of a single strand.
Pitpa. This hangs in the net with the
April, ~~011 PSYCHE. 191
cast larval skin projecting behind. The
shape is peculiar. Nearly straight along the ventral line, the head projecting a, little ven- trally and a slight indentation at base of wing cases. Dot-sum angled at the mesono- tun1 and first abdominal segment, then ta- pering to the anal segment ; wing cases raised a little at their margins. No cremaster, the anal end smooth and rounded, glued firmly in the end of the cast skin, from which it is with difficulty dissociated. Integument
soft and delicate; pupa motionless. Thickly overlaid purplish dots and mottlings on a whitish ground, interspersed with a few
orange colored specks especially along the dorsal line posteriorly and about the spira- cles; wing cases purplish shaded, somewhat wrinkly.
Food $Tau2 wild violet, on the leaves of which the liirvae feed. Double brooded, the second generation said to hibernate as partly grown larvae. Doubtless this generation
has more than four stages; the first genera- tion is the one here described.
a sumner spent on the Labrador Coast, I
found a Pezotettix-like species of Melano- plus, with short wings, at Square Island, but the species was not determined.
Last summer Prof. E. B. Dclabarre during his expedition to northern Labrador ob-
served and collected some locusts, and
kindly presented me with three specimens. One is from Nachvak, collected at a point two miles inland from the harbor, and two others at Cape Mugford directly on the
coast, at a point w-4oo feet above the
level of the sea. The locusts were common locally, in spots. Dr. Scudder has kindly identified them as MeZano$liis ex/femus
juntas. This is its first occurrence in the Labrador peninsula, the species occiirring throughoi~t British America and on the
summit of Mt. Washington, X. H.
A. S. Packard.
ULATLS 13 MATSE. - It may be well to note the northernmost point where an undoubted Anopheles has been found, and identified by ;in expert In a list of Diptera named for me by Baron vou Osten Sacken, the highest living authority on Diptera, and especially those of this country, is the name of this tnosq~iito. The insect was collected and named for me about the years 1861-3. It
was not uncommon at Brunswick, Maine.
I am therefore familiar with this species, having taken it several Limes since that date. So far as I am aware no malaria has as yet been lmown to exist in Maine, and there
at least Anopheles exists with a conscience clear in re malayiae.
A. S. Packard.
CORRECTIOK- On p. 177, in the tlii~-d col- umn of the first table, the figures in the sec- ond and third lines &hould be 136 and not 16. -
The Butterflies of the Eastern United States and Canada With special reference to New England By SAMUEL H. SCUDDER. Illustrated with 96 plates of Butterflies, Caterpillars, Chiysalids, etc. (of which 41 are colored) which include about 2,000 Figures besides Maps and portraits. 19.58 Pages of Tex- Val. I. Introduction; Nymphalidae.
Vol. 2. Remaining Families of Butterflies. Vol. 3. Appendix, Plates and Index.
The set, 3 vols., royal Svo, half levant, $75.00 net- HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO., 4 Park St., Boston, Mass.
Volume 9 table of contents