Article beginning on page 175.
Psyche 9:175-176, 1900.
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March, 19011
The collection of the Mallophaga is
the first made from birds of the Gala-
pagos Islands. Specimens of bird-lice
were taken from 183 bird individuals
representing thirty-four out of the scv- . enty-nine bird species so far recorded from the Islands. Mallophaga were
taken from twenty-six out of the forty-
eight bird species and from all of the five bird peculiar to the Islands.
There is a total of forty-three Mallo-
phagous species represented in the col-
lection, twenty-five of which I have de- scribed as new. The problem of the
occurrence on the Galapagos birds of
previously known species of parasites,
and the extraordinary distribution of
various Mallophagous species on widely
. dissimilar bird hosts of the islands make the study of this unique collection of
Mallophaga a most interesting one.
Little of value in the way of suggestions as to the affinities of the five bird genera peculiar to the islands, drawn from a
study of their parasites, can be got at
until a better knowledge of the Mallo-
phaga of the birds of the west coast of
South and Central America is had. Up
to the present no collections of Mallo-
phaga have been studied from the re-
gion south of Panama, but such collec-
tions are now being made in Bolivia and
and Chili. and their examination should
offer much of interest in connection with the present Galapagos Island collection. All the specimens here referred to are
now in the entomological collections of
Stanford University.
BY 'L', D. A. COCKERELL AND GEO. B. KING. Cryptiurya townsendi was described
from specimens collected on the Mesca-
lero Apache reservation, N. M. At the
same time a var. /Ittcfteae was described, from the Mesh Valley ; 1 am now con-
vinced that this is a valid species, and must be called Crypticeq~aplucheue. The
next find of C. iowmeå´12diwa on Gutier- rezia at Albuquerque, N. M., by the
present writer, in Sept., 1897. So far,
the species had only occurred sparingly, and on a single species of plant; but on Aug. 26, 1900, my wife and I found
it in great quantity on Goat Mtn., Raton, N. M., living on Compositae of five
different genera. The food-plants of
C. tozumendi at Raton were submitted to
Prof. E. L. Greene who determined
them as follows :-- 7ownsendia grand-
flora Nutt., JPlcradeniafioribunda (Gray), Grindelia S ~ L ~ ~ J I . I P ursh, Gic fierrezia sdrothrae (Pursh) ancl h'ahia chf'ysanfhem- aides Gray. Specimens collected at Raton Aiig, 26, gave birth to young at the end of October. Mr. G. B. King at my re-
quest, has kindly made measurements
of the antennae and legs, and these,
with other observations, are given by him below. \T.D.A. Cockerell.]
On October 27, 1900, I received a
176 PSYCHE. [Marc
small box of living specimens of the
above mentioned coccid from Prof.
Cockerell ; which contained three old
females giving birth to young; all of
the others were adult but younger and
contained eggs, embryonic larvae, and
some with the embryo removed, while
others were nearly matured larvae.
The three individuals which I have
termed old, all proved to have eleven
segmented antennae, with the eleventh
segment always longest, two and three
next, and five shortest ; four, six and
seven seem to be nearly equal, as also
do eight, nine and ten. The width of
the several segments is quite uniform
with the first of course as usual broadest. (I) 260. (2) 128. (3) 120. There is
very little difference in their width after leaving segment four, the average being
about 104. Length of middle leg:
Coxa 200-260. Femur with trochanter
680-720. Tibia 580-600. Tarsus
360-380. Claw 108. Width: Coxa
420. Trochanter 306-320. Tibia 160.
Tarsus 108. Claw 48. The younger
forms have ten and eleven segmented
antennae ; those with eleven segments,
the eleventh were longest, one, two and
three next, with five shortest. In the
ten segmented forms, ten is longest,
then three, two next, then one. The
segments of these younger forms seem
to be quite variable as do also the
middle legs, from the following measure- ments : The eleven segmented form, -
Coxa 200. Femur with trochantei- 600.
Tibia, 480. Tarsus 300. Claw 100.
The ten segmented form, - Femur
with trochanter, 560. Tibia 544.
sus too. Claw 104. Newly hat
larvae, red, elliptical
in shape, I
long, 3 mm. broad. Antennae and
black. Eyes black, large, 56 microi
meters in diameter. Antennae six
merited, 6 very long, 3 next, 2 ai
nearly equal, I next, and 5 is shoi
although 4 is but very little lor
The formula of their antennae woul
62 145. Middle leg. Coxa 60. Fei
withtrochanter 200. Tibia 192. T2
140. Claw 40. Eggs oval, (
Genital orifice of Cryptocerya town.
behind the hind legs.
white at first but turn red later
but when cannot bc staled, owing tc
fact that all takes place inside of the t of the female. A sketch is given, sl
ing the position and size of the gel
orifice, just behind the hind legs, ar
a known character of Crypticerya.
L. 0. Howard seems to have been
first to call attention to this cham
together with an exhibition of sl
March, i~oi]
mens, before the Entomological society orifice in mounted specimens under of Washington.
'She size of the genital
cover-glass is I mm. in diameter.
Measuiements of the antennal segments, cf the three full grown females, the length of which were 5h mm. 5 broad and 4 high.
The measurements in the tables arc in inicromilli- meters.
Measure~nents of the antennal segments of the younger forms. $ 4 mm. long, 3 broad, 2& high, 10 and 11 segmented.
Segments. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1
120 108 120 60 60 64 72 80 80 So 160
120 TOO 104 56 48 60 60 72 88 72 160
120 112 1x2 52 48 68 60 56 56 64 160
80 100 120 48 40 So 52 60 56 136
80 84 120 72 40 44 40 40 56 140
Measurements of the segments of the newly hatched larvae. Segments. 1 2 3 4 5 6
52 56 60 44 44 14å
60 48
44 132
53 60
60 48
40 133
. ~
53 60 60 48 40 132 [ George B. King.]
Hsliomata cycladatu Grt.
Laid singly on the edge of a leaf
or in a hole or on end on the petiole.
tcned cylindrical, rounded, one diameter dis- tinctly shorter, ends flattened, the basal one the most so, but rounded.
Eight ribs pro-
jecting at the rim of the micropylar area increasing to a few more by interpolation at about two-thirds the distance toward the other end; raised, coarsely beaded with
nearly contiguous clear granules, a little waved and also slightly flexuous in course, joined by thick, curved cross-striae, a little irregular and not always quite parallel, one to each bead. At the base the sculpture
becomes confused into rounded pit-like retic- ulations of which confusion the short inter- polated ribs seem a part. Coarse lumpy
Volume 9 table of contents