Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 173.
Psyche 9:173-174, 1900.

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March. rgo~j PSYCHE, 178
BY VERNON L. KELLOGG, STANFORD UXIVERSi'I'Y, CAL. The males of winimus, as well as the
closely related species, minkii, oculatus, and sylvestris, have the valve relatively small and the plates long, so that the
latter project beyond the valve a dis-
tance equal to once or twice the length
of the valve. MeZsheimeri~ on the other
hand, is readily separated from the
preceding by its proportionately large
valve and very short plates. The latter
do not project beyond the valve to a
distance more than one third or one half the length of the valve. See the accom-
panying figure (C) .
I must conclude then that Deltocepha-
Zus melshein~erii is distinct from D. mini- mus; that the references to D. melshei-
merii in Hemiptera of Colorado" were
correct; and that D, uffinis G&B is a
synonym of D, welsheimerii.
Chlwotettix unirolor Fitc11.- This
species was described from a single fe-
male, to which Dr. Fitch gave the num-
ber 767. The type is still in a good state INSECTS AND SPIDERS OF
of preservation except that it is consid- erably faded in color.
Mr. Baker in his article on Chlorotettix referred to above reports upon an exam-
ination of what he supposes to be a
Fitch type in the National Museum and
says it is the species described by Mr.
Van Duzee as C. galtinata. This being
correct, the specimens reported in
rt Hcmiptera of Colorado " as C. unicoZm- must be wrong-. I compared the type of
wzirolor with C, galbinatu Van D., and
with the Colorado specimens of C. uniw-
Jor and found Mr. Van Duzee's deter-
minations to be correct and his galdinata very distinct from the type of unicoZor. The descriptions of both these species
as given by Mr. Van Duzee in PSYCHE
of August, I 89 2, pp. 308-3 I 1 are correct and will enable any one conversant with
the gross anatomy of these insects to
correctly separate the species without so much as a hand lens to aid him, unless
his eyesight is very poor.
By the financial aid of Mr. Timothy
Hopkins of Men10 Park, California,
Stanford University was enabled to
send two zoologists with Captain Noyes
of the ninety-six ton schooner Julia K,
Whalcn (San Francisco) to the Galapa-
gos Islands in November, 1898. Mr.
Robert Evans Snodgrass, assistant in
entomology, and Mr. Edmund Hellcr,
student in zoology, were selected to
make the trip. They reached the
Archipelago on December 22, 1898,
and remained in it until June 23, 1899.
In the time of their stay they visited
every island of the group except the
small island called Jervis, spending
from two to sixty days on each island.
Some of the larger islands were visited


174 PSYCHE. [March, zgm
several times. Extensive zoological
collections were made especially of
birds, reptiles, fishes, spiders and in- sects. These collections were placed in
the hands of specialists for study, and
the papers based on the material are
being published in the current volume
of the Proceedings of the Washington
Academy of Science.
The most important invertebrate col-
lections are those of the spiders, the
biting bird-lice (Mallophaga) and of
long series of the Acridid genera, Sellis- tocerca, Spliingonotus and Hahenus.
In addition the insect collections include other Orthoptera, Diptera, Hymenop-
tera,, Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Hemip-
tera, Thysanura, Isoptera and Odonata.
The Arachnida, which have been
studied by Nathan Banks, include 650
specimens, "by far the largest collection ever made " in these islands, represent- ing 48 species, of which 39 are Ara-
neida, 6 are Arthrogastra and ,? are
Acarina. The thirty-nine species of
spiders represent fifteen families;
twenty-live of these spiders are new spe- cies, twenty-one being already known.
Tlie collection includes all of the spe- cies except two ever taken on these
islands. From his study of this collec-
tion Banks concludes that the Araclmi-
clan fauna of the Galapagos Islands is
more truly related to that of the Central American region than to that of any
other portion of the earth. A very
valuable part of the paper on these
spiders is the extensive ecological notes made by Mr. Snodgrass during his col-
The long series of the interesting
Galapagos species of Schistocera, Sph-
ingonotiis and Halmenus reprcsmting
all of the islands of the group in which the species arc to be found have been
carefully studied by Mr. Snodgrass and
his interesting conclusions are contained in a paper suggestively entitled " On the varieties of the Ortlioptcrous genera
Schistoccrca, Spliingonotus and Hal-
mcnus on the Galapagos Islands, and a
discussion of their inter-relationships, together with a considcra.tion of the
relative geological ages of the various
islands of the Archipelago."
The other
Orthoptera comprising twenty-three spe-
cies have been worked by Prof. Jerome
McNeill, who finds seven new species in
the collection.
The insects ol other orders, except
the Mallophaga, have been studied by
the specialists of the U. S.
Division of
Enlomology, under the direction of Dr.
L. 0. Howard. Mr. Coquillet deter-
mines twenty-eight species of Diptera
representing twenty-three genera, and
sixteen families ! Of these five species are new; seven are peculiar to, or at
least were described from the islands,
and all of the remaining sixteen are
species known from South or Central
America, the West Indies and warmer
parts of North America. In the Hemip-
tera Mr. Heidemann finds twenty-four
species of which two are new, and five
previously recorded only from the islands. In this collection are two species of the interesting ocean surface genus Halo-
bates. In the other orders a small num-
ber of new species is described.


March, 19011 PSYCHE. 175
The collection of the Mallophaga is
the first made from birds of the Gala-
pagos Islands. Specimens of bird-lice
were taken from 183 bird individuals
representing thirty-four out of the scv- enty-nine bird species so far recorded
from the Islands. Mallophaga were
taken from twenty-six out of the forty-
eight bird species and from all of the five bird genera peculiar to the Islands.
There is a total of forty-three Mallo-
phagous species represented in the col-
lection, twenty^five of which I have de- scribed as new. The problem of the
occurrence on the Galapagos birds of
previously known species of parasites,
and the extraordinary distribution of
various Mallophagous species on widely
dissimilar bird hosts of the islands make the study of this unique collection of
Mallophaga a most interesting one.
Little of value in the way of suggestions as to the affinities of the five bird genera peculiar to the islands, drawn from a
study of their parasites, can be got at
until a better knowledge of the Mallo-
phaga of the birds of the west coast of
South and Central America is had. Up
to the present no collections of Mallo-
phaga have been studied from the re-
gion south of Paniima, but such collec-
tions are now being made in Bolivia and
and Chili, and their examination should
oft'e1- much of interest in connection with the present Galapagos Island collection. All the specimens here referred to are
now in the entomological collections of
Stanford University.
Cryfftcerya townse7uii was described
from specimens collected on the Mesca-
lero Apache reservation, N. M. At the
same time a var. plucheae was described, from the Mesilla Valley ; 1 am now con-
vinced that this is a valid species, and must be called C~y$tic!~j~ap/7ic/;eae. The next find of C. fow~zsendiws on Gutier-
rezia at Albuquerque, N. M., by the
present writer, in Sept., 1897. So far,
the species had only occurred sparingly, and on a single species of plant ; but on Aug. 26, 1900, my wife and I found
it in great quantity on Goat Mtn., Raton, N. M., living on Compo-sitae of five
different genera. The food-plants of
C. tozc~nsendi at Raton were submitted to Prof. E. L. Grcene who determined
them as follows :-- 7owzsemiia grand-
flora Nutt., P'icri.ideniafloribii.nda (Gray), Grindrlia sparrosa- Pursh, Gutierrezia
siz~~o~rae(Pursh) and h'ahia chrysarnfhem- o'ides Gray. Specimens collected at Raton Aug. 26, gave birth to young at the end
of October. Mr. G. B. King at my re-
quest, has kindly made measurements
of the antennae and Icgs, and these,
with other observations, are given by him below. \T. B. A. Cockerel!.]
On October 27, 1900, I received a


Volume 9 table of contents