Article beginning on page 166.
Psyche 9:166, 1900.
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[February, 1901
brownish jellow; dorsal line faint and
obscure, scarcely darker than the ground except dorsally on joints 10 to 13,
where it is dark and distinct, its border marked by dark dote inlersegmentally
(approximate), and centrally on the segments (remote). Thorax darkly shaded, the lines obsolescent. Venter a shade paler with
series of subventral brown dashes edging the bases of the feet. Setne short, dark; tubercles obsolete ; skin grariular. Later a heavy black shade overspreads the posterior two-thirds of the venter, especially pos- teriorly, reaching the sides and finally the dorsuin of joint 13 in one larva, hut. leaving the feet pale outwardly. Otherwise the larva is uniformly brown, finely annulate, the few dark brown dots obscure. Some of the larvae passed another molt about Sept. 14 with width of head .9 mm., and the same
coloration ; but most hibernated in this stage.
They began feeding again April 30.
Stage V.
Head rounded, rather strongly
hilobed, ashen on the face, brown flecked, a broad diffuse band on each side of the
median suture and s longer parallel one up each lobe bcfore the ocelli to vertex ; width 1.1 mm. Body ochraeeous brown, shaded
with black ventrally on joints 9 to 13, feet pale outwardly. Segments about 30-annu-
late. Traces of brown dorsal and subdorsal lines and black flecks near the incisures ; also blackish shaded laterally posteriorly on the segments. Spiracles black; vi on a low
rounded lump, most distinct on joints .j and 6. Tubercles minute, setae short, black. Stage. VI. Head somewhat squarely
rounded, free ; whitish gray, mottled with brown, a broad, diffuse, mottled dark stripe from behind ocelli and a shorter one each side of median suture ; width 1.6 mm. Seg- ments about 3wuntiulate, cylindrical, uni- form, slender, well drawn out; anal feet projecting' laterally, the plate broad rounded at the end ; shickls all concolorous. Wood brown, ochraceo~xs dorsally on joints 3 to 13, a diffuse red-brown dorsal line. becoming a bluish white bar un the large first annulet. Black crinkly addorsal dashes anteriorly and posteriorly on each segment, the posterior ones a little morc lateral and a little oblique. A diffuse, sparsely pulverulent, black stig- matal and snbventral shading, heaviest and covering most of tlic venter of joints 8 to 10, but leaving the foot of joint 10 outwardly pale. Venter sparsely black irsorate.
Thoracic feet pale. Spiracles black ; tuber- cles and setae minute.
Larvae handed me by Mr. W. I). Kearfott
from his collecting box, where they had
hatched in July; moth the following June. Single brooded, hibernation in Stage IV. The larvae were raised on wild cherry and apple.
AROCERA.-In making sections of the larvae of Simulium and Blepharocera, in a study of the post embryonic development of these llies, I have found a peculiar obstacle in the presence in the alinicntciry canal of hundreds of the tiny siliciois shells of diatoms. From ;ui exai~~iuiilion of the alimentary canal of many specimens of Siiriuiium and BIephtiro- cera it is apparent that diatoms constitute a large part of the food of these larvae, both of which live clinging to the smooth rock beds of swiftly flowing streams. I have mcn-
tionecl, in a paper in the Entomological News (January, 1900) the curious fact that the fully grown larvae of Blepficirocera cufiituta are covered dorsally with a close growth of dia- toms. The most abundant diatom in this
growth was one of thestalked Goinphoncma. The basis of this covering of the larva's back was the gelatinous mass at the base of the stalked diatoms. Scattered upon and through this mass were individuals of Nitxschia and several other diatomaceous genera. The cov- ering had a soft, felt-like appearance, -y- ish or brownish, and did not seem to trouble the larva. I have found a similar diatoma- ceous growth on the larvae of Liponeura and two other Blepharocerid species in Cali-
February, iqoi] PSYCHE. 167
fornia. Each larva thus has a roof-garden in which it rears its favorite vegetable ! Simulium, on the contrary, seems to have to find its diatoms in the open market.
Vo~aoz L. Kellogg.
On November 5, 1898, Professor 0. P. Jenkins of this University (Stanford') found a single triangle spider (Hy$fiotes sp.) on its web in a cedar tree near the University. The web
was nine inches long and six inches wide at its base. It had four radii and twenty-two cross threads. At about tlie same time Dr. Jenkins found a few other webs but was
unable to capture any more of the spiders. The spider seems to be the familiar triangle spider of the East, but differs in a number of minor characters and rather markedly in size. Until more specimens are obtained, however, (and in the two years since finding the first no others have been seen) the specific iden- tity of this Hyptiotes cannot bc certainly determined.
Vernmt L. 1Cellogg'-
I+ December, 1900. The 216th meeting
was held at 156 Brattle St., Mr. S. H. Scud- der in the chair.
Mr. W. L. W. Field showed a moth which
he had raised from a caterpillar mentioned in the Harris Correspondence and shown on pi. 3, fig;. 2.
The qpccicq is not vet c!ete!~mincd.
Mr. A. P. Morse showed specimens of
Dichwnor//;n -viridis which he had taken at Needham. It had not before been found in eastern Massachusetts.
Mr. S. 13. Scudder read a note from Mr.
F. 14. Sprague, announcing the capture of the same species of gr-iisshopper in a mcadow in Milton, Mass., last September. Mr. Scud- der also showed a specimen of Ewpfoieto
claudia. a rare butterfly in New England, captured at the border of Hartford, Conn., by Mr. S. C. Carpenter; specimcns of the European Mmitis religion, reared in Ithacil, N. Y., bv Nr. M. V. Slingerland, from eggs received from Rochester, N. Y., where the insect, has been in some way introdnced, and seems fairly domiciled; a pair of wing- less Acridians, recently received from Mr. T. D. A. Cockerell in Kexv Mexico, where they were found upon Larrea. the twigs of which the? closely resemble; Ihe species is called Clemafodes Iarreue and not ~111~~ forms a new genus, but represents a new
group, allied to certain tropical groups and cspeciiillj the Vilernac; and finally, ;I pair of Cyphodewi~ wovistroxa Ui~l., the male one of the types described from Oregon more
than 3.5 years ago, the fcn1de. hitherto un- lcno~vn, from Lagpi-i, Alberta; the striking difference between the sexes were pointed out.
Mr. R. I-Iflvwiird showed a record which he had kept during the past summer of the notes of the Katj-did with relation to tern- pei-xtnr? -'to fipi~~';ii- in Ps'i clil~t. Guide to the Genera and Classification of the Orthoptera of North America north of Mexico. By SAMUEL H. SCUDDER. 90 pp. 8'. Contains keys for the determination of the higher groups as well as the nearly 200 genera of our Orthoptera, with full bibliographical aids to further study.
Sent by mail on receipt of price $1.00.
Volume 9 table of contents