Article beginning on page 155.
Psyche 9:155-156, 1900.
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~anuary, xq01.1 PSYCHE. 155
Haemaidpis g'rataria Fab. Rilcy has de-
scribed the mature larva and pupa and given a short account of the habits, which has been quoted by Packard.
Laid in a row side by side on the
edge of a leaf or stem. Elliptical, flattened above and below, wedge shaped, the larger end modei-ttely truncate; marked like a
thimble all over, the reticulations broad and rounded, the cell areas depressed, forming rounded shallow pits. The pores at the
angles of the reticulations show in certain lights as white dots. Pale yellow, later turn- ing red. Size .6 X .4 X .3 mm.
Stag's I.
Head rounded, slightly bilobed,
erect, free, dull black, the face whitish, ir- regularly bordered, looking like four conflu- ent patches about the clypcus; antennae
small ; width about .23 mm. Body moderate, normal; white, a little sordid; a broad red- brown subdorsal band, becoming, behind
joint 5, a broad single dorsal band, cut on each segment by a posterior cuneiform patch of the ground color dorsally and a small anterior one subdorsally on each segment. A similar broad subvent.ra1 band, more dif- fuse and a little paler, the pair obscurely joining in the centers of the medial seg- ments. Tubercles small, dark; setae short, slightly enlarged at tips; shields uncornified, concolorons ; feet pale.
Stage II. Head squarish bilobed, a dis-
tinct shallow vertical notch; free, higher than joint a ; brown mottled, a white patch across the lower part of clypeus, a yellowish white vertical band and broader, irregularly edged patch behind the ocelli; width .35 mm. Body somewhat thick, the segments
slightly enlarged centrally and a little angu- larly bent, subannulale, tubercles and setae obsolete. Greenish white, marked with dark reddish brown. At the ends a broad sub-
dorsal band, obscurely geminate, becoming centrally a series of large V-marks, one on a segment, the points directed forward, joined by narrow addorsal and subdorsal lines, In all five such marks, situated on joints 5 to 9. Sides slightly marked with olivaceous in the folds. A broad subventra! band, obscurely darker, running the whole length and partly olivaceous, not so sharply defined as the dorsal marks. Feet pule outwardly. A dark lateral shade on joint 5.
Stag's III. Head as before, the brown
color darkened, spotted, the light color yel- lowish-white; width -5.5 mm. Body yellowish white in ground, but largely obscured. Sub- dorsal line pale brown, sharply, though a little pulverulently edged, continuous, ob- scurely cutting the oblique, velvety brown bars of joints 5 to 9, into which the former V-marks are now divided. Lateral band vel- vety brown, representing the oblique bars at the extremities. A faint, geminate, pale brown, stigmata1 band, composed n~ostly of the prolongations posteriorlj- of the oblique bars, but a true line at the extremities. Subventral band broad, piilverulently gem- inate, dark brown, widened above centrally on the segments, especially on joint 5, where it forms a large spot. Feet pale outwardly. Tubercles and setae obsolete. Body nnoder- ate, rather robust, the segments slightly swollen centrally.
Stag-e IV.
Head rounded, squarish above,
broad, lobes full at cheeks, held obliquely, free from and higher than joint 2; densely dotted with blackish brown, leaving a small white vertical streak on the lobe and a space behind the ocelli, the latter reticulate ; width .8 mm. Body moderate, a little tapering
before, not so behind, marked as before, but the brown marks darker and more extensive 80 that this color predominates, making the
156 PSYCHE. [January, IQ(
larva look brown with greenish white lines, of which the central obliques, bordering the oblique brown patches below and that on
the subventral fold are most distinct. Dor- sal line obscurely geminate, pale.
Stage V Head as before; width 1.25
inm. Body also as before, moderate, cylin- drical, thorax and central abdominal inci- sures smaller, anal plate rounded, a little projecting, anal feet thickly triangular. Heavily mottled with black brown; dorsal line obscurely geminate, lighter brown ; sub- dorsal obliques from subdorsum anteriorly to spiracle on joints 6 to 9, yellowish xhit broken ; a similarly colored, longitudhu broken stigmata1 and subventral line, tv faint lines in subventral space and a distin mcdioventral one, all somewhat pulverule~ and brown dotted. Feet dark, the anal on only pale outwardly. When disturbed tl
larvae fall and remain motionless exlendt straightly. C:ocoon a large delicate net which the pupa is suspended. Many "boodei larvae from Washington, D. C. They ft
readily on Polygo~~um rayi and were raisi on this plant.
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