Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 153.
Psyche 9:153-154, 1900.

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January, 11301.1 PSYCHE. 153
seen the specimens.
I can only say that
the types of rufoscufellatus do not fit the description of misslla - and this most
decidedly. I cannot account for such a
reference as this, and on so uncertain
and ill-founded a basis.
Mr. Ball's guess concerning magnzts
as a form of califorviicus may possibly be correct. I guessed the same before de-
scribing them. However 1 had no proofs
to bear me out, nor has Mr. Ball sub-
mitted any. If they did not represent
species they certainly would varieties,
Mr. Ball does not even allow them varietal standing, but in the same breath bases
a "var, nov." on specimens of laeta
suffused with reddish." This reddish
suffusion is a character not uncommon
among various other Jassids. The ref-
erence of these species to humiHs is
wholly the most superficial guesswork.
It is needless to say that the word pro- notum " in the fourth line of the descrip- tion of magnns is a missprint for elytra." The species idioceroides does belong in
the genus Macropsis as it is at present
defined. Mr. Ball might just as well
separate it as a new genus. It would be
just as good a one as many others in
the Jassidae.
The following is the result of two brief visits to the Harvard Botanical Gardens
at Cambridge, Mass. The first was on
July 15 of this year, in company with
Mr. A. F. Perry. Just two hours' work
was put in at this time. The next visit
was by myself on August 13 ; about three hours were spent about the garden and
greenhouses. Although we found a large
number of coccids to inhabit this beauti- ful garden, we have by no means got all
that really exist there. Other visits are contemplated and it should be said that
a splendid opportunity presents itself
here for students to study the life history of many interesting and injurious coccids. Several species are here cited for the first time, together with many new food
plants, which adds considerably to our
Massachusetts list.
i . Lecanium przi2"r~ost1m Comst. MS.,
Coq. were found on Pr?~nz;s domestics,
var. Bradshawi, recorded here for the
first time from Mass. The food plant is
also new,
2. Lecanium perdtronis Fitch. on
Xanthoxylum americanum a new food
plant for this scale.
3. Leeanium lon~ru/um Dougl. on Mon-
&era deliciosa, in ihe tropical greenhouse. This scale is of recent introduction, and new to Mass.; the food plant is also
4. Lecunizm melalencae Mask. on the
same plant as the latter in the tropical greenhouse, and is of recent introduction


154 PS>CHE. [January, iqoi.
and new to North America. The food 10. Pulvinaria innumerabilis Rathv., plant is also new for this scale.
5. Lecanium hemisphaericum Targ. on
a fern (Wephrolepis tuberosa) , and a vine, in the greenhouse. These food plants
are new.
6. Lecaninm oleae Bern. on a small
shrub out of doors, and is new to Mass.
7. Lecanium sp., very much like L.
oleae, but not that species; only two
found, and not sufficient for study; was found on Cycas reiwluta, in the green-
8. Lecanium tessellafum Sign. This
was the most prolific species met with,
on the following greenhouse plants,
Palms : Chmaerops Martiam, Rhopi,r
flabelliformis, Phoenix Ousleyana, P. re- clinata, P. paludosa,' Awca Alicae, Rho- palostylis Baueri, Caryoia urens, Kentia Forsteriana, K. Wendlandiana, Cham-
aerops Fortune!, Hyophorle Verschaf-
felti, Astrocaryum wexicanum, Arenfa
Wightii; other plants: Monstera deSici-
osa, and Gartnera racemosa. These are
all new food plants.
9. Lecanium fletcheri Ckll., on Thuja
occidenfalis, var. This species was de-
scribed from Ottawa, Canada, in 1893.
In February of this year I received some scales on T. occideutalis from Vienna,
marked " new species." Upon examina-
tion, however, they to be L.
ffetcheri Ckll., identical with those
which I received from Dr. Fletcher.
on Atsrulusftava, a new food plant.
I I. Asfi;/iotus rapa~v Comst., on Co-
prosma Baueriana.
New to Mass. ; the
food plant is also new.
12. Hemichionaspis asptdistrae Sign.,
on DavalZia moorti, a fern in the green- house. The coccid is new to Mass.
13. Mytilaspis ulmi L., on Syringa
perszkz, a new food plant.
I 4. Aulacaspis eZegans Leon., on Cycas
rwohfa, in the greenhouse.
15. Auhcaspis rosae, on Rosa lucida.
I 6. Dactylopius &i Risso, on Callis-
temon lanceolatus, a new food plant.
I 7. Dactylopius longispinzis Targ., on
Nephrodikm a?nghrn, in the greenhouse.
18. Dacfylofius nipae Mask., on an
unknown plant in the tropical green-
house. This is new lo America.
19. Diaspis minima Targ., on Biota
{Thzyk) orientaZis, from China. The
coccid is new to America.
There yet remain a few more species
not yet determined, which will be pub-
lished in a subsequent article. For a
list of scale insects previously recorded from the Harvard Botanical Gardens,
see Canadian Entomologist, 1899, pp.
140, 227, 227, 228, 229, 252, and for
those recorded from Cambridge other
than the above and might perhaps have
been found in the greenhouse of the
Botanical Garden, see the same journal,
1899, PP. 109, 139, and 140.


Volume 9 table of contents