Article beginning on page 151.
Psyche 9:151-152, 1900.
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~anuary, 1901.1 PSYCHE. 151
Hippodamia convergens Guer.
Also found over the greater portion of
the United States and in Canada.
Cytilus trivittatus Melsh. The
United States north of Pennsylvania,
westward to Idaho, common in Canada
and in the higher Rocky Mountains of
Athous cribratus Lee. Previously
known from New Mexico (Taos Peak)
and southern Colorado. A second spec-
imen, differing in form of thorax, I refer with some doubt to the 9 of the above,
the sexes of Athous often being unlike.
Aphodius anthracinus Lec. Utah
(American Fork Canon) ; Colorado
(above Ouray, 9000- ~oooo ft.).
Leptura propinqua Bland. West-
ern Canada, northern V. S. from Mon-
tana to the Pacific; Nevada, New Mex-
ico, Arizona. Common in the moun-
tains of Colorado.
Leptura nigrolineata Bland. Col-
orado (South Park, Leadville, Ouray
and the adjacent mountains up to about
IO,OOO feet).
Syneta carinata Mann. Alaska,
Idaho, Utah " (Horn). One in my
collection is from the mountains of
British Columbia, above the town of
Diabrotica tricincta Say. Colorado
Springs and other points in Colorado,
extends southward to Mexico. Not
confined to the mountains.
lauperodes morrissonii Jac.
Southern California and Arizona."
(Horn). Not quite typical, but accord-
ing to the description very nearly so.
Galeruca externa Say. Kansas,
Utah, Nevada, Oregon, Washington,
Idaho " (Horn). In my collection
from Manitoba ; California ; Williams,
Arizona; and several points in the
mountains of Colorado (Leadville, Breck- enridge, the Argentine Road, mountains
above Ouray). I also have one from
Glenora on the Stikine River in north-
ern British Columbia.
Cantharis nuttalli Say. Winnipeg,
Manitoba ; Dakotas, Montana, various
localities in Colorado; New Mexico.
Trichalophus alternatus Say.
Not unfreyuently met with in the moun-
tains of Colorado. I have it from Breck- enridge, Leadville, Red Cliff and the
Argentine Pass road, also from Laramie,
Stephanocleonus cristatus Lee.
Winnipeg, Manitoba ; Leadville, Colo-
The article on these two genera in the ject with great willingness, especially as November PSYCHE, calls for notice from this case illustrates very well indeed the me and I add further notes on the sub-
very detrimental effect of a common
152 PSYCHE. ("January, 1901.
trouble among American workers, viz.:
a lack of cooperation, be it generous or otherwise. I can only say that I am
ready, as I have always been, to do any- thing in my power, regardless of 'all
other considerations, to prevent such
occurrences as this in connection with
Macropsis and Agallia.
However, once in print, statements
and descriptions cannot be withdrawn,
much as we would like sometimes.
I drafted the descriptions of my new
species of Agallia and Macropsis men-
tioned, some three years before they
were printed and they were sent out for
publication over two years before they
finally appeared. I certainly was not
aware of any paper having been pub-
lished by Osborn and Ball 011 the sub-
ject, for none had been. And finally
I did not hear of nor see the paper
by Osborn and Ball until it was too
late to withdraw my own.
If the types of AgalHa mexicana fit
exactly the description of modesta there can be no question of the synonymy. I
followed my own "elaborate directions "
and saw the female last ventral segment
" slightly concave," though this would
be no specific difference. The same is
true of my species hej,(/p./ and /~oducta. Mr. Ball criticises me for describing
from a single specimen, though on the
same page he does likewise. Doubtless
the "yellow saddle " is likewise a '( re- sult of accident or imperfect develop-
ment," especially when we consider that
the Agallias are quite variable in color. The name mfiudata was long ago preoc-
cupied in European literature.
If this
species is distinct from any of Uhler's it may be known as ba7lii. Mr. Ball
should certainly state his grounds
reducing inconspicua, especially if it was based on an examination of the type.
I have no doubt whatever that pere-
g~inans is a composite species, impossi- ble of determination except through ex-
amination of the types. Any one of a
half dozen North American and fifteen
or twenty South American species would
answer the description equally well.
The types are credited to " Insulae
Taiti el Oahu, California, Rio Janeiro ; var. e Rio Janeiro." Osborn and Ball
expressed doubt as to their own deter-
mination of it. Not having examined
the types this doubt is a very laudable
one. In any event the Sandwich Island
form retains the name and lyrata cannot
be reduced as a synonym of it. This is
another sad commentary on the accu-
racy " of Osborn and Ball's synonymical
Fowler's account of Macropsis had
not been distributed when I sent out my
paper, nor had Osborn and Ball's paper
appeared. Mr. Ball here again mentions
my " very meager " amount of material.
I fail to see the point of this when the number of specimens averages as large
as for many of his own species.
last ventral segment of female in ah-
barnensis was described as three lobed,
in i@ica/is this is said to be rounding or two lobed. As to the correctness of Mr.
Ball's determination of misella (not
lmis.rt//a") I cannot say, not having
January, iqoi.] PSYCHE. 153
seen the specimens,
I can only say that
the types of rufoscutellatt~s do not fit the description of misella - and this most
I cannot account for such a
reference as this, and on so uncertain
and ill-founded a basis.
Mr. Ball's guess concerning magnus
as a form of califmicits may possibly be correct. I guessed the same before de-
scribing them. However 1 had no proofs
to bear me out, nor has Mr. Ball sub-
mitted any. If they did not represent
species they certainly would varieties.
Mr. Ball does not even allow them varietal standing, but in the same breath bases
a "var, nov," on specimens of iaeta
'' suffused with reddish." This reddish
suffusion is a character not uncommon
among- various other Jassids. The ref-
erence of these species to humilis is
wholly the most superficial guesswork.
It is needless to say that the word "pro- notnin " in the fourth line of the descrip- tion of map-mis is a missprint for '' clytra." The species idioceroides does belong in
the genus Macropsis as it is at present
defined. Mr. Ball might just as well
separate it as a new genus. It would be
just as good a one as many others in
the Jassidae.
The following is the result of two brief visits to the Harvard Botanical Gardens
at Cambridge, Mass. The first was on
July 15 of this year, in company with
Mr. A. F. Perry. Just two hours' work
was put in at this time. The next visit
was by myself on August 13 ; about three hours were spent about the garden and
greenhouses. Although we found a large
number of coccids to inhabit this beauti- ful garden, we have by no means got all
that really exist there. Other visits are contemplated and it should be said that
a splendid opportunity presents itself
here for students to study the life history of many interesting and injurious coccids. Several species are here cited for the first time, together with many new food
plants, which adds considerably to our
Massachusetts list.
I. Lecanium pruinosum Comst. MS.,
Coq. were found on Prumis domestic&
var. R~adshawi, recorded here for the
first time from Mass. The food is
also new.
2. Lecanium percitronis Fitch. on
XanthoxyZz;å´/ americmum a new food
plant for this scale,
3. Lecanium Zongulum Dougl. on Moii-
stem deliciosa, in the tropical greenhouse. This scale is ot recent introduction, and new to Mass.; the food plant is also
4. Lecanium melakucae Mask. on the
same plant as the latter in the tropical greenhouse, and is of recent introduction
Volume 9 table of contents