Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Print ISSN 0033-2615
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Article beginning on page 146.
Psyche 9:146, 1900.

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146 PSYCHE. [January, 1901
The regular meetings of the Club are now held at HATES OF SUDSC72/P77OK, .ETC.
7.45 P.hf. on the second Friday of each month, at FAVA1U.E TN ADVANCE.
No. 156 Brattle St. Entomologists temporarily in ; Boston or Cambridge or passing through either city El" Subscriptions not discontinued are considered \ on that day are invited to be present. renewed,
w, Beginning "imih ^amiaz'y^ i8yr, f^e fate oj . sv-bscfipttrm is as follows: -
Yearly subscription, one copy, postpaid, $2.00
A very few complete sets of the first six volumes of PSYCHE remain to be sold for $29.
Yearly subscription, clubs of three, postpaid, 5 oo
Subscriptiin to Vol. 6 (18g1-18y3), postpaid, 5.m SAMUEI, HENSHAW, Treas., Subscription to Vol. 6, clubs of 3, postpaid, 13.00 Cambridge, Mass.
The index iff/// only be sent to slibs~rihen f{^ fhr whole volume. I
Twenty-five extra copies, withouf .f/iity~~r 01 form, to the author of any leading article, !/'or- The following" books and pamphlets are for sale tiered at Ikt lime of ,?end!n,g copy, .
Free ! by the CAMBRIDGE ENTOMOLOGICAL C~.UH: Author's extras over twenty-five in number, Burgess, E. Contributions to the anat-
under same conditions, each per page, . kc. ; on~yof the milk-weed butterfly, Danais archip- Separates, with changes of form -actiia! cost of pus. Boston, 1880. 16 p., a plates. . . 1.00 such climigcs hi addition to above rates. 1 Hitchcock, Edward. Tchnology of New
Itemittances, com~t~tin~cnt~ons, ev~iungcs, books, I i,',ipianri Boston, 18s;8 . . , 1a50 I -.
. -
nd puin~)lil~!ts mlinnlil lie nddrenseil 18n ! Scudder, S. 1-1. The earliest winged in- KIIITOISN OI? I'SK!llK.
sects of America. Cambridge, 1885.8 p., r plate .so ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ l < l ~ ~ , xa6~,, ~,s,A, Scudder, S. H. Historical sketch of the 1 generic names proposed for Butterflies, Sa- -
leal, 1875. . . . . . . . 1.00
AD I'A'/<17SiA'G iL4 å´Iå´å å£TL
Scudder. S. H. The vine-moth of Nan-
^g^-Only thoroughly respectable advertisements will be allowed in PSYCHE. The editors reserve the right to reject advertisements.
Subscribers to PSYCHE can advertise insects for exchange or desired for study, not far cask, free at the discretion of the editors.
Regular style of advertisem~nts plain, at the follow i ng rates : -
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Half " " " . . . 2.25 1.75
One " " " . 4.00 3.50
kch .ru^squmf insertion one-half tfie above rates. Address EDITORS or PSYCHE,
Cambridge, Mass.. U. S. A.
Subscriptions also received in Europe by R. FR~EDLANDER & SOHN,
Curlstrasse XI, Berlin N . W.
tucket, Retinia frustrana. col. pi. Boston, 1883.. .25 Scuddcr, S. H.
The fossil biilterflies of
Florissant, Col., Washington, 1889 . . 1.00 Scuddcr, S. H. Tertiary Tipnlidae, with
special reference to those of Florissant. 9
plates. Philadelphia, 1894. , . . 2.00
Stettiner entomologische Zeitung. Jahrg. 43-44. Stettin, 1882-1883. . . . 2.00
U. S. Entomological Commission.-Fourth
Report, Washington, 1885 . . . . a.00
Cambridge, Mass.
Manual of the Families and Genera of North American Diptera, by S. W. Williston. Paper, &.m; Cloth. $2.25.
297 Crown St., New Haven, Conn,


Volume 9 table of contents