Article beginning on page 143.
Psyche 9:143, 1900.
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December, IQOO.] ~ > s ' ~ ~ ~ ~ . 143
process bearing tubercles iib and iv+v.
rounded piocess bearing tubercle ii of joint 8. Dorbal tubercles all slightly elevated ; anal prongs short, projecting. Slaty black dorsally, a little bronzy, shading to soidid ocherous ventrally. mottled and streaked with black. Collar of joint 3 flesh colored beiore ; processes orange spotted; orange dots on tubercles ii, iv and v and a larger one outside the finger process of joint 8. Foot of joint IG brightly shaded outwardly. A black blotch on joint 8 subvcntrally. Thoracic and anal feet dark. Setae small except on the anal plate and with the hair tubercles black. The larva bends the head and joint 2 downward, forming an angle at joint 3, the feet of 4 crossing the others, making the anterior end look thick and club-shaped.
Stays V. Head shaped as before, but the
back of the occiput covered by joint 2; lab- ruin quadrate, cmarginate, epistoma broad, clypeiis triangular ; purplish gray, thickly mottled on a white ground. somew hilt spiral- ly over the faces of the lobes ; eyes black; last joint of antennae long and reddish; width 3.2 mm. Body as before, a little inten- sified in the characters. Joints 2 and 3 ante- riorly abruptly rising to a high collared elevation on joint 3, angled subdorsally by the double finger processes. Dorsu~n de
scending to joint 5, then cylindrical and smooth (except for the small, produced
tubercles, tubercle ii most produced) to joint 12, but tubercle ii of joint 8 ieq large, form- ing a high, club-shaped papilla; tubercle ii of joint 12 also prominent, but to a less degree. Anal plate rounded behind, the leg shield not produced posteriorly, the prongs thick, moderate. Purplish brown like bark, densely mottled, shields paler, the outbide of the foot of joint 10 especially so; collar black, an orange patch before it, mottled; finger processes tipped with red; tubercles i to v form bright orange cushions bearing the black hair tubercle; tubercles vi and vii black all a little elevated. Spiracles white, black rimmed. Setac short, black, distinct. The half of the larva below the spiracles is lighter, more grayish than the dorsum; the base of the foot of joint 4 and venter of joint8 are darkly shaded, also subdorsally on joint 12 and the papilla of joint 8. Later the ground color becomes alike all over, slightly ocherous gray, like bark, the marks the same, the dark patches more contrasted.
Spun among leaves on the ground. The
eggs were found April 3oth, on a chestnut twig, having apparently passed the winter in this state. The larvae began spinning about June xst and the first moth appeared July 1st. The species therefore scorns to be double brooded with hibernation in the egg state. The larvae were fed on oak till the developing leaves bixiiine too hard for their weak mandibles, after which they ate pear leaves. They seem to be general feeders for any leaves not too hard. 1-arvae from
Washington, D. C.
In PSYCHE vii, 340 (1896) 1 published
some "final notes on Orgvia," giving a list of tlie American species of Notolophus.
Since then some additional facts have come to light.
Noiolo$hus usliiri Barnes, Can. ent., xxxii, 45 (Feb., 1900); libera Strecker, Suppl. 3, Lep. Rhop, & Het., 29 (Mar., 1900).
This newly cliscovcred form from the
Rocky Mountain region is still nnknow'n in the larva. It will prove of much interest, as the moth lies between anfiqzca and veiusta, two species hitherto not considered allied. NotolofJtus inornaia Beut., PSYCHE, ir,
300 (1890).
I shall have to allow this form specific standing. Mr. Be~iteniriiiller not long since collected additional material in Florida which shows a moth nearly allied to de.fini/a and possessing, like it, wool-covered eggs. He kindly directed me to the exact spot where his collections were made and I found there
144 PSYCHE. [December, npo.
old egg-masses of the species, but nothing living. However, on Long Island, N. Y., I met with larvae like leucosiigma but without the yellow subdorsal band. On breeding
them I obtained a moth exactly like Mr.
Beutenmtiller's recent examples of inornate. Hurrison G. Dyar.
(N. Y., Appleton, 1900, BL') is an introduc- tion to zoology of the most rational kind, abundantly and excellently illustrated. It is the only text-book of zoology we havc ever seen which was readable almost from cover to cover. Generous space is given to insects. The authors point out "that the whole
life of animals,. . .ail the variety of animal form and habit is an expression of the fitness of animals to the varied circumstances and conditions of their living.. . [and that this adaptation has] come about inevitably and naturally, and that it can be readily studied and largely understood." The whole book
makes this clear.
Kuwana, assistant in entomoloa'y in Stanford --
University, snent all of last summer in lavan collecting and studying in the field the scale insects of that country, this being the first attempt to make a systematic investigation of Japanese Coccidae. Mr. Kuwana visited and traveled over all of the larger islands of the Empire, and by reason of his knowledge of the language and geography of Japan was able to do very effective work. He gave spe- cial attention to the San Jos6 scale, in an attempt to solve, or at least to contribute to the solution of, the problem of the native habitat of this insect. This scale was found to be distributed over the whole empire, and in certain regions to he a serious pest. . Mr. Kuwana is now engaged in working over his notes and material relating to the San Jos6 scale and finds much evidence to uphold the belief that the insect is native to Japan. He hopes to publish his notes about Christmas time. The collections made by Mr. Kuwana on this expedition, which are large, belong to the entomological laboratory of Stanford University. As far as the duplicate material will allow I shall be glad to make exchanges with students of the Coccidae, or to present specimens to them. Until the material is worked over, however, the collection will he kept intact.
Vernon L. ZCeZlogg.
, . ".
Klaeger and Carlsbad Insect Pins, Setting Boards, Folding Nets, Locality and
Special Labels, Forceps, Sheet Cork, Etc. Other articles are being added, Send for List. THE BUTTERFLY BOOK. Imp. avo., Pp. xxj-382. 48 colored plates. with over 1,000 figures representing 52.5 species, 183 figures in text. Indispensable to collectors and
students of entomology.
$3.00 net, sent postpaid upon receipt of price. Address: W. J. HOLLAND, LL. D., Pittsburg, Pa. Guide to the Genera and Classification of the Orthoptera of North America north of Mexico. By SAMUEL H. SCUDDER. 90 pp. 8O. Contains keys for the determination of the higher groups as well as the nearly 200 genera of our Orthoptera, with full bibliographical aids to further study.
Sent by mail on receipt of price $1.00.
Volume 9 table of contents