Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 142.
Psyche 9:142, 1900.

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142 PSYCHE. I December, 1900.
Aihholana clemafariu Ahb. & Smith.
mature larva has been figured by Abbot.
Packard briefly describes this figure and Bruce has published a short note on the food plants.
Laid in a large mass of about 300,
closely on a twig, all erect on the smaller end like Clisiocampa, but naked. Elliptical, flattened on two sides and a little concave, the larger end distinctly flattened truncate, side view slightly wedge-shaped. Reticula- tions very faint, not showing as lines, hut as slight, roundly hexagonal flattenings, except just around the rim of the apical truncation where they form a row of slightly raised ridges composed of the raised sides of one series of cells, rather broad and diffuse, and at the micropyle where there are some small, rather distinct reticulations. Size .7 X -55 X. 45 mm.
Sfage I. Head broad, rounded, flattened
before, mouth pointed; free, black, epistoma andlabrum pale whitish ; width .3 mm. Body slender, but not greatly elongated, flattened dorso-ventrally. Broadly black dorsally and ventrally leaving a white lateral stripe from joint 2 to the anal plate, which is pale with reddish central and lateral lines. Cervical shield dark like the dorsum, obscure. Anal feet reddish, those of joint 10 darker than 13. Setae dusky with small glandular tips, rather stout, arising from moderate tubercles, paler than the ground color but not contrasting, i and ii nearly in line, ill below ii, iv substigma- tal posterior, no subprimaries ; four setae on the cervical shield, two detached. The white side stripe covers the leg plate of joint 13, not that of 10; claspers of feet pale. Segments finely, not veryregularly annulate. Thoracic feet pale, darker shaded outwardly. On eat- ing, the white parts became greenish and the dark ones turned pale vinous.
Stage II.
Head rounded bilobed, ciypeus
moderate, sunken, lobes full ; slaty black, epistoma and antennae white, mouth pale ; width .6 mm. Body moderate, somewhat
robust, smooth, scarccly annulate ; entirely slaty black, only the claspers of abdominal feet pale yellowish. Tubercles small, dark, setae rather distinct, dusky, short. Skin not shining except slightly in the folds.
shining olivaceous slaty black, no marks. Slage III. Head rounded. full, slightly
bilobed, apex free from joint 2, clypeus large, broad, moderately high ; slaty black, labruni and labium white, slight white streakings on the sides above ocelli; width 1.2 mm. Body rather robust, not greatly elongated, wrinkly subannulate, especially posteriorly on the segments, smooth, the tubercles
slightly elevated, especially on joint 12 pos- teriorly. Anal plate broadly triangular, rounded at the tip; anal prongs thick; anal feet projecting laterally. All brownish black not shining, no distinct marks ; foot of joint 10 outwardly pale; venter a trace lighter than dorsum, obscurely longitudinally streaked. Tubercles iv and v obscurely white ringed setae short, black. Thoracic, feet black, equal, appressed. Later the color is bronzy black centrally, duller at the ends, the tub- ercles a little elevated and lumpy, especially a subdorsal prominence on joint 3 which
forms a more or less distinct dorsal collar. Stag-e IV. Head rounded, slightly bilobed flattened before, free from joint 2 ; lobes full; clypeus to vertex, the paraclypeal pieces obscure; slaty black, the lower part of clypeus mottled with pale and the sides of lobes streaked ; lahrum and epistoma whitish, dull ; antennae short, brown ; width 2.2 nun.
Body cylindrical, rather thick, robust, uni form ; joint 3 anteriorly dorsally strongly collared, with a double lateral finger shaped


December. 1900.1 PSYCHE. 148
process bearing tubercles iib and iv+v. A rounded process bearing tubercle ii of joint 8. Dorsal tubcrcles all slightly elevated ; anal prongs short, projecting. Slaty black dorsally, a little bronzy, shading to sordid ocherous ventrally. mottled and streaked with black. Collar of joint 3 flesh colored before; processes orange spotted; orange dots on tubercles ii, iv and v and a larger one outside the finger process of joint 8. Foot of joint IG brightly shaded outwardly. A black blotch on joint 8 subventrally. Thoracic and anal feet dark. Setae small except on the anal plate and with the hair tubercles black. The larva bends the headand joint 2 downward, forming an angle at joint 3, the feet of 4. crossing the others, making the anterior end look thick and club-shaped.
Stage Vt Head shaped as before, but the
back of the occiput covered by joint 2; lab- ruin quadrate, cmarginate, epistoma broad, clypens triangular; purplish gray, thickly mottled on a white ground. somewhat spiral- ly over the faces of the lobes; eyes black; last joint of antennae long and reddish; width 3.3 mm. Body as before, a little inten- sified in the characters. Joints 2 and 3 ante- riorly abruptly rising to a high collared elevation on joint 3, angled subdorsally by the double finger processes. Dorsum de-
scending to joint 5, then cylindrical and smooth (except for the small, produced
tubercles, tubercle ii most produced) to joint 12, but tubercle ii of joint 8 very large, forni- ing a high, club-shaped papilla; tubercle ii of joint 12 also prominent, but to a less degree. Anal plate rounded behind, the leg shield not produced posteriorly, the prong's thick, moderate. Purplish brown like bark, densely mottled, shields paler, the outside of the foot of joint 10 especially so; collar black, an orange patch before it, mottled; finger processes tipped with red; tubercles i to v form bright orange cushions bearing the black hair tubercle; tubercles vi and vii black all a little elevated. Spiracles white, The half of the larva below the spiracles is lighter, more grayizh than the dorsum; the base of the foot of joint 4 and venter of joint8 are darkly shaded, also subdorsally on joint 12 and the papilla of joint 8. Later the ground color becomes alike all over, slightly ocherous gray, like bark, the marks the same, the dark patches more contrasted.
Spun among leaves on the ground. The
eggs were found April 30111, on a chestnut twig, Laving apparently passed the winter in this state. The larvae began spinning about June 1st and the first moth appeared July 1st. The species therefore seeins to be double brooded with hibernation in the egg state. The larvae were fed on oak till the. developing leaves bec;tme too hard for their weak mandibles, after which they ate pear leaves. They seem to be general feeders for my leaves not too hard. Larvae from
Washington, D. C.
In PSYCHE vii, 340 (1896) T published
some "final notes on Org~ia," giving a list of the American species of Notoloptius.
Since then some additional facts have come to light.
Notolophits usluri Barnes, Can. ent., sxxii, 4.5 (Feb., 1900); Ubera Strecker, Snppl. 3, Lep. Rhop. & Het., 29 (Mar., iqoo).
This newly discovered form from the
Rocky Mountain region is still unknown in the larva. It will prove of much interest, as the moth lies between anfiqita and uefxsta, two species hitherto not considered allied. Notolo-fiJius imrnaiu Bent., PSYCHE, v,
300 (1890).
1 shall have to allow this form specific standing. Mr. Bentenmiiller not long since collected additional material in Florida which shows a moth nearly allied to deHnita and possessing, like it, wool-covered eggs. He kindly directed me to the exact spot where black rimmed. Setae short, black, distinct. his collections were made and
I found there


Volume 9 table of contents