Article beginning on page 130.
Psyche 9:130-132, 1900.
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130 PSYCHE. [November, 1900
as he had but one male of each variety
and it would be exceptional to find two
from even the same locality exactly
alike in color pattern. Baker suggests
that atra may prove but a variety of
hz~tilis Sthl, a suggestion that is un-
doubledly correct as I have examined
males from Vera Cruz that do not differ
from the Colo. specimens except that
they are slightly smaller, and this is also the case in missella the only other
species occurring in both places,
Macropsis laeta Uhl.
var. paeta 11. var.
Differs from typical laeta only in color. In life the whole insect is suffused with red- dish, the hyaline elytra allowing the stronger color of the abdomen to show throngh.
Dried specimens are of a delicate pink. This pink variety of a green species is analogous to the pink Katydid.
Summed up according to the above
synonymy, the specific limits and clis-
tribution will be as follows.
(The gen-
eric synonymy is given above.)
M. laeta Uhl. and vnr. paeta nov,
Known only from Cola
M. apicalis 0 & B.
M. alabamcns-is Baker
Iowa ancl Alabama.
M. robustus Uhl.
Ala. La. Texas, N. Mcx., Ark,
Calif. ancl Colo.
M. missella StsU,
M. nIfoscHtellata Baker.
Colo., N. Mex. and Vera Cruz, Mex,
M. humilis Sikl.
M afra Baker, M califomica Baker,
M, mag;>;u Baker.
Colo., Calif, ancl Vera Cruz.
M. innervis Fowler.
Mex. -Unknown in nature. Its
description (as a Meinbrackl) not giv-
ing specific characters. It may fall
under one of the other ~pecies.
M. (?) idioceroides Baker.
N. Mex. - I doubt very much
Euckleaaa serrata Dm. The larva is
here described for the first time.
Laid loosely, rolling' itrouncl in the
tumbler like sand. In nature donbtless fall- ing l~pou the ground. Elliptical, not flat- tcnecl, but of less diameter on one clireclion, both ends rounded, one (micropylar) slight- ly more flattened. Reticulations large, about 13 the length of the egg, very strongly raised, formiiig ridges, the reticulations wider than long and arraiigcil in nearly straight rows the length of the egg, forming 1ongitudin:il w:ived ridges, which are, however, exactly like the cross striae except that the latter are alterna- ting. Joinings ol reticulations with white points in oblique view, not seen from above. Surface finely shagreened. Bright bluish grucn, later fii1rk red.
Size .S X .5 X 4 mm,
Stqe 7.
Head round, pale brownish, mot-
tled, slightly darker in a line above the bl;lck ocelli, and with whitish over the face ; width about .3 mm. Both- rather short, not slender,
November, iqoo.1 PS YCHE. 131
fcct hirye, cervical shield and anal plate also large bnt not strongly cornified. Body white, a broad regular, snbdorsal, pi~rple-bruvi n stripe, obsolete on the cervical shield, the pair joined dorsdly on joints 10-13 and be- coming a narrow dorsal line on the anal plate. A broad ventral similarly colored band, ah- sent on the seg~ncnts with feel, but narrow- ly tinting their bases. Feet pale. Settle short, bliick, with slightly s-vvollen tips, some of those at the ends and on the feet longer and with sharp tips. Tubercles i and ii near- I? in line, remote; iii well before and above the spiracle; iv well below and somewhat be. hind it; v below iii, vi absent, vii with three setae well separated and arranged in a trian- gle; viii in the ventral dark band. On the thorax the siibprimar~ setae we absent, iiba very long hair, not glandular and with a large tubercle.
Sfap II. Head rounded, not hilobcd,
month pointed and projecting, clypens ronnd- ed above; pale brown, snturcs &irk brown, lobcs marked with hro~vn dots in vertical bands; width 45 mm. The head is held out flat. Body cylindrical, moder;itc, thoracic feet appressed. Whitish green on the sides, n broad pnrple-brovn subdorsal band, the pair united into a dorsal band on joints 10- 15 obscrirely geminate on the thorax, dis- tinctly so and becoming light reel on the cer- vical shield. A broad ventral stripe of the sm-ic ;Isirk color covering all the feet except on the lateral aspect.
Stc~p 111.
Head rounded, held out flat,
pale brovnish, dotted with dark across the face in three irregular transverse bands, the first vertical, second across the clypcus, third at. base of antennae; ocelli black, antennae å´whitish width .6j Trim. Body whitish green, a snbdorsal dark brown band, pulverulent and obscurely double, becoming a single
dorsal band on joints 10-13. A single similar ventral stripe. Fect pale o-ntwardly.
Stays IV.
Head obscurely pale brownish,
dotted with dark brown, most clistinctl.~ in a vertical stripe on the lobcs. Rounded, not bilobcd; width .Q mm. Body moderately
slender, smooth, obscure grayish green, the double band joining behind and the ventral band as before, but gsayisli brown, not con- trasting and all finely, obscurely, longitudi- nally lined with whitish.
The larvae reached this stage September
4th and were hibernating by October 1st. Staf'e V. The moult took place sometime
in the winter, in February or March, T think. The larvae were described April 30th and had not, at that time, begun Lo feed.
Head flattened and held out flat, broad, sq-nare at the mouth, median suture de-
pressed, antennae large and curving inward ; gray, whitish aboni: the clypeus, longitudi- nally streaked on the sides of the lobes, tip of antennae dark ocher ; width 1.2 mm.
Body slender, somewhat flattened, smooth; shields not visible, anal flap conical uith a small tubercle each side the tip; prongs large, contiguous. Gray, obscurely longitudinally striped. Broad dark subdorsal and stigmata1 lines on a light ground, between which are fine addorsal, lateral, suprastigmatal, two lo!~er snbventraI and ventral lines. Tnbci-- cles small, black, not elevated. Spiracles hlack ringed. Feet gray.
Sfwe VI. Head flattened, squarish, llic
ayes. under joint 2 ; bark brown, clypens pale, three vertical straight whitish streaks on each lobe, the one on lateral angle proin- ncnt :md broiid; width 1.7 mm.
Body inod-
erate, cylindrical, smooth, reddish brown, finely lined with black and wit11 a yellowish white substigmatal line, linear except below the spiracles where it is diffusely blotched. The lines are dorsal geminate recklish, double confluent siihdorsal blackish; lateral space shaded with red with indistinct lines; three s~ibconfluent siiprastigmat~il black lines, fow diffuse subventral ones, a red shade and finally three ventral blackish lines, subcon- fluent, the last geminate. Thoracic feet and antennae whitish gray; abdominal ones and anal prongs mottled. Spiracles white, black rimmed.
Siap VII. Head flat and held out flat,
square, apex under joint 2 ; antennae Iargc,
132 PSYCHE. [November, qoo
projecting, curved in\v:ird like claws ; gray, a whitish ground peppered with black and
brown, heavily streaked on the sides with dark as before. The body is smooth, no
humps, moderate, the thoracic feet flat and appressed. 13a1-k brown in appearance, lon- gitudinally lined. Tubercles sinall, distinct, slightly elevated, black. Cervical shield, anal plate and anal leg shields colored like the body but more whitish and mottled.
The lines are fine and numerous, crinkly, ill defined. A subdorsal (tubercle ii) is "back- ish and rather distinctly limits the broad dor- sal space which is filled with brown wavy marks; lateral region with some rather
strong lines and the subventral region also blackish. The lines tend to alternate, hrown and black but are much confused. Ground
color light grq, almost white, but largely obscured.
Sl(zp VIII. Head flat and held out flat, apex n:~rrowly under joint 3; quadrate, cly- pens centrally and tops of lobes a little bulg- ing, paraclypeal pieces reaching nearly to vertex; antennae large, projecting, a little curved inward; gray shaded with brown, mot- tled, epistoma and central part of paraclypeal pieces whitish ; a diffuse lutcous line 011 each side of the median suture and on the sides of the lobes, parallel to the markings on the body ; antennae pale ; width 3.3 mm. Body slightly flattened, robust, onlj- moderately elongated, uniform, no lumps. Tubercles
elevated, conic, thorn-like, more distinct on the posterior half of the body, but small thrmizliont. Thoracic feel curved. au-
pressed ; abdominal ones large, joint 13 with a large triangular plate produced "behind into thick subanal prongs. Anal plate triangular with a central carina posteriorly that becomes a groove anteriorly, the posterior edge of the plate dentated by four tubercles. Setae short and pointed, longer on the anal plate. Rich brown and blackish, relieved by white.
Ground white, almost entirely overlaid hy the other colors. Dorsal space mottled red- brown and ocherous, an ill defined geminate dorsal line, showing blackish on the thorax and posteriorly at the ends of the segments. A broad shaded blackish subdorsal band ; Lit- eral and stigmata1 blackish bands, all ill de- fined, mottled, the spaces between shaded with ocherous and brown, with white show- ing in spots on the posterior edges of seg- ments. A broad subventral band, a narrow- er one each side of the medio-ventral band, all dark and like the others. Spaces between similarly mottled. Venter of joint and ,$ spots below the spiracles on thc subventral fold are lighter, yellow between the dark bands which are not interrupted. Thoracic feet whitish ; abdominal ones darkly mottled, blackish gray. Lines continuous over the shields. Spiracles gray, black rimmed.
Food jla.wt unknown.
The larvae ate ma-
pic in preference to apple and weeds with which they were supplied, and fed upon this tree; probably their native food plants are various. Single brooded, eggs July 28th, mature larvae the following June. Moth
from Summit, New Jersey.
Klaesrer and Carlsbad Insect Pins. setting Other pi-tides are being added, Send for List. -
. ~~ . ~ ~-...
THE BUTTERFLY BOOK. Imp. Svo., Pp. xx+382. 48 colored plates will~ over 1,000 figures representing 525 species.
183 figures in text. Indispensable to collectors and students of entomology.
$3.00 net, sent postpaid upon receipt of price. Address: W. J. HOLLAND, LL.U., Pittsburg, Pa.
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