Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Print ISSN 0033-2615
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Article beginning on page 119.
Psyche 9:119-120, 1900.

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October, 1900.1 p.5- ~1"flA'. 119
white dusted. Thoracic feet brown. No
tubercles or setae. Spiracles minute, brown. Central segtnents long drawn out, tlic ends contracted.
Stage V-
Head lobes produced into high
cones as before but each with a blunt low protuberance before and a little inwardly; mossy granular, minutely mottled white,' brown and black, finely, ; width 1.7 inm. Thoracic feet colored like head, short, held close to it. Joint 2 horned with two bark gray points at the tip. A low
double blackish lump below the spiracle of. joint 6 corresponding to tubercles iv and v, varying in development in different speci- mens. Ends much contracted, Llie central part long drawn out, slender. Feet short; anal plate pointed cordate; anal leg shields trilobatc. Leaf green, minuteljz white
frosted with dense grannies, part of them green ; a series of small dorsal interseg- mental black-vinous streaks with whitish frosted edges. Tubercles indicated by dark spots, themselves obsolete. Joints 10 to 13 gray and brownish shaded; a dark patch
before the foot of joint 10; venter pale. The larva is a remarkable mimic of the yoiing twigs of its food plant, C~ondaZicrferrea. Cocomi an imperfect net of threads between leaves. Pupa light brown with darker cases and a broken dorsal line. Larvae from Palm Beach, Florida; stage I found Feb. a6ih, init.- hire larva Mny r~tI1, the growth very slow for a sublropical insert. Probably lireeds cuiitinuonsly, thongli much time is spent in the larval stage.
Slag-e IV in one example
lasted four weeks.
Mr. Samuel Henshaw semis the following
additions (species or localities) to the List of New England Orthoptera published in the
September PSYCHE.
LaXu Vursfessi Boston, Mass.
Ischnopfera $enns-yl-ua?zica Rhode Island. NyctoSora sen'cea Springfield, Mass.
Pe@Uaneta ausfraliisiire \Vel lesley, Mass. Stngmoma?ii/s carolina Rhode Island.
Ailantims fttichvments Brookline, Mass.
Oecanthus padripituctatus Cambridge,
Blue Hill, and Nantucket, Mass.
Oecm/7ttis ntgricorizis Jatirey, N. I-I., Carn- bridge sand Blue Hill, Mass.
Oecadft as nnps/x'fm?t is Cambridge, Mass. Oecauthis $hi Gloucester, Mass.
GfyZZotd& boreoZis Vt. '
Prof. M. V. Slingcrland has just sent me for determination a female specimen of this insect, reared at Ithaca from eggs received from Rochester, N. Y., where, according- to him, " the insect lias established itself." it is the first time it has been reported in the New World so far as I know. Tt occurs in southern Europe and in Asia as far as Hin- iInstan and Java and in Africa as fnr south :it Zanzibar. S. H. ScuiSdor.
Guide to the Genera and Classification o! the Orthoptera of North America north of Mexico. By SAMUEL H. SCU~ER. go pp. 8'. Contains keys for the determination
of the higher groups as well as the
nearly 200 genera of our Orthoptera, with full bibliographical aids to further study.
Sent by mail on receipt of price $1.00.


120 PSYCHE. [October, iw.
began in January, 1900, and continues through three years. The subscription
price (payable in advance) is $5.00 per volume, or $2.00 per ycai, postpaid. Numbers are issued on the first day of each month. Libraries and individuals generally ordering through subscription agencies (which only take annual sd- scriptions) will please notice that it is c11e;tper to subscribe for the entire volume at once directly of us.- Any early volume can be had for $5.00, unbound. Address Psyche, Cambridge, Mass.
Vols. 1-8, Complete, Unbound - = - - - - $37.00. Vols. 1-8, and Subscription to Volume 9 - - - - $41.00. Vol. 8 contains about 450 pp. and 8 plates, besides other illustrations. The Butterflies of the Eastern United States and Canada With special reference to New England. By SAMUEL 11. SCUDDER. Illustrated with 96 plates of Butterflies, Cnteipillars, Chrysalids, etc. (of which 41 are colored) which include about, 2,000 Tigures besides Maps and portrnitb. 1958 Pages of Tex-
Vol. I. Introduction ; Nymphaiidae.
Vol. 2.
Remaining Families of Butterflies.
Vol. 3.
Appendix, Plates end Index.
The set, 3 vols., royal Svo. half levant, $75.00 net- HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO., 4 Park St., Boston, Mass. A. SMITH& SONS, 146-148 WILLIAM ST., New York. BAKUFACTUBERSAMDIBIPOETEKB0V
Klaeger and Carlsbad Insect Pins, Setting Boards, Folding Nets, Locality and
Special Labels, Forceps, Sheet Cork, Etc. Other articles are being added, Send fo List. THE BUTTERFLY BOOK, Imp, 8vo., Pp. xx+382. 48 colored plates with over 1,000 Hg~ircs representing 52,j species. 183 figures in Lext
Indispensable to collectors and
students of entomology.
$3.00 net, sent postpaid upon receipt of price. Address: W. J. HOLLAND, LL.D., Pittslim'g, Pa. Subscribers to Psyche in arrears will confer a favor by prompt payment of bills.


Volume 9 table of contents