Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 118.
Psyche 9:118, 1900.

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118 PSYCHE. [October, IQQO.
Ins glatra) ; the last four are new food plants. Myti/a.@is ztlmi L. (Syn. M.
pornorum Bouch6) has now been recorded
throughout the world from 46 different
food plants. I have it from 22 in
Mass. Chionaspis firfurus Fitch is
found on 14 different food plants in
(22) Anlacaspis elegans Leon, on
Cycas rez/oI~t/a; this together with Leca- nium hemisphaerimm Targ. and Dacfylo-
pim longispimi-s, were on the same plant in the Springfield natural history mu-
seum. Previously recorded Coccids
found at Springfield are Gossy$a?-ia
uhni, Pkenacuccus aceris, Ripemia kingii, Lecanimn n&~fro/asdatum and Myti/as$i~-
RacheosfiZu .saZ/t~soria Huls t.
lig-g (dissected from moth). Elliptical- stronglj flattened above and below, but
rounded, one end depressed from side view ; shag1 eened, scarcely reticulate ; size .6 X .5 X .3 mm.
Color, orangc red.
Stage 7, Head round) slightly bilobed,
pale brownish ; width -2s mm.
Joint 2 high,
collared in front, the collar notched centrally ; otherwise cylindrical, smooth, slender, the segments bent angularly when walking ; pale yellowish, shining; feet normal, short.
rather sparsely minutely granular. No tuber- cles or setae except on the anal feet and a pair on anal plate, pale, slightly enlarged at tips. Anal plate long, pointed behind, round
before with two conical, thick, subanal
prongs, approximate and longer than the
Stag-e II. Head ~ounded, the lobes
bluntly highly produced, a wide notch be- tween; yellowish, sutures and mouth brown, ocelli black; width .33 nun. Body cylindrical, joint a with two high cones in front; anal plate long, rounded, the thick subanal prongs projecting beyond. Greenish ycllow, smooth, no marks, minutely frosted. Later an intel- rupted dorsal brown line appears.
Sia~e III.
Head lobes sharply conically
produced; green, shaded with brown over the sides; width .55 mm. A high double point on joint 2 ; anal piale elliptical, pointed, the thick subanal prong's reddish. All else
smooth, suhgranular frosted, green, a brown dorsal line represented by dashes in the in- cisures.
Stage. TV.
llead flat before, Hie lobes pro-
duced into thick conical horns, slightly con- stricted centrally; clypeus rather high ; dark brown, face frosted with whitish, and with frosted streaks over the lobes especially be- hind; inout11 black brown; width I mm.
Body slender, uniform, a large single green hump on joint 2 with two approximate, dark brown horns on the summit, a little recurved outwardly. Anal plate long, pointed behind, excavate before; shields of anal feet large, triangular, excavate below posteriorly. Feet of joint 10 small, approximae to the anal ones. Body stiff, angular when walking,
dark green, very faintly frosted with white granules posteriorly; a series of dark vinous- brown intcrsegrnental dashes, frosty edged, connected by a darker green stripe; on joints io to 12 these are contracted to a continuous line. Anal plate green ; thick prongs vinous,


October, iyoo] p.5. y m . 119
white dusted. Tlioracic feet brown. No
tubercles or setae. Spiracles minute, brown. Central segments long drawn out, the ends contracted.
Stage V
Head lobes produced into high
cones as before but each with a blunt low protuberance before and a little inwardly; mossy granular, minutely mottled white,
brown and black, finely, pulverulently ; width 1.7 mm. Thoracic feet colored like head, short, hekl close to it. Joint 2 horned with two bark gray points at the tip. A low
double blackish lump below the spiracle of joint 6 corresponding to tubercles iv and v, varjing in development in different speci- mens. Ends much contracted, Lbe central
part long drawn out, slender. Feet short; sirid plate pointed cordate; anal leg shields trilobatc. Leaf green, minutely white
frosted "with dense grannies, part of them green ; a series of small dorsal interseg- mental black-vinous sf.reaks with whitisli frosted edges. Tubercles indicated by dark spots, themselves obsolete. Joints 10 to 13 gray and brownish shaded; a dark patch
before the foot of joint 10; venter pale. The larva is a remarkable mimic of the young twigs of its Food plant, C!onddlta ferreci. Cocoon, an imperfect net of threads between leaves. Pupa light brown with darker cases and a 11roken dorsal line. Larvae from l'ulin Beach, Florida; stage I found Feb. 26ih, ma- tnre Im-va May r,jtIi, the growlli very slow for a sublropical insect. Probably 1:rcei-Is cuulini.iously, though 11inc11 time is spent in -
the larval stage.
Siage IV in one example
lasted foiu- weeks.
Mr. Samuel Henshaw scuds the following
additions (species or localities) to the List of New England Orthoptera published in the
September PSYCHE.
LaZiu bn~:qesst Boston, Mass.
Tschno-ptera $em~s~~Z-vanira Rhode Island. Nyctobora sm'cea Springfield, Mass.
PeripZamtci msfi-tihisiae Wellesley, Mass. Stnymomanfis carod'nu Rhode Island.
Aflaniic/cs ĺ´pac/;ymeru Brookline, Mass. Oe.canthus qimdri+ucfnfus Cambridge,
Blue Hill, and Nantucket, Mass.
Oecanih~~s ni'icornis Jaftrey, N. I-I., Cam- bridge and Blue Plil:, Mass.
Oecanthus mg'usti^pennis Canibridge, Mass. Oecafzthfts -pint Gloucester, Mass.
Gt-yZZotaipa borealis Vi. '
Prof. M. V. Slhgcrland has just sent me
for determination a female specimen of this insect, reared at Itliaca from cgs received from Rochester, N. Y., where, according to him, "the insect Ims esta~lished itdf." It is the first time it lias been reportcd in the New World so far as I know. Tt occurs in southern Europe and in Asin as far as Hin- dustan and Java and in Africa as far soutlt ;is Zanzibar. .S. 1-1. Sculider.
Guide to the Genera and Classification or the Orthoptera of North America north of Mexico. By SAMUEL H. SCUDDER. 90 pp. 8'. Contains keys for the determination of the higher groups as well as the nearly 200 genera of our Orthoptera, with full bibliog~aphical aids to further study.
Sent by mail on receipt of price $1.00.


Volume 9 table of contents